• Nipples and Fellatio

    January 3, 2014
    One of the fascinating things about learning is that often what you actually learn is not what you started out seeking to know about. For me I thought that this journey was going to turn me into an erotic mystic who could get into women’s minds and into their pussies to coax them into orgasmic delirium; maybe to a certain degree that has happened, but so much more really has.
    What has really happened is that I have learned more than I ever thought possible about my own erotic mind, orgasmic capacity and sexual response; probably an equal amount to what I learned about women. I have been erotically transformed.
    Aside from my MMO’s themselves the things that are most noteworthy are the change in the erotic response from my nipples, the shift in sensitivity of my my frenulum, the newly discovered orgasmic capacity of my anal canal and my erotic mind.
    Relative to my erotic mind, I am drawing a renewed appreciation of oral sex.
    As I have said in earlier posts, after I was rewired my entire sense of the erotic shifted. My nipples were the first realization. I discovered this one day when I was stretched out on my back allowing my wife to wander over my body and play. From the pleasure she experienced from my playing with her pink buds she decided to try the same techniques on me. First she tenderly kissed them and slowly transitioned from gentle butterfly kisses to licking slowly in a circle starting outside my areola, circling closer toward my nipple. She kept tantalizing me by zeroing in closer with her tongue. They both hardened in response and became increasingly sensitive.
    Finally, she flicked my pebble hard erect nipple and then gently she bit it. My cock which was hardened by our sensual play already lurched and a big teardrop of precum drooled from it.
    This particular event occurred within a few weeks after my first MMO. I knew instantly that something was different. It was excruciatingly arousing.
    When she sucked my hardened nipple into her mouth and wrapped her lips over each pink button and gently massaged it with her tongue I actually felt a ripple of pleasure roll deep into my rectum. I felt my prostate hardening and contracting in delicious spasms. This was my first realization that there was a direct line to my prostate from my nipple.
    I have always been aware of the hot spots on my cock but I never learned how to extract extreme amounts of pleasure from them. At the top of my list is the upturned helmet of my glans.
    In my Aneros and Anerosless induced MMO’s I learned that my frenular cleft is more sensitive to pressure than it is to friction. For MMO’s, pressure on my frenulum is a prerequisite for exquisite multiple orgasms, but more on that later. The other thing that I learned about my frenulum is that it is extremely responsive to heat, especially the wet heat of my lady’s mouth.
    As I learned more I taught her more. Even at middle age she was a motivated learner. Using my frenulum wisely will not only trigger very deep dry orgasms but it will also hasten and increase ejaculatory orgasms.
    In the last several years she has learned to help me experience the highest degree of pleasure possible from oral sex and to express the adoration that she has for me by how she sucks my cock. Although she has been sucking my cock for many – many years it was in these last few years that she became a master and really learned to “flip all my switches”. I can sense her passion and feel her skill and it amplifies my orgasms significantly.
    My favorite way to cum from oral sex is to have me laying on my back, relaxed in bed with my erect cock pointing toward the ceiling, she will cup my balls in one hand and gently, using only her tongue, licking softly, but carefully along the entire underside of my corona. Doing this on the warmth sensitive underside will make my cock drool incessantly.
    As mentioned above, for me the most sensitive area is the point where my corona folds underneath and attaches to what is left of my circumcised frenulum. She learned to gently massage this ultra sensitive area with her tongue, sometimes just letting it sit on her tongue while I savor the warmth and reward her tongue with sweet drops of clear precum.
    The head of my penis swells somewhat larger then it is during the normal course of my erection, especially when I am about to cum. Because the most erotically responsive part of my cock is in the cleft of the frenulum, the best position to make me cum is to approach me from below. This means either kneeling between my legs on a bed or kneeling between my knees while I stand.
    When she puts my stiff cock inside her mouth but doesn’t not tighten her lips around the shaft and teases my frenulum with her tongue it drives me crazy.
    Sometimes I will sit in an elevated position in a chair and she will kneel with her face between my thighs; she will lift my cock and hold it to my belly so she can access my balls. With her tongue she will manipulate the underside of my balls. She will alternate the manipulation with resting my balls on her warm tongue; intermittently she will lick in an upward motion to the very tip of my cock licking up the stream of precum that is usually running a stream down my shaft in the process.
    I love to feel the warm secure caress of my cockhead by her mouth. To give me this exquisite and loving feeling she will put my cock in her mouth by sliding her tongue lovingly over the head until her lips close around the shaft just behind my coronal ridge. She doesn’t open her mouth and close it around my penis, instead she pushes my cock into her mouth allowing it to force her lips and mouth apart as she sucks it in. She will encase the shaft with her hand while her mouth caresses my cockhead tightly. By enclosing my cock with her hand she gives me the sensation of having my penis firmly caressed and adored . I love it!!!!!!!!!
    Because the underside of my cockhead at my frenular scar is so erotically sensitive she knows to take advantage of it. Making sure her moist lips stay in contact with my corona she will firmly massage the underside of my cockhead with her tongue while alternating forcing the slit in my cock open with her tongue to catch my precum before it drips from me. While doing this she will gently move her hand up and down my shaft.
    When I climax this way she feels every inch of the swelling and pulsing of my cock both before I empty into her mouth and during the climax itself. She knows I am cumming because my cockhead will swell significantly before I the first stream of cum pours from me When she realizes I am about to cum she will gently suck around the corona as I climax. The suction around my cockhead intensifies my pleasure and increases the force of my orgasm. When she sucks vigorously on the head of my cock it makes the cum spurt much longer and more intensely as a result. The force of my cum in this position is usually so strong I will shoot ropes of semen directly into her stomach.
    The pleasure in this is increased tenfold as we have learned to give each other oral pleasure very slowly. Slow and mindful sex is the most significant lesson I have learned so far. When she makes love to my cock with her mouth for an hour or more I will cum with such intensity it can actually scare me sometimes.

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