• My very first session

    I did state earlier that I have experience with sex toys, well I stand corrected now. My first impression is that the device should be described as a natural extension of the male genitals … literally !
    Since quite a young age I experienced with anal play. Why, What made be do it ? I don't know ? I am in a straight relationship but I consider myself bi-curious since I only had 2 short gay fling. I am now 42, I learned to relax while playing anally when I am on my own, I find it pleasurable, it never been something to get hard on from but rather having an erection after a short break from the anal play before having sex.
    Now lets start from where we left off from the last entry. By using this toy I was not expecting right away to be blissfully carried in to amazing orgasm and I did not, I actually felt a sleep. LOL
    Here is what happened. I added more lube and flipped on my back, closed my eyes, and just relaxed contracting my PCs, and oh yes, it feels really good. I started within the first half hour to feel my penis wanting to to get harder. It feels like waves of heat, and spasms coming from inside. I never reached a full hard on, not even close to it but it was very interesting to explore …
    Then I decide to turn on my right side to have a drink, I needed it. Did a few contraction, laid on my stomach with my left leg bended. From that position I quickly felt a very pleasurable wave that kept on coming for about 5 minutes max. I remembered doing a few light relaxed contraction when it stopped and woke up about an hour later.
    Conclusion, it was a very good first contact, 😉
    Now I have to feel that baby in the morning and practice the not falling a sleep part and see where it can leed … I know … My name is apliz and I am now addicted !!!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/11/2011at5:58 am

      i was just looking aorund to seee if others use different positions with it
      i try mine first time last night i mlock in chastity i did it on my side n half hour i did not get anything it felt good that was it will try again fri
      at least i can see you move one position to anohter i like the feel

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