• Memories and Fantasies

    I have been thinking a lot about my last male tryst lately. I have been pondering the experience which is now my 3rd. As it was my 3rd I was more comfortable with the idea of male intimacy. The erotic impact my experience at the time and now as I think about it is very arousing; arousal is a very powerful adversary when it comes to resisting future temptation. So this entry is a written contemplation and fantasy; it is about that experience and a fantasy of being with him again. I have not spoken to him in the months since our meeting.
    Before we met you admitted to me that when you think of us coupling erotically it makes your cock hard. It still does the same for me. I sometimes envision us cock to cock, grinding against each other in the mutual pursuit of ejaculation; when I think about that scenario my cock drips.
    The thought of exposing my naked cock to you in person again makes it get heavy with lust and my anus twitch. Ultimately the memory of sharing the vulnerable and erotically embarrassing reality of ejaculating on your hard smooth cockhead is more arousing than any fantasy I have had to date. The thought of your eyes glued to my cock as I straddled your hips and spewed my semen on your tumescent erection is turning my cock into a hot heavy stone as I write this. Our cockheads touching slit to slit oozing precum was the thought in my mind as mmoed this morning.
    Sleep took me quickly last night when I went to bed. I was recalling your smooth cock in my mouth as I lay in the dark stillness of the night. My cock softened as my thoughts softened and sleep claimed me and brought me to the blue haze of slumber. Erotic dreams descended on me immediately; they were a mixture of innocent eroticism and vulgar intimacy with men and women.
    Then at five thirty AM the first hints of light entered our bedroom. My wife was sound asleep next to me. My perineum and anus were twitching and tingling in desperate need of MMO; it had been two nights since my last session. There was a knot behind my balls that was unmistakably my prostate fully erect and tensed in a crouch like a sprinter at the starting line of the 100 yard dash. I was poised to spring into loping long strides of an A Less session and feel the exhilarating pulsing of mmos.
    I slid over to my wife’s warm derriere and docked my penis in the sweet embrace between her ass cheeks. I never imagine I am with someone else when I fuck her or when my long cock is in the hot warm suction of her mouth. But laying there with my cock nestled in the heat of her ass cheeks with my cockhead bathing in the sweet warm kiss of her anus I imagined it was your ass I was spooning. As I lay there swimming in the sensual heat of her body I imagined reaching around you with my left hand and fondling your soft balls and gripping your cock the same way I gripped it when I jerked you off that afternoon.
    I imagined your cock getting hard in the warm tender caress of my hand. Fondling your soft balls and warm cock filled my head with images of intimacy and shared vulnerability. That afternoon seemed so rushed I I forgot to fondle you as I spooned you; I wished I had.
    The image in my mind as I lay there with my pulsing cock nestled in the smooth warmth between her cheeks was of a surfer on a surf board waiting for the perfect wave. As I lay out there in the warm sea rising and falling on the swells of erotic energy that were welling up in my anus and prostate I felt the perfect orgasmic wave arrive. It lifted me up in a powerful tug and forced me to slowly move forward as it pulsing beneath me.
    The wave of pleasure now had me. In metronomic regular pulses in began to fill my anus with the agonizing ecstasy of orgasm. Like a spring winding up I could feel the divine pleasure that only comes with prostate mmo rushing into my helpless asshole in a torrent. I consciously relaxed it to let in as much pleasure as possible. I breathed in time to the regular pulsing of my anus as it struggled to swallow as much of this exquisitely desperate sensation as it could.
    Then when my anal canal could hold no more pleasure the warm hands of pending orgasm reached under my perineum and caressed my balls and began to tug on my now iron like cock taunting it; it was heavy with desire. I imagined they were your hands caressing my cock, tugging it, mouthing it and sucking it. I felt the warm buzz in the core of my cock that told me I was drooling pre cum in a stream. I remembered your comment admiring my dripping precum and I imagined that I was straddling your face with my cock inches from your eyes. I imagined watching you as you watched me in aroused fascination as the clear sweet honey dripped from my pink cock slit. The sight of my liquid passion dripping made your cock hard for me.
    But as I imagined laying there with my cock buried in your ass and your soft sweet balls in my palm the pumping started. My anus started first and then my anal canal responded with wave like spasms rhythmically rolling deep into my core to seize my hardened and impatient prostate.
