• My First Time

    Having read other blogs I decided to share my experience and journey. I am 45, hetro, married and live in the UK. I have been curious about anal play for a while purchasing a butt plug and other small items. I wanted to extend into prostate massage and having done some research I decided on an Aneros product. I chose the Progasm Ice. Although it is on the larger side, it is suggested that it is more forgiving in finding the postrate.
    Having ordered at the weekend, it arrived on Wed and i immediately set about using it. I prepared myself, relaxed, applied the anal lube I ordered with the Progasm, lay back and slowly inserted.
    I lay for a few mins, allowing myself to get used to having it inside me and slowly started anal contractions.
    I have never been one to produce much precum, but after about 20 mins I was pleasantly surprised at what I had produced. It wasn’t exactly flowing, but enough to feel satisfied for a first try. After a few mins this dried up and I concentrated on different positions and my anal contractions to get used to it inside me.
    I found that lying on my back was the most comfortable so I lay there, fully relaxed and continued with the contractions. Suddenly I felt my heart rate increase, my breathing became deeper as I experienced a whole new sensation. Maybe the shock of this along with my efforts to concentrate too much meant that it died away. This was about an hour into my session.
    I lay back, relaxed again and tried to recreate what had just happened. After about 10 mins I again felt my heart rate increase as the sensations came over me again, this time my arms were shaking. Again I maybe tried too hard to focus and after about 20 seconds the feelings subsided. After a few more minutes I ended the session.
    I’m sure that this was not the “super-o” that I have seen mentioned and described however I feel that I was on the way to finding it. An hour later, carrying on my jobs in the house, I could still feel the effects of what I had experienced. With practise and improved technique I’m sure the Progasm will take me to the place I seek. 24 hours later, I feel that something has “awoken” inside of me, hungry for more.
    My first Aneros session supassed my expectations and brought me a whole new sexual experience. The opportunity for my next session cannot come soon enough.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Theme_Gasm


      07/18/2016at3:39 pm

      Based on your description, you had a very good first experience! You should feel encouraged that you are on a good path toward more even enjoyable experiences! Let things happen, and don’t think you need to take control when they do start to happen…just go with it! The more you let go, well…lets just say…you have a bright future ahead of you!

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