• My now "Three" Progasm Buddies which I love and adore! Sessions for January 23-26

    Hi guys,
    Since last September 2012, I have been working with first, Progasm Ice, and then Progasm Classic. They along with the Maximus have joined my regular lineup of models on my Aneros Team. Both models of the Progasm have been mainstays in just about every session. You may remember that I had gotten Progasm Classic along with MGX and Helix Classic in December 2011. But they sat unused in my closet because they, especially the Progasm, seemed so intimidating. Like how could I insert such models up my anus?!?! But it was Helix Syn with his deft, soft silicone overlay that led the way when I started Anerosing early June 2012.
    Last September during a session on a Friday morning on a lark, I inserted Progasm Ice for the first time. While he didn't slip entirely to the hilt, I did certainly feel a rush a pleasure that I never felt before when I attempted to insert him. That rush of pleasure through my body was a harbinger, or a promise of good times coming. But it took me several weeks of patience and persistence to insert Progasm Ice easily to the hilt without pain. More so with his big bruiser bro, Progasm Classic. But it was during a session in October that I discovered that these two models were made for the Kegel Exercises and visa versa. In fact, both the Progasm and Kegels were made for each other. My blog entries describe in detail how the Kegels improved my Anerosing in recent months. Likewise, now it is always delightful how Aneros sessions naturally lead me to doing the Kegels outside of sessions.
    So Monday a week ago, Progasm Black Ice joined the lineup on my Aneros Team. He inserted so easily and pleasurably the very first time because now I am so well Anerosed. It was so wonderful!
    Wednesday morning session, January 23:
    Sequence of models used: Progasm Black Ice — Progasm Classic — Progasm Ice.
    Duration: 2 hours.
    Wednesday was a volunteer day, so I did not have the luxury of a long, leisurely session. I worked only with my now "three" Progasm buddies. They all gave my prostate and anal musculature a full, thorough workout. I came away thoroughly satisfied and fulfilled, ready to tackle what seemed my most intense volunteer session ever.
    Thursday morning session, January 24:
    Sequence of models used: Maximus — Progasm Black Ice — Helix Classic — Progasm Classic.
    Duration: 2 hours.
    Thursday I had an "ordinary" Aneros session with small and big models. On the whole, it was a good session.
    Saturday morning session, January 26.
    Sequence of models used: Maximus — Progasm Black Ice — Progasm Classic — Helix Syn — Maximus — Progasm Ice.
    Duration: 4 hours.
    This morning a good long session with my now three Progasm models, twice with Maximus, and only thirty minutes with Helix Syn. All these models gave me a great workout. I certainly enjoy how Maximus interacts so well with me these days that I tried him twice today. He performed so admirably in delivering my prostate a full and direct massage. I spent a good long time with Progasm Ice today first by letting him "necking" with me and then delivering my prostate and anal musculature a full-bodied massage over and over again. This "extra long" session early this morning was a great way to end the week. Tomorrow, being Sunday, I will give my entire Aneros time and myself a good rest as demanded by the Lord's sabbath. Each Aneros session which I have now has a delayed affect. Certainly the mammoth session I had this morning is one that has to be both savored and "digested" by both my psyche and body. Take care! )Blog entry completed Saturday night(.

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