    As the flames of pleasure in my anal tract licked at my prostate; it began to sizzle and release the warm wet drippings of my arousal for you. Falling into cadence with the metronome like spasming of my asshole, my prostate began to pump in counterpoint to my anal opening. So as my anus puckered and released kissing the air in between beats my prostate pumped with the resonance of a great heavy machine under the floor boards of a factory, pounding the floor beneath me with each thud like pulse. But instead of a dull thud the pounding was like a clear ringing bell whose chiming resonance echoed in waves of deliriously divine pleasure throughout my anal tract; over and over again the great bell rang out in the anguished rapture of orgasm.
    Applying all the control I could I stifled my anal spasms and stilled my asshole. As I breathed in time to the pulsing I drove the pleasure deep into my anal canal and forced in on my prostate. The pleasure grabbed my prostate and squeezed it making it squeal like a trapped animal. However its wails neither were nor wails of fear nor pain but shrieks of extreme pleasure. My heart raced as the steam of excruciating pleasure hissed in my ears.
    Bringing my hand up to my nipples my thoughts returned to you. As I began to tease my erect nipple, I imagined it was you suckling my hardened teat as the MMO drilled harder and harder into my asshole and forced more and more pleasure into me.
    The sweet torment that was engulfing my pelvis was too much to bear now. I feared I would awaken my wife, so I undocked from her anus and moved away from her as she slept in quiet innocence oblivious to the erotic journey that has swept me up.
    I slid back to my side of the bed and lay on my stomach pressing my semi limp cock on the soft mattress. Freed from the distraction of her body as I lay in the embrace of the tempting euphoria of MMO, any feelings of guilt for my thoughts of homoerotic love disappeared. As the MMO wailed in my body, mentally I turned myself fully over to you to be ravished, cherished, fucked, sucked and admired. Shamelessly I imagined the tender embarrassment of being with you and feeling the soft warmth of your cock against mine when we do eventually embrace laying in bed naked the first time. I imagined laying with you naked skin to skin feeling your male erotic warmth soaking into my own skin, making my nipples harden against yours, teasing them to join in the erotic heat of the moment.
    I gave myself over to the reality of sharing sexual pleasure with you and savoring your rigid male sensuality; of your erect cock in my mouth, lodged in my asshole and my hands. The vulgar tenderness of homoerotic sex, cocks entwined and holes penetrated and nipples sucked flooded my mind.
    Again like a swell of a building wave the MMO picked me up again and swaddled me in white hot sexual bliss. The anguishing desperation of pent up arousal culminated with the pulsing, pumping throb of agonizing ecstasy hurling me headlong into a yawning abyss of orgasmic anguish. Precum began to spread on the sheets beneath me as the hands of mistress MMO reached deep into my anus and began to rhythmically milk my prostate, squeezing it and stroking it and forcing it to regurgitate my clear nectar in euphoric spasms. You were there in my mind sipping that honey from my cock as I happily gave it to you.
    As I was tempest tossed in the throes of orgasmic torment our homoerotic liaison became more and more tawdry in my mind; the more illicit and vulgar it became the hotter it became. Images elegantly began to appear in my minds eye; images of me sucking your cock, massaging your cockhead tenderly with my fingertips and pressing our cocks together so that our cock slits were lined up and forced to kiss making me drool my warm pre cum on your cockhead. The sultry and sensual smoothness of your swollen cockhead pumping your cum into my mouth firmed the gentle squeeze of rapture that held my throbbing cock. My anus was pumping hard and fast.
    Images appeared in my imagination of me straddling your hips holding our erect penises together as I humped you and made the underside of our cocks rub against each other until I spewed my semen on your captive cockhead.
    The tormenting pleasure in my anal canal was in full force again. The chiming echoes of unrelenting pleasure again began to resonantly pump in my anal canal. I imagined lying in bed with you sucking your nipple and massaging your anus with my finger as you sighed in aroused gratitude and cradled the back of my head, holding me to your hardened teat to feed me the rich warm imaginary milk of your arousal. As your head was filled with the haze of pleasure your cock would be gripped by the desperate torment of unrequited erection. Torn between the sweet haze that was filling your head and the anguish that was pulling on your cock, I would startle you with the distraction of my finger slipping into your anus to search out your swollen gland.
    You open your thighs to beckon me in my search with a finger, praying quietly that I will find the pulsing treasure deep in your anal canal. When I find the desired swollen jewel that is your prostate I stroke it ever so tenderly. Teasing it and massaging it, it redoubles its hardness and begins to rhythmically convulse in the bliss of my touch. Riveting ripples of exquisite white hot ecstasy rush up your spine to invade your brain. As explosive spasms of pounding orgasmic pleasure detonate in your asshole, your anus spasms on my finger sucking it like it was a sweet lollipop.
