• Maximus, take three

    Lube: Grapeseed oil only.
    Started with no sensations and took 45 minutes to build to a mini-O which built to another mini-O. Added some nipple stimulation which caused a huge amount of arousal. Ended almost painfully aroused but with no relief coming. NB. penis was not invited in on the stimulation.
    After the session had lasted an hour, I removed the Maximus, evacuated the oil from my bowels, and lay down again. There was a very nice afterglow. Gradually, a tickle like pins-and-needles crept up the back of my legs. It crept up further to my waist area before losing focus, but not before producing a pleasant sensation (I can't really describe it) in my head. I also had a few brief full body shakes at this point. After 90 minutes I got up (I didn't want to – I was by then so relaxed) and went back to what I should have been doing.