• Me, Myself and my Aneros – The introduction.

    Finally !!! I got my MGX today, I am really happy and exited to have it since it has been about two years that I have been curious about it. I did my research but to be perfectly honest the information is not exactly flowing out there, in fact you are the only website worth reading on the subject since you are covering all aspect of this little treasure, pleasure and physical benefits.
    As soon as my local sexshop call me to say that my toy was in, I jumped in the car and got there. I got a 3 size cock ring set, lube and the MGX. Driving back home all I could think of was to give it a try.
    As soon as I got home I went to the bath room to clean the MGX lubed it up, insertion and I did put 2 cockring on my shaft and one around my balls. I walked around the house a little to get the feeling and it does feel right, I am a big fan of anal play and this baby just fits right in, obvious punt intended !
    Since it was so nice to use I decided to have a seat to see if I could use it driving or at work …. bad Idea ! I poked myself … All right, home use only.
    I grabbed my laptop, went to bed, smoked a little one 😉
    I started to write this blog. It has been only 15 minutes since I inserted this baby, I am certainly not focusing on pleasure and I already had 3 little squirt of precum !!!
    All I am doing is contracting my PC muscles as long as I can randomly … no pattern, no focus, nothing … Ha ha ha, I love it !!!
    I will wire a full report later …
    See you soon !