• Perfect Place of Rest

    "To sleep, perchance to dream…"
    Got home after a busy, energy draining, yet fun four days. I have some alone time! Yea! I do the complete prep – manscape, shower, warm up the room, nice pillow, my favorite back ground jazz, dim lights, cleaned out, lubed well, and allowed the Syn to enter in…
    It was a kind and sensitive mistress tonight. I didn't need a rough and raucous ride, I needed sweet satisfaction. Ah, the bliss of full body, warm, calm oceans of bliss. Lulled by the tenderness, I fell asleep.
    It was one of those sleeps that feels as if you have been in slumberland for days, when it was actually only nice nap. I awoke about 30 minutes later, very rested, a bit energize, and with a happy libido!
    Thank you, Dame Syn – you empathetic, silicone gem!

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