• Making love with the Vice !

    It has been a couple of weeks without any Aneros time. The sex has been great, just in different directions.
    Today ,I decided I was craving a session.
    I came home , prepped and she gave my 20-30 minute head start as she knows I enjoy that time relaxing and getting in the mood.
    By the time she comes in , I am having dry Os regularly.
    Twitching and edging.
    She proceeds to give me a deep throat BJ after eating two Altoids ! I was buzzing from the Vice and my cock was almost numb from the Altoids.Very different sensation !
    After a bit I stopped her as I felt this orgasm (s) would be the oozing kind, not the shooting type and I may not know when I came and could ooze down her throat.
    I rolled over and got in a missionary position to make love to her ! I slipped into her with the Vice thrusting into me with the kegels and the pumping movements I was making . It was wild , like it was thrusting into me pushing me into her…almost involuntary and not in my control. Like the best of both worlds !!
    I am getting an erection just rethinking it !
    After a bit I realized that I was probably pouring precum and pulled out not to cum in her.
    After a venture with her Rabbit, I finished off stroking myself, letting my knuckles stroke her clitoris area with each stroke and grinding against her. Mind blowing finish with the Vice exploding in me at impact !
    What a fantastic lady !


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/13/2014at12:51 am

      Awesome description, airwired.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/13/2014at8:02 am

      Thanks @brine. It was an awesome experience !!

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