• My Two Orgasmic Worlds Join

    When I first started my journey of sexual discovery 20 years ago, I had no idea what intriguing and life altering things I would find. Then 10 years ago I stumbled into MMO totally by accident. It happened while surfing the net; MMO and anal pleasure sounded too good to be true but the testimonials convinced me to try it. So ten years ago I bought an MGX and my journey in anal orgasm began resulting after a year or so in my rewiring.
    Anal induced MMO brought together the tantric sex that I had been studying and enjoying with J and it even incorporated some of the Zen Meditation that I had been )and still am( practicing and it changed my sexual respose pattern forever.
    MMO is a very solitary inwardly focused activity for me. On the other hand, savoring J’s pussy with my mouth or penis is very outwardly focused; it is an activity where we participate together. Either I am sharing the warm lush pungency of her dewy pussy mouth on my tongue or I am plunging my steely penis deep in her pussy probing her vagina and savoring the exquisitely sensual caress of her warm wet femininity on my cock. Either way it is a paired activity in which the visceral desperate ache of shared erotic sensation is enjoyed mutually; most of the time it culminates in the ecstatic torrential flow of my semen for her witness or taste, or the euphoric rhythmic spasms of her pussy as she succumbs to orgasm.
    When it culminates in fucking, it becomes a locking of our bodies and our minds. With my cock deep in her body we look into each other’s eyes and viscerally experience each other’s ecstasy. Her eyes and her face contorted in the sweet agony of orgasmic euphoria revel to me her experience of the urgently exquisite rapture of penetrative orgasm. I can see in her orgasmic grimace the reality of my hot hard cock massaging the tender warmth deep in her femininity. I can see the blissful shock in her eyes as my cock swells and throbs and pumps my hot creamy load in her cunt.
    When we make love I am exponentially more aware of the sexual sensation I am feeling in her; I can viscerally sense the heat and the clinging wetness of her cunt sucking on my aching cock, imploring it to yield its thick milky cocktail. As my cockhead rubs and massages the sensitive spots deep in her pussy I coax her to climax; her pussy convulsing makes my iron penis explode regurgitating ropes of my white liquid passion in the sex inflamed pit of her cunt. The steamy hiss of my cum extinguishing the inferno of her passion makes her body convulse and her eyes tell me of the exquisite relief and divine ecstasy of the hot erotic steam hissing deep in her pussy.
    Both cunniligus and fucking are a shared activity between us. However, MMO on the other hand is a very inward activity for me. Each wave of MMO orgasm that crashes on me pulls me further and further away from external reality of the world around me, and of her. The pumping sucking pulse of contractive prostate spasms pull me deeper and deeper into my own mind. Like crashing waves at the beach, the crashing wave holds me in its foam after it has crested. Caught in its sensual undertow on the beach of my consciousness the foaming pleasure pulls me away from my body into a rolling sea of blissful rapture. The waves of pleasure pound on me relentlessly numbing my brain and filling my perineum and cock root with glowing euphoria; my nipples tingle and the steam of my own hissing climaxes fill my ears. My anus, prostate and cock are in an erotic tug of war pulling on each other and causing ripples of exquisite orgasmic pumping to reverberate in my cock root, perineum and anus. The resulting chiming echoes of pleasure are like a bell chorus.
    My world of shared sexual activity and MMO existed in different planes of my sex life until five years ago, then they began to join together. It happened when J first asked if she could suck my cock as I MMOed. Despite my fear of ejaculation during the experiment, we tried it; the resulting erotic experience was mind altering. I found myself gasping not to expand the pleasure but to cope with the intense ecstasy that resulted from her warm tongue massaging my cockhead as my anus and prostate fluttered, pumped and pulsed in deep pleasure; the bliss was crushing.
