• More and more Aneros and Aless pleasure!

    Hi guys,
    With the achievement of my first Super-O, albeit subtle, yet profound, which happened during my Aneros session Fourth of July morning, I achieved a major long sought goal. The pleasure that I derived from the Super-O just grew and grew especially afterwards in Aless this past Saturday.
    It was even more so this morning. I had a session which began shortly after 5 a.m. I used the following sequence of Aneros models: Eupho Syn, Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.
    I enjoy using Eupho Syn. It is subtle in its action. Eupho Classic is a little more aggressive. Both models are great in opening and warming me up in my sessions. Eupho prepares me more serious Aneros action later on in my sessions. But this morning, I lost myself in the subtlety of Eupho Syn and was richly rewarded.
    With Helix Classic, while I again focused upon it hitting my prostate such sweet fashion, I derived abundant pleasure in how it awakened my anus and the musculature just inside my anal tract. I find myself swooning with sweet pleasure.
    With Progasm Classic, it was more so. I let go and let Progasm stimulate my prostate like never before as well the anal musculature. This morning I spent quality time Progasm. I just can't believe the heights of pleasure it was taking me. I believe I had several Super-O's with Progasm, and even one or two with Helix Classic!
    As always, I had a great ride with Tempo which again gives such great pleasure.
    Maximus as always delivered in giving me direct stimulation of my prostate this morning. I "communed" with Maximus not feeling fatigued whatsoever but eventually brought today's session to an end.
    Today's session left with Aless like nothing before. It is apparent that I have entered new territory worth exploring, a new phase in my Aneros journey!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/08/2015at5:29 am

      Congratulations again on your reaching the big superO. Welcome to the club.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/08/2015at5:59 pm

      Mattp, I wish to thank you and other guys in supporting me in my attempt to reach this important goal with Aneros!

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