• Nearly a month's hiatus from Aneros and then Wow! Sessions 7/30 and 8/1

    Hi guys,
    Some things intervened in my life which caused me to suspend my Aneros sessions for nearly a month. But they were resolved this past Saturday, so I had a session late Saturday evening to celebrate with Helix Syn and Progasm Jr. It lasted mostly 1.5 hours and was mostly a warm up session. I used Helix Syn as an opener for a return to Aneros activity. When you are rewired by Aneros as I am, it was like meeting an old buddy. I am rediscovering Helix Syn in new ways, likewise Progasm Jr.
    But when this morning rolled around, Monday in a new workweek and a new month, my hole was really horny for Aneros. I chose in order Eupho Syn, Maximus, and Progasm Jr. Eupho Syn has the same velvet touch touch as Helix Syn but is slender like its older brother, Eupho Classic. Eupho Syn danced around is it massaged my anal musculature and prostate. I must have spent a good 30-45 minutes with Eupho Syn lost in surges of pleasure. Maximus seemed to burn when I inserted him, but I used the “do nothing” approach as I let him work his magic first on my side, then on my back, and finally two or three times with my knees next to my chest doing sets of Kegels and Reverse Kegels. I tell you when you do those Kegel sets it’s like fuel being poured on the fire of sexual delights which Aneros is famous as a “fuck tool.” Likewise,with Progasm Jr my man cunt sucked it to the hilt. My man cunt was really hungry this morning and these three Aneros models were happy to oblige.
    My session this morning kick started the ardor of my Alessness. So delighted to be with my Aneros buddies again. They are here for me to work their magic on me to propel me into very sweet states of Aless which affirms the ground of my masculinity and makes me feel young again. However, when you are rewired, Aless is always there in the background always beckoning you back the Aneros! Take care!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/02/2016at1:18 pm

      Great post! Nice to see experienced member’ stories. Keep writing!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/02/2016at11:06 pm

      Thank you, GGringo, I shall keep experimenting in my sessions and in my Aless. I hope to keep writing.

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