    Then a few weeks later we tried making love whilst I MMOed. I wasn’t sure that I could withhold ejaculation with my cock buried deep in her pussy, but I did. The sensation of my anus fluttering, and contracting in counterpoint to the convulsive pumping of my prostate while my cock luxuriated in the warm loving caress of J’s pussy, was such an erotically hot mind body sensation it almost made my brain melt. We have done it several times since then.
    With her active involvement in my anal pleasure and her acceptance of both the solitary and shared opportunities of MMO she became very understanding of my sexuality. This extended to being a passive participant in MMO. Over the last few years I have learned to join my outward focused sexual response shared with J and meld it with my inward focused MMO experience both actively and passively. True to form in this sexual journey I am on, the kaleidoscope of erotic pleasure continues to turn and reveal yet another lush sensual orgasm vision. This morning another multicolored awe inspiring experience was revealed to me.
    I work at home. These days doing what I love while I am at home are days that I really relish. I get so much more done here than I do at the office. My open door policy in the office has made me successful at getting things done there but the writing aspect of my work suffers as a result. When I am home the quiet bright sunshine of the house inspires me both in the morning and during the day.
    On the first morning I shared MMO with J with her being a passive participant the sunshine was glowing in our bedroom window at 7 AM. The glow of the morning sun in our bedroom with me laying naked in bed has an unbelievably erotic and romantic impact on me. I rolled over and settled in against the warm sleepy sensuality of J’s nude body. This particular morning she was sleeping nude too. Sometimes when she craves the feeling of my warm masculinity on her body she will abandon her nightgowns and savor the sensation of my naked warmth on her skin. Sometimes it inspires us to fuck and sometimes it is just surreally sensually pleasurable.
    There is nothing as sensual as the feeling of nude soft – warm feminine skin on my hard cock first thing in the morning. The languid relaxed comfort of half sleep infiltrated my body and had control of my mind. I love early morning in our bedroom when the golden warmth of morning light warms the room and my mind. Inspired by the sensual feeling of her derriere on my cock I reached around her to embrace a supple warm breast.
    As I have mentioned in many posts in my rewiring J’s nude softness seems to have cast a spell over me. I can launch into immediate MMO’s just from the touch of her satin flesh on my erect penis. This new vibe that she has been giving off has captivated me, it has been more than the normal attraction that we used to share. There is a desperate need in it, a need for physical contact and intimacy that I can’t help but respond to. When we are together in close proximity it permeates me and I can’t resist it. I need to hold her, be with her and be inside her.
    As I embraced her breast I felt her nipple harden in my palm. I bent my left leg and put it over her hip as I pressed my chest against her bare back. She sighed as she dozed in my arms. I felt the sensual warmth of her body on my skin, it wrapped around me as I wrapped around her. My erection nestled in the warm crease between her ass cheeks. My heartbeat slowed in sublime submission to her blissful feminine sensuality. I held her and began to stroke the breast in my grasp. A mystical peace settled over me as I caressed her and wallowed in her erotic heat. My erect cock bathed in her feminine softness.
    Wrapped around her I let my hand drift down her torso seeking the warm wetness of her pussy mouth. Finding the tuft of downy hair between her thighs she parted her legs slightly and welcomed the warm caress of my palm on her vulva. My middle finger sought the cleft of her pussy mouth, finding it I gently parted the lips and let her pussy lips kiss my finger. As I lay there with my cock in the caress of her ass cheeks and my finger nestled between her pussy lips against the sodden opening of her vagina she sighed gently.
    As my mental and physical responses relaxed my arousal was being piqued. I became acutely aware the scent of her hair, her natural perfume and the wetness of her sleepy arousal on my finger. There is a tangy muskiness to her aroused pussy that rises to my nostrils when she surrenders to her sexual response; it was like a red cape waving in a bulls face, it enraged my arousal to make my cock which was bathing in the warmth of her ass, ache with desire. As I laid there in relaxed agitation with my finger in the pussy of the woman I love I suddenly became aware of the familiar aroused tingling in my anus. It was the sublime tantalizing flames of MMO lapping at my asshole. I breathed slowly and deeply giving permission for the sensation of sexual ecstasy to enter me and ignite me.
