• New Year, No Fear

    Hello, yeah, it’s been awhile. I have been using regularly for over 17 months. The truth of the matter is, from where I stand on my journey today, I consider that my sessions are still getting better, month over month – incrementally. I don’t seem to have breakthroughs, I only have a more enjoyable session this week than last.
    Recently, I revisited the idea of modifying my original Aneros, the Helix. Why not? It had fallen out favor due to the Eupho. So I cut the handle off and Vwallah, It’s like I’ve gotten a new toy! The Tailless Helix now behaves like a big Peridise. Mobility and comfort all achieved in one ‘snip and sand’ of the handle with no sacrifice in P-Tab placement or feel. As my prostate slowly wakes up it has found more uses for the Helix in my toy rotation – even the Progasm has made a small comeback. The odd man out now that the Eupho takes up over three quarters of my sessions is the Peridise twins.
    My little pleasure spot glows brightly in session – I can generate numerous levels of involuntaries. My prostate buzzes. I can produce pleasure and small amounts of fluid outside of sessions. I can achieve a sort of P-wave – were I get a very exciting boiling spaghetti feeling in my pelvis. I can achieve, perhaps to the greatest detraction from my journey, hands free wet orgasms. I never have found a sweet spot on my perineum.
    What I haven’t gotten is any kind of radiant pleasure – it’s only grown over time to be the one spot and doesn’t’ travel. I’ve never really had a mini or dry O. I’ve never had contractions with pleasure – excepting the ones that lead directly to a hands free wet O. The Hands Free Wet O’s seem to be a very pleasurable dead end on the journey. Once you get there, the body starts to hardwire over to that route. While different than a traditional O, it’s definitely not super or “loopable”. I need to get rid of that wiring.
    Still I look forward to the next session. The range of sensations is awesome – it amazes me that my sessions continue to get better without actually delivering dry o’s. Recently though, I have begun to feel, in session, that I am no longer approaching an orgasm but actually in one. Typically a session starts right away with good feelings and continues until I have to stop. I would like to think that a breakthrough is immanent – but I’ve thought that for over a year now! I’d settle for inevitable. I’m sure there are guys out there who would love to experience the level of pleasure and the successful lifestyle integration that I have achieved – but making comparisons about relative successes or having O envy is another treacherous mind trap.
    When I go back over this blog entry I think to myself – What’s the hook? What’s worth reporting about in this chapter that is newsworthy? It’s been almost 4 months since my last submission and I really don’t have much to tell other than it’s gradually feeling better and I’m consistently getting an intensity of good vibes that I’ve never felt before. My arousal isn’t any higher and my relaxation techniques aren’t any better and my basic toy arsenal hasn’t changed (though the Eupho is a powerful addition and the sawed off Helix is a keeper). It just seems like the Aneros induced pleasure pathways are getting better defined and easier to hop onto and get charged up. That and my improved interior musculature – It’s pretty easy anymore to set up some voluntary intestinal muscle flutter that rubs my prostate in a very pleasant manner.
    In a way, this blog is a litmus test to see if an ordinary user can unlock his orgasmic potential no matter how hardwired he is into traditional pleasure or how long it takes some of us to wander the path.
    Keep on grinding.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/31/2010at12:13 pm

      I have cut off the tail on my Eutho, I like it!

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