• Nadda!

    Nothing! Not even a twitch. But it gets worse. I sent off for another toy on this silly quest. Somebody please stop me. This is nuts.
    I read in the forums about the slightest touch so I have sent off for it. Now I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me. next I will probably be sending off for KSMO then I will be laying around with plastic up my butt and wires hanging off of me groaning and moaning like a bear rubbing my stomach doing some kinda "running antelope" tantric thing I read in here. This is getting nuts.
    At some point I have got to just laugh and point "Ok Aneros guys! You jokesters got me good. I bought your whole product line, Slightest touch (that was made for chicks) and Grunt like a bear and play with yourself KSMO and was stupid enough to blog about it publicly online.
    I'm frustrated. It's not going fast enough for me.
    Anyway I have discovered that I can control my pc muscle and anal muscles independently of one another. I did not realize that you can do that. I thought that if I flexed one the other flexed too. Also I have noticed my pc muscle is getting stronger and I can flex it faster off and on. I do this in class when I'm bored with the speaker and it produces a warm fuzzy feeling in my lower abdomen. I suspect it helps the speaker too seeing someone enjoy their lecture.
    Please note that even though I am frustrated I am still posting and more importantly still purchasing so I have not lost all hope. In a year if this still doesn't work I will see if I can sell a slightly used progasm on Ebay. Just kidding.

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