• Oh Aneros! You really send me!

    Hi guys,
    What a difference of 32 hours downtime from Aneros can have! Yesterday morning which was my fifth straight session in as many days nearly did me in! My trusty Aneros tools didn't produce their usual magic on me as usually. It was just the law of diminishing returns. I came away yesterday morning's session worn out. And combined with the bitterly cold weather, I found myself taking one long nap after another. The only consolation I received was terrifically good Aless!
    Then I went immediately to bed right after 10 p.m. last night and slept soundly until about 4 a.m. this morning. I got up this morning at 5 a.m. to get ready for a commitment this morning at 8:30 a.m. Then some more activities until I got home at 2 p.m. this afternoon. Yet through it all, I had profound Aless throughout the day. I felt so alive, filled with virile energy.
    Eupho Classic performed so admirably this afternoon. He gave me an awesome autof**k with all sort of strokes. Same thing with Helix Classic. Maximus, Tempo, and Progasm Classic performed so well in their individual ways. It is hard for me to choose between models. They are all so good. But right now in my journey, Maximus has to be near the top.
    Throughout life, I met men that really send me. Some have entered my thoughts, yearnings, even dreams! But it is Aneros in its various models that really send me. Take care!