    The kaleidoscope of homoerotic love making turns in my head again to reveal me laying in bed on my back with you holding my ankles apart and up in the air, exposing my asshole to you in all its vulgar glory. It is glistening with lube. I reach around my ass to grasp your hard cock sheathed in a lube drenched condom as you prepare to penetrate me.
    I guide your cockhead to my opening and you gently push against me. I am nervous but I breathe deeply and relax mentally giving you permission to enter me. My asshole responds and relaxes and slowly you apply more pressure. Eventually my asshole succumbs and opens to accept you as you slide forward gaining entry. Your cockhead is swallowed in the tight grip of my anus. You push further into the slippery canal that is eager to accept you. I savor the soft hardness of your cock touching the magical spot deep in my anal canal that will deliver me cascading ecstasy. At the same time you are savoring the tight hot grip that my asshole has on your cock.
    Then with my legs in the air in your hands, and your cock deep in my asshole we begin a dance that men have been doing in secret with each other for thousands of years. Neither one of us knows the steps to this dance, but as you thrust in and out of my asshole the sweet music that plays inside of me intoxicates me and makes my legs tremble in your hands, you hear the music and you feel it vibrating on your cock in the warm caress of my asshole. Sensations of sultry euphoria bloom in my anal canal and lull me into a serene state of spasming rapture with a soothing pulsing agony.
    We fall under the magic spell of this erotically intoxicating music. The warm surreptitious allure of the mounting pleasure seizes us both. As we dance the vulgar erotic waltz of male lust the desperation of rising passion wraps around us both. Your cock is coaxing my prostate to succumb and release waves of orgasmic delight; inspired by the tender massage of your cockhead my prostate responds and delivers to me the most elegantly intimate waves of anal orgasms I have ever experienced. My spasming anus methodically squeezes your cock. The vision of me laying before you as you hold my legs up and spear my vulnerable asshole and the rhythmic convulsions squeezing your cock is more than you can bear. As you look at my face contorted in the anguish of being impaled by your cock you release and fill the bag on your cock with your hot semen.
    In reality the thoughts of us, two men unashamedly making love and exposing our nude bodies and our vulnerabilities to each other has vaulted the orgasmic convulsions I was having to the highest levels of pleasure I have experienced for a long time. The mattress underneath me is soaked with my precum. I had been floating in the sea of homoerotic pleasure and lust for more than an hour when I decided to roll over and try to get some more sleep.
    So laying on my back I attempted to find that quiet recess in my mind that would welcome me back in and let me relax and succumb to sleep. However, instead what I found was lurid images of your nakedness beckoning me to come to bed with you. Seductively you urged me to join you ad you laid in the crisp white sheets emboldened by the desire that you knew was burning in me.
    So I came to the bed and laid on top of you as you caressed me. Our cocks were side by side pressed against each others bellies. Slowly I began to hump you rubbing my cock against yours and occasionally against the skin of your belly. Soon you reciprocated with pelvic thrusts that rubbed your cock against me. As we rutted each other we grunted and groaned and cast of any sense of propriety or reservation as animal lust overpowered our rational human brains.
    The thought of embracing you and grinding our cocks together until we both moaned and spewed our cream all over each other pushed my MMO to the abyss of my capacity to cope with pleasure. Then I thought of the image of our two cocks touching at the apex of ecstasy as they both swelled and regurgitated our cum, mingling our cum it a hot thick marbled cocktail …….. and my MMO responded like an open fire that had gasoline poured on it.
    Pouring our mingled cum over the fire of my MMO made my anus flex and spasms and my anal canal ripple in anguished waves of pleasure until my prostate shrieked in excruciating rapture. My legs tremled and pre cum oozed from my cock slit with the profusion of cum. I felt your cock spearing my asshole even though you are hundreds of miles away. That feeling of commanding agonizing ecstasy filling my anal canal made me stifle a moan.
    I lay there for a full 10 minutes riding the peaks and troughs’ of this blissful orgasm as my entire pelvis played a symphony of such elegant and eloquent sensation that it literally took my breath away.
    So when it was done my cock was limps and slimy and my heart was racing. I knew that I must come down and write this immediately before I forgot it. Everything I have written happened in my mind and in my bed in the last 4 hours. Indeed as I am sitting here now writing this my cock has re hardened and is aching at the memory.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/08/2015at11:08 pm

      Hot fantasy Lingaman!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/14/2015at7:16 am

      Amazing fantasy. It had me hard as I read the entire blog.

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