• New Year, New Breakthroughs

    To start off with I've never done a blog, so this should be an interesting experience. After chatting with many of you over the last month of so, and receiving an abundance of information for which I am grateful to all of you. I figured this would be the best place to share my most recent breakthrough.
    Over the last two nights I have had two sessions on opposite sides of the spectrum from each other. Night one was my first session in over a month. This was due to the holidays, staying with family, and lack of time to devote to my toys.
    To start off with I thought it would be a great idea to reaccuaint myself with my toys by not masturbating for a week. When I jacked off last weekend I told myself that I would not do it until after I had my sesssion. I later found out that this was not a great idea in that my first session back with my prograsm was a big dud. The first 30 minutes of it were great, but then it just fizzled out and my mind, penis, and testicles were too occupied with releasing. After facing disappointment I relieved myself, took out the progasm, and went to bed wondering what happened.
    On Saturday, I came to the conclusion that I was probably too horny to have a session, there has to be a balance. I posted this question to the forum, and rumel was kind enough to redirect me to Brian's manual.
    Later that evening I thought I would give it another shot. Going into it I thought that would be a dud since I had jacked off the night before. So I watched a little porn to get my arousal juices flowing. Then I remembered that I didn't have the tantra CD I had bought last month to get my mind off of the technique during my sessions. After browsing Itunes for a little while I purchased two CDs and then proceeded to take a hot shower while they were downloading.
    Once they were downloaded, I started the first CD entitled Tantra of Sound Harmonizer by Andi and Jonathan Goldman. I lubed up my helix, inserted it and laid back to see what would happen.
    As the session started and the CD continued to play laid their and focused on the music which is very relaxing. I highly recommend it. I could tell that the helix started to work on its on with soft and gentle taps to my prostate. Halfway through the CD I start to feel my legs to shake and my pelvis starts to do light thrusts. This continued until the end of the CD, but I was enjoying it and feeling good.
    The second CD Tantra Drums by Al Gromer Khan really set things in motion. The music is relaxing but at the same time involves more percussion then the first CD does. During the first track I noticed that my helix stated to move with the beat of the drums, which I thought was weird since I had yet to make one voluntary contraction with my helix.
    This continued and I started to feel waves flow through my body. My skin started to feel silky soft and cool to the touch when I was hot on the inside. I caressed my body a little rubbing my chest and a little nipple stim before I let my arms return to just laying beside me.
    My breathing became heavier, but nothing that I hadn't experienced before and the helix kept dancing to the music. I lited my arms above my head as if I was going to stretch and then moments later my breathing became heavier and faster. My whole torso started to shake and my hips started to throw themselves into the air. I also started to make some high pitched sounds, which I didn't even know I was capable of making since I have a heavy deep voice.
    I start to feel warmth come over my entire body and my hands reached for the headboard. My hips kept rising higher into the air and I could feel the P-tab on my helix latch on and could feel the rest of it start to move in and out of me. My ass cheeks started slapping together and it felt as if there was a fire brewing around my prostate. This continued for about of minute. There I was panting, making these sounds, with my body shaking all over the place.
    When my body came back down to the bed, it felt as if I was laying on a cloud. The bed felt so light almost as if there was nothing under me. I laid there making moans for what seemed like the next 10 minutes. A few minutes later another round started and my legs went crazy. They were on the bed the in the air then back on the bed. I laid their and embraced the warmth. Another "uptempo" track came on and my body went for a third round before my body came down to earth.
    Afterwards I finished off with a nice super T. Took out the helix and started thinking about what had just happened.
    This by far has to be the best session I have had to date. I don't know if it was a Super-O or not because it never felt like I was having an orgasm, but I must say that what I felt tonight was amazing and I can't wait to see what my journey has waiting for me next. Right now I feel alive and in tune with myself physically and mentally. It feels as if a new beginning in my life has started.
    I am sorry for the length of this initial blog post, but many of you that I have communicated with have wanted to be kept in the loop on my progress. I took all that I learned from the aneros community and came at this weekend with a new perspective. Thanks to all of you who shared your experiences and tips that allowed me to have this breakthrough.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/30/2010at5:52 pm

      Great story, thanks for Sharing! Good luck with your next session. 🙂

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