    With the granting of that permission I felt my anus opening up as if delicate feminine fingers were holding it open to allow the fiery pleasure access to my anal canal. Once free access was granted the pleasure rushed into my open asshole in a torrent; as it flooded my anus my cock began to pulse and throb. I was keenly aware of J’s soft sensual body in my arms and the sweet caress of her cheeks on my heavy cock. Clinging to her like she was a life preserver I gave myself over to the rapture that was filling me up. As the pleasure took purchase in my anus pulsing waves of orgasmic euphoria pumped in my anal tract.
    As I held J’s pussy to maintain my link with reality her sexy aura saturated my skin and began to push me away urging me to abandon reality in favor of the sublime euphoria of sexual bliss that was tugging me from her. Countering that temptation was the feeling of her wetted pussy mouth on my finger and my cock in her ass. It was her sexual heat that was gently blowing into my anus and I was acutely aware of it. As her warm erotic spell made my anus pulse it wrapped itself around my cock root and began tugging on my cock. Orgasmic spasms redoubled their intensity and gripped my anal canal; it was excruciating and euphoric at the same time. I struggled to breathe quietly in time to the very regular throbbing of the exquisite convulsions that were squeezing my anus. The scent of her arousal filled the bed and saturated my senses.
    As I breathed in the headed scent of her sexuality the spasms that resulted continued to push me higher and higher as I desperately clung to the shreds of reality that bound me to J and the mental space I was sharing with her. The act of caressing J’s pussy served to ground me but her feminine sexuality was the warm wind that made my MMO threaten to carry me into ecstatic oblivion.
    As my cock root pulsed it made precum leaked profusely from my cock slit and coat her anus. The pulsing of my cock root tugged on my cock shaft, making my gently curved prong dance and lurch as it wept tears of crystal clear precum. Joining forces with the spasms in my anus and cock, my prostate lurched into action. Like a great pump under the floorboards in the basement of a mill it pulsed with a heavy shuddering thump. Each time it pumped it resonated throughout my perineum sending waves of anguished pleasure in a crescent from my anus to the tip of my cockhead. Each pulse made me shudder in delirious rapture. I was losing touch with reality, erotic rapture was winning.
    The act of holding her as the machinery of agonizing euphoria pounded sweet ecstasy in my pelvis sent chills up my spine to numb my brain. Pleasure took form before my closed eyes. I could see breath taking feminine sensuality blending together with my own smoldering eroticism in my mind. I saw sensations take life; I saw erotically vulgar visions of J twisting sinuously in the arms feminine orgasm as erotic bliss opened her cunt for me to watch as it let agonizing ecstasy fill her.
    For a full twenty minutes I was tempest tossed in the throes of exquisite mental rapture as anguished orgasmic sensation pounded away at my asshole. I was a blazing inferno of pulsing roaring erotic sensation; the furnace that provided the heat was roaring deep in my anus. I had experienced anal pleasure in the last several years but never anything that even closely approached the sensation that has milking me and twisting me in the frenzy that I was experiencing.
    For an hour I caressed my lovely J as profound orgasmic convulsions pulsed, throbbed and pumped deep inside me; sensations of shear sexual rapture fluttered around me in a relentless fireworks display in my mind. The sensual shapes and sensations of the orgasm pulsing deep in my anal canal morphed and changed in seemingly endless size, form, character and shape. I welcomed each revealing sensation warmly as it washed over me. My breathing, thoughts and the feeling of her body as I moved my hands over her and into her caused the MMO to assume so many forms I lay mesmerized in my euphoric stupor.
    That was the first time I experienced MMO in the passive caress of my sex wife’s derriere several years ago. Since that initial time years ago it has been a weekly activity that I relish as much as the sweet relief of sleep itself.

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