• My 1st session

    1st use, started out shooting some aneros marksman lube into my rectum and lubed up the helix Syn with coconut oil, slid in very easily with no problems. I alternated between my back and side and slowly rocked back and forth, felt good but no oh's or groans during my 1st session. Looking forward to session 2 later today!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/17/2014at8:31 am

      Great, Helixsynuser!
      I'm glad that your maiden Aneros session with Helix Syn well with you! It is only going to get better and better as you progress along in your Aneros journey. Helix Syn is a very good Aneros model to start with. I am looking so forward to working with my Helix Syn later in my session this morning!
      Take care!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/05/2014at2:58 am

      hopefully things will be looking up for you soon. ride the wave.

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