• My Progasm ICE : perhaps my best ride ever!

    Hi guys,

    This morning I had an Aneros session at sunrise, two weeks since my last session on Saturday May 2. This morning I rode in sequence the following models : traditional MGX, traditional Maximus, and Progasm ICE. These are perhaps my most favorite models currently.

    The first two models performed well, but it was Progasm ICE that had a stellar performance this morning, perhaps my best ride ever! This session also has given me amazing and satisfying Aless which I am savoring as I compose this blog entry.

    For the many weeks of the present COVID-19 quarantine, I retire to bed most nights just after sunset. Diddling my nipples helps me forget this crisis at least most nights. I settle into a relaxed sleep and then wake up during the hour before sunrise as the birds in central courtyard beginning their morning songs. I believe my nightly diddling sessions have programmed my body to enjoy the Aneros as never before.

    This morning both MGX and Maximus also prepared my body to have a most satisfying ride with Progasm ICE. It was so enjoyable that I had a long, leisurely Progasm ICE. I used back and forth motion across my nipples and circular motion on my fleshy aureoles and the nipples themselves. Both diddling motions really revved up Progasm ICE for me. I also ceased diddling, but Progasm ICE just worked on my prostate and anal musculature in his own wonderful way. It also is so beautiful to feel the movements of these three models upon my masculine anatomy in such a way as to deliver me at the temple of exquisite male pleasure. The aftermath of my Aless this morning is just as exquisite. I plan to ride Progasm ICE again two days hence next Monday morning at sunrise!

    Take care!


    • Avatar for Turnrow


      05/18/2020at7:09 am

      So glad for your best time ever. It would be helpful for you as a veteran to describe what you felt in the temple of exquisite male pleasure and also in the ALESS which you also describe as exquisite. We underlings who have not experienced such pleasure would be motivated to keep trudging on to what you totally rewired guys are feeling. Thanks for all that you are on this website.

    • Avatar for hanusis9


      05/27/2020at12:23 am

      Good morning all,
      I have all of your blogs and experiences.
      Private at the moment, a good man who takes me by opening my anus and who makes me go to heaven by his comings and goings. Deprived of the immense happiness of loving at the supreme moment of his ejaculation in me, I cannot go to bed without my anero close to me, at hand, for the moment when in the night …
      Kisses to all and, for me, to the males …

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