• Introduction

    A little introduction about myself before I begin with the blogs. At age 23 I am a young heterosexual man who began his "journey" approximately three years ago. One summer vacation I was feeling particularly bored so I decided to look for better ways to masturbate – a good way to pass the time as it is. Browsing the various toys out there, the first thing I decided to try out was Tenga and I own a flip hole to this day; beats a hand any day. Upon further research I happened upon the concept of anal and prostate stimulation. I thought to myself "Well people do find real pleasure in it, it is worth inspecting" and became interested in learning more. A couple of weeks after discovering the aneros website I decided to buy a helix.
    Over the years I have discovered SO much about my body and the male sexual response, the pleasure that is easily within my grasp is simply amazing. As far as the toys: I bought a maximus a month after the helix because I was excited at beginning to feel a little pleasure and sort of wanted a larger model anyway, I bought the tempo around the new years when it was released just a few more months later, then the progasm ice I bought one year ago. So far the modified helix has been my go-to with most experience and many good sessions, the tempo took me a good year or so to actually start appreciating but I love it very much, the progasm I feel really jump started my progress about a year ago and I absolutely loveee the size and feel of it. Unfortunately I have never really had a good session with my maximus, not then, not now despite repeated attempts. The main issue being the p-tab which I find too pointy and CANNOT rest on my perineum – it is always offset to the left or right disrupting perineum and prostate contact. Other toys I own include the njoy fun wand as of about a year ago which has given me fantastic results and I really want to get myself a lelo billy soon. I impulsively bought a jelly 2 inch wide dildo and had two fun sessions with it but threw it out because of what I was reading about such material deciding to hold off for a quality instrument such as lelo.
    The reason behind my name is that psychology has been my primary focus of study for the past few years and for many more to come. I am very interested in the body+mind interaction as the brain governs everything about our world as we experience it from feelings to perceptions and so on. Experiencing the neural "rewiring" first hand made me appreciate the power of the mind to change and shape our world even more.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/21/2012at9:19 pm

      Hi AllnTheMind,
      Welcome to the Aneros and to our Forum! I am forty years older than you. I have been using the Aneros since early June just past. My Aneros journey with the Helix Syn, Maximus, Progasm Ice, and Progasm Classic has been wonderful! The Aneros has bought much happiness in my life.
      You are to be commended in your desire to use the Aneros at age 23. Forty years ago in 1972, such a medical device and sex toy was not even around.
      I wish you succes in your Aneros journey. Blogging about it will enable you to track your progress and may be a confidence building exercise for you.

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