• Links to post videos, pics, talk in forums, join groups.

    For those of you interested in recording your Aneros sessions and/or Super O’s, here is how you can do so. There is a website called www.xtube.com. You need to have an account; it’s free and easy to sign up for.
    If you don’t already have an XTube.com Account, sign up here:
    Sign into your XTube.com Account with your username and password and then here is the page to start uploading your videos and photos, it’s pretty easy, be certain to put the word (Aneros) in your tag list so people can look up and find your Aneros based pics and/or vids:
    This would be a good way for us to learn from each other in our journey to the Super O. It is not dirty or pornographic or homosexual, it’s an educational experience. I know not everyone will want to do this but remember it is NOT required of you to show your face on the Xtube website. Since breathing is an important step in the Aneros sessions I would advise people to make sure their videos have audio (sound) if possible.
    Here is my profile on www.xtube.com:
    Here is the Xtube Community Forum where you can also discuss the Aneros, once signed in you can start a thread in the confessions forum there:
    Here are some groups you may want to join on Xtube:
    Aneros Group: http://www.xtube.com/groups/group_home.php?g=aneros
    Prostate Milking: http://www.xtube.com/groups/group_home.php?g=prostatemilking
    (Aneros Group) http://www.xtube.com/groups/group_home.php?g=analvibromales
    Here is the Human Sexuality Forum of the Topix.Net Forum website, where you can also discuss the Aneros, go to the bottom of that page to start a discussion or click the link Start Discussion at the top of the page: