• Joy of Soft Penis Sex Part 6: Solo & Partner Soft: Reprise of the earlier Male Clitoris Massage

    In an earlier blog post here, Great Maintenance Orgasms, I mentioned and described the Male Clitoris Massage, the original exploration of the fully retracted penis, prior to the self-retracting, using a manual retraction technique.
    This is from an earlier introductory post in a thread of mine of mine "Full Penis Retraction for External Prostate Massage":
    >>> I occasionally practice full retraction of my penis and fold the bunched up shaft skin at the surface to help restrain my penis from its natural tendency to be stimulated by this and return semi-erect. I lightly carress this folded, now very labial skin, applying a gentle pressure. The subtle movement is a fabulous massage of my prostate! Very slight engorgement of the penis in there just adds "fullness" and a bit more pressure at the prostate.
    Makes one reflect on a key fact of our genital anatomy; that our penises are semi-autonomous double-ender "flesh-dildoes" that are perpetually making love to their host.
    We are the only species with a non-retracting penis, which has produced myriad cultural responses as to what to do with the thing when not in use! But it still is an inheritance from our penis-retracting ancestors and it can be manually retracted and so used occasionally as yet another enhancement to this aneros practice. <<<
    That thread then goes into more anatomical detail and the reports by several other guys of their successes with this technique.
    The Male Clitoris Massage uses [B]the retracted flaccid penis as the piston to massage the prostate from above[/B], particularly butt not exclusively, during an aneros session. Enhanced orgasmic results are the great benefit of this added tool implementation.
    Here is the url for a Search for "Male AND Clitoris AND Massage" posts by "artform" which gives you five earlier threads three of which really go into this subject (copy this and paste it into your aneros search box: http://www.aneros.com/forum/search.php?search_keywords=%22Male+AND+Clitoris+AND+Massage%22&search_terms=any&search_author=artform&search_forum=-1&search_time=0&search_fields=all&search_cat=-1&sort_by=0&sort_dir=DESC&show_results=topics&return_chars=200
    Others too have discovered this and for a brief time a member named "clitboy" posted and blogged here(again you have to copy and paste into your aneros search box): http://www.aneros.com/displayblog.php?id=5670
    Here is a post from Wuerstchen currently in my thread Full Penis Retraction: Unique Aneros Session Galactic Orgasm.
    >>> Artform, I have just caught up with this thread, and with your blog on the joys of the soft penis. You are truly the guru of soft-penis pleasures! I especially enjoyed the entry on the "mangina." It so happens I have been enjoying my own mangina for years now, and assumed I was alone. My preferred means of solo orgasm is the nipple and breast orgasm, to which I have dedicated years of experimentation and a group on Yahoo. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nipple_orgasm/. But for variety I have in recent years occasionally used a technique in which I finger my "mangina" while working one of my nipples with my free hand. This produces earth-moving orgasms–shattering orgasms! My theory is that as the retracted penis hardens inside its "missile silo," as you so evocatively call it, it presses against the prostate. The intensity of the orgasm is almost frightening.
    Anyway I have posted the link to your "mangina" entry in my group and have already had some enthusiastic responses.
    Wuerstchen <<<
    Thanks W! I agree with your descriptions too! I should not have said that the Galactic Orgasm was unique. I have been there again! It is replicable. Hurray!!! As the spongy corpus caverousi shrink they and the penis becomes more uniformly dense and a "little" "harder" and does make a good little piston 😉 BTW, I had a fantastic "mangina" session recently with my Progasm Ice inside, and two lubricated fingers working inside my mangina!! 🙂
    Hope you and your group will post some of your experiences and detailed descriptions here, thanks.
    As ArticWolves always reminds us: Be thankful for what you have got, rather than worrying about what you haven't got. Or words to that effect. Here's to the enormous range of joys available through soft penis sex!!!
    all the best of all possible sexual sensual sensuous male adventuring all