• Now my Eupho with his Big Bros, Session for Saturday November 10

    Hi guys,
    Last week I suffered a severe bout of diarrhea and minor gastric distress which caused me to stay away from the Aneros. In my convalence, my somnolent prostate reassured me his buzz and rewiring continued apace. However, early Saturday morning, I felt well enough to resume my Aneros sessions.
    Legend: E = Eupho; M = Maximus; PI or I = Progasm Ice; PC = Progasm Classic
    Saturday morning I had essentially two sets of the above models: )1( M-E-PI-PC. )2( M-PI-PC-E. I began my session at 6:45 a.m. and ended it at 9:15 a.m. for an unprecedented duration of 3.5 hours! It was a long, leisurely session during which I spent on the average of 20 minutes with each model in the above mentioned sets. I just love how the Maximus warms me up for the session. He introduces me to the Progasm Ice who receives me warmly who in turn introduces me to his big bro, my big bruiser and fucker, the Progasm Classic. I just love how I experience different sensations with these three big guys as I do sets of Kegels with them and let each model autofuck both my prostate and anal canal. What I experience are various nuances, gradations, and textures of pleasure in series or tsunamis of P-waves, perhaps even mini-O's in my Aneros sessions in recent weeks, certainly this past Saturday.
    However, on Saturday, I had my maiden voyage with the Eupho. The Eupho is rather slender compared my three BIG main men, but this newcomer is perhaps even longer in length than these guys. He slipped in easily to the hilt as my Maximus. Also both my Progasm Classic and Ice also slip in fairly easily to the hilt, but must be "locked" into place with both the P and K tabs properly placed.
    The Eupho gave a very good, yet delicate massage. However, I must allow myself to get to know him as well. Take care!

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