• Nipple diddling, Kegeling, and jocks and cups!

    Hi guys,

    We are in the midst of winter here in DC, but it is going to get even brutally cold here for the next few days because of blast of Arctic air due to arrive late Tuesday night. Actually these blasts of Arctic air are the Arctic Vortex which breaks out of the north polar region. They are more severe some years than others. Actually we have some mild winters than others. What are Aneros guys supposed to do when such brutal winter arrive. In my case, I suspend my Aneros sessions for a while when milder winter weather returns.

    I enjoy reading @goldenboy’s posts. He is so insightful when it comes to his sexuality/sexual experiences, his Aneros experiences, and his seasoned approach to jocks and cups! 🙂 His latest blog post, “Cup or No Cup?” piqued my interest.

    Like @goldenboy, I wear a jock and cup to bed most nights. A jock and cup supports and protects my manhood for sure even in bed. Plus a jock and cup enter into my male sexual intimacy in the nighttime. Yes, like @goldenboy, there are some nights when I wear just briefs. They are OK, but nothing can compare to the raw, yet very sweet feel of a jock and cup at night!

    I began my Aneros journey in early June 2012. However it took a good six years before I achieve my first solid breakthrough of achieving my first sustainable Super-O’s and MMO’s in mid September 2016. I also developed the ability to reproduce them. But most of all, since then I have learned to relax in my sessions and just revel in the absolute sweetness of my Aneros sessions and my Aless. I learned to diddle my nipples and the combine my diddling with the Kegels.

    One powerful fact of most Aneros models is that they P-tabs to massage a guy’s perineum while the Aneros head massage his prostate. The MGX which is perhaps my most favorite model has a ribbed stem to massage my anal canal. However countless Aneros sessions have activated in me my perineum sweet spot.

    Most jockstraps have two leg straps which are joined at the base of the jock pouch. This configuration gives the athlete the support and the protection of his genitals during athletic activity. Jockstraps were invented to prevent guys genitals from flopping about and guard from fatigue. But this juncture of his leg straps and jock pouch covers his perineum. Hence a jockstrap with its elasticity and its bare-assed feel enhance the Kegels. Even more so when I wear an athletic cup. Most modern state-of-the-art athletic cups are contoured, banana shaped designed to give maximum coverage and protection to a guy’s cock and balls, his “man area.”

    The BIKE CUP Supporter Unit no. 85 of which I have many in my collection was a watershed of this design for the male athlete. It was marketed in the mid to late 1980’s (but sadly no longer made). It fits like a sock. I love to wear to bed most nights. It is ideal as jock and cup to maximize of the sweetness of my diddling and Kegels during long winter nights.

    However, a worthy successor to the BIKE CUP is the Shock Doctor Carbon Ultra Flex Cup which my buddy, @goldenboy, likes to wear.

    Shoot! It is bitterly cold at this writing at this writing at 2:30 a.m. in the morning. I must get back to the warmth of my bed. I leave you with this thought. Picture in my mind: Your perineum, your cock root, the base of your ball sack, your anal musculature, and the effect your Kegeling and diddling has on this part of your anatomy. Take care!

    Update, January 29, Tuesday night at 9 p.m.: I went back to bed for a few hours. I diddled myself and felt exquisite sweetness in my prostate, ball sack, and perineum. I got up around 6 a.m. Had an Aneros session with MGX, Progasm Junior, Maximus, and Progasm Black ICE at 6:45 a.m. that was absolutely sweet and powerful!