• One Year Anniversary Musings

    Well fellow anal adventurers, I am now entrenched in year two of the journey. I wonder how many of us there are out there who have committed a year plus to this undertaking with out ever achieving any of the o’s; super, dry or mini?
    When you have been on this trip as long as I have, you stop classifying your “progress” by wiki definitions. I have reclassified myself as a “grinder”: a long term user who experiences incremental progress and tends to have a good time just wandering the path. The grinder is not desperate. We already have some measure of success in our lives and because of that we must integrate Aneros use into our existing relationships.
    Brian Mayfield made a comment once about how Aneros users (sooner or later) hit the “snow ball effect” where all sorts of sensations just start cavalcading together. I don’t know when the avalanche will hit; I just know I have to keep logging the time until it does.
    Before I began using this product and joined this forum I thought I knew what pleasure was. I thought I was pretty in touch with my body. This process has awakened not just my prostate but my perception of what sensations my body is possible of producing and translating. My traditional orgasms are many times more pleasurable than before. This little device has helped open up numerous erogenous zones. It has rejuvenated my sexual relationship with my wife – the importance of a few rousing kick starts over the years cannot be underestimated. In addition, the forum discussions here have provided many thought provoking threads in which to help me think through my ever changing world view. This whole experience has been a big net plus.
    Big thanks go to Mrs. J4. I am fortunate that my SO chose to embrace my journey rather that be threatened, indifferent or contemptuous. I maintain that this endeavor does not risk disease, drugs or infidelity.
    I have been plateaued in front of one milestone for a long time – the one that goes “Surprise attack of very serious pleasure”. So in commemoration, I’ve decided to put my own little list of milestones together.
    Right after the first Milestone, “First Insertion”, I would put:
    • OK, no super-O. Recalibrated expectations and started the real journey.
    It also seems to me, that Aneros use has a couple of multifaceted integration points into ones life. In my wiki, I would put:
    • I told my significant other about my Aneros use.
    • I had my first embarrassing “walking around naked in the high school gym locker room with my Aneros hanging out” dream.
    • Successful integration of Aneros use into sexual encounters with my partner.
    • Extraordinary results combining Aneros use during couple play.
    My own personal grinder milestones:
    • Have an efficient routine for lube, hygiene, lube insertion and feel comfortable with the whole session process.
    • Have the ability to block out 2 or 3 one to two hour blocks to have sessions on a weekly basis.
    • The Aneros really has my interest – Joined the forum as an active member.
    • Been around long enough to purchase a second Aneros because one just doesn’t fit all my needs.
    • Been around long enough to purchase a Progasm because it just sounds to cool not to try.
    • I now have a couple forum buddies I am constantly PM’ing with updates and techniques. We are all at about the same place on the journey and the camaraderie is really encouraging and keeps me going
    • Grinders use their resources – not just to keep finding new techniques to try but also in networking with like minded individuals and experts to avoid frustrations and work their way out of negative thoughts and get encouragement and avoid common “expectation” traps.
    And last but not least:
    • There is no such thing as a dud session… some sessions are merely better than others.
    So onward and inward for year two. I’ve run quite the gambit of Aneros accelerators: Progasms, Peridices, Fish Oil, KSMO and, of course, Alana. I think maybe a Eupho and some yoga classes are in my future.
    Good sessions to all!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/22/2009at9:42 am

      Great post and great news J4!
      Wonderful, wonderful about Mrs. J4! Congratulations to both of you! Mrs. a and I so cherish and celebrate all we have learned together, shared together and energized together into our individual lives, outlook and fresher approach to life!
      I am thrilled for you and you both!
      all the very best all ways

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