• Jock pouch foreplay ; Super hot Monday morning session, 8/22/16 ; Noontime Bating/Session Climax *

    Hi guys,
    Boy, was I super sexed for this morning’s session! Yesterday, being Sunday, I pretty much from things with Aneros, except I was still savoring the very strong Aless achieving from Saturday afternoon’s session. I went to bed at the usual time just 10 p.m., last night, and slept reasonably well. But just past midnight, I slipped on an All-Star “Shock Jock” Cup with supporter combo, clearly one the most comfortable jocks and cups on the market. The last few weeks, I like to slip one on at night and Kegel in it at night. Such action makes me feel secure and enables me to sleep like a baby. Then I couple hours late, I took it off and slipped on a BIKE no. 10, men’s large jock for more sweet Kegeling and more blissful sleep.
    I finally awoke in the 5 o’clock hour and arose at 5:30. Before bathing, shaving, and dressing for the day, I had a big BM. Underneath my cargo shorts, I donned a BIKE no. 10 men’s medium jock which holds my genitals perfectly. I got some breakfast 7 Eleven. It was refreshingly cool, with blue skies of the approaching sunrise and a waning gibbous moon high in the southwest sky. The fresh cool air is a harbinger of cooler days ahead. I felt horny in my jock and exulted in its tight pouch as I Kegeled during my errand.
    When I returned to my apartment, I indulged in a good twenty minutes foreplay caressing my mesh jock pouch and the delicious feelings of my encased cock shaft, glans, and scrotum while viewing pics on Tumblr.
    Finally I couldn’t stand it any longer and the session began about 6:55 a.m. It lasted more than 1.25 hours. MGX opened in the session. I spent quality time with MGX, first on my right side and then on my back. I just let MGX do its own thing. I found myself in an extened tug-out-war session with MGX which surprised me with new, exciting sensations which became more and more direct and sweet. I continue this action with Maximus and was richly rewarded.
    Then I went on with Tempo. Tempo works extremely well as I lay on my right side. It too does it own thing although I might assist with subtle Kegels and breathing. Finally I conclude my session with Progasm Ivory with quality time of tug-of-war action and Kegels.
    It is now about 9 o’clock in the morning as I finish my account. The A/C is off for once. The windows are open and fresh breezes enter the apartment, although lawn and shrubbery workers are making a racket. Aless is strong and powerful right now, but not like post session late Saturday afternoon. Take care.
    Update at 9:15 a.m. Today I am entering in my Aless in a new way. As I said above, my post session Aless is strong and powerful with a tight feeling in my scrotum, perineum, and anal musculature. Performing sets of Kegels is a powerful way to deal with this type of Aless.
    9:20 update: Just now I looked at one of earlier my blog entries in my Gmail which is worth quoting when pondering Aless and my bating/edging sessions:
    “Aless arising from a good Aneros session is a multi-faceted miracle. It is sustained sexual energy emanating from a well-exercised prostate and a well-plowed anal tract/musculature by the “action” of one’s squad of Aneros devices. For a long time, particularly during seasons of sustained Aneros sessions, this energy has been centered in my groin, but radiates throughout my body and even my consciousness as a man! I may be an aging retiree of sixty-seven years, but my Aneros sessions with their accompanying Aless makes me feel youthful, even reborn!
    “There is thus this dynamo of sexual energy at the root of my penis. It feels so good to feel this energy flow up the shaft of my dick to the GLANS. Often there emits a drop or two of viscous precum from cumslit/meatus of my GLANS! Even more wonderful is mere thought of this eroticism of this energy is enough to start the flow of precum. From puberty across the decades of his lifetime, the sexually active male, will see and “feel” precum oozing from his dick. He may be horny, he may want to engage in sexual activity with someone special, or he may want to masturbate his cock and feel the power of this sexual energy.
    “These are the thoughts coursing through my mind as I restart regular masturbation sessions with my dick. They may be minor, they may be major, they may be just appreciative regard of the equipment between my legs. But most of all they will lead to a Super-T shoot!” (Adapted and enhanced)
    Well shortly before noon yesterday I couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to have a bating and edging session. The Aless along with a series of erotic pics provided potent bate fuel for this session. In no time, my penis was erect, a veritable pork missile, like an earlier times when masturbation several times a week was a staple of my adult life. A good twenty minutes, I was beating my meat while I felt myself ride the edge of ejaculatory inevitability! I didn’t have the discipline to ride my edge was a master surfer. So I came, and gave into the sweetness of the ejaculation of creamy semen. There is that sweet tightness at the base or root of my scrotum and penis in my BIKE jock pouch as I write this. I may have a more leisurely bating and edging session later today. Take care!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/23/2016at5:29 pm

      @BigGlansDC.great post as usual!. It’s funny how some men crave ejaculation while other can do without (myself for instance). Before Aneros , my sex drive was almost null and so was my bate/ejac and I got used to low sex activities.
      What I crave now and indulge in often is the orgasmic feeling I push for when edging. It’s ALMOST as high as with a regular bate session orgasm and the level of intensity is increasing with every edging session. I read in “The Multi-Orgasmic Man” that males over 60 do not need to ejaculate any more and I believe it. Somehow, reading it made me want to ejaculate less and I benefit elsewhere. Don’t get me wrong, I plan to indulge in the occasional Super-T as I have never felt anything close to it’s intensity.
      To each his own as long as we enjoy what our body is yielding us. Have a great day!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      08/24/2016at7:49 pm

      @GGringo, I really do not crave masturbation, certainly like when I discovered it by accident during the heady years of my adolescence. But in a sense, masturbation can be “addictive,” especially now that I am rediscovering my penis and the rejuvenating pleasures of masturbation through my Aneros sessions, Aless, and now through the Kegel Exercises!

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