• Just Checking In

    Is there anybody out there that even remembers me? Say Hi if you've been around as long as I have!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/14/2015at7:29 am

      have things improved since your last entry? have you had a super o yet?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/17/2015at6:15 pm

      Hi, been around as long as you but never gave it a chance and quit and threw away two devices. I have recently atarted again with a whole new out look and the time to practice. I think I am learning and on my way. I enjoyed your last post

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/19/2015at2:42 pm

      @ Sorena_ Sadly, things have not improved since my last entry. But then again there's nothing wrong with wear I'm at. My last entry with all it's progress is pretty good. I'm still a user and I still enjoy the benefits.
      @ sfs Keep trying man! Enjoy the results, whatever you get. Even if it's more health related than pleasure related.

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