• intimate moment

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    Joined: 18 Oct 2009
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    Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:37 am Post subject: sharing a very intimate moment……..
    i would like to thank those who have welcomed me to the forum…i was asked whether i had removed the handle to my aneros…yes, somewhat….im using the 'maximus' model, which is one of 3 that i have….knowing that each model offers a different type of 'thumper' (that's what i like to call it), i've also found that each can also offer it's own individual pressure point/points on my prostate…i was introduced to the 'maximus' through a good friend here, 'toobadsochad'…upon receiving the maximus, i could tell 'immediately' that i was now getting the stimulation of the prostate that was somewhat missing before in my helix, as well as my sgx…i do not use the aneros sitting, so therefore, im not bothered by the handle. the only reason i parciallly removed the handle was so as to no interfer with hitting the mattress when im laying on my back….otherwise, the handle causes no problems…..
    im going to share, with you, a very intimate moment in my life….this just happened this past sunday afternoon….totally unexpected….i know this will be a somewhat long post, but i feel i need to communicate this experience with all who are or may be heading to the same boat, that of diminished sexual ability for vaginal intercourse…..
    im a 54 year old man, in good general, overall health….ive been married to the same woman for 30 years, and we have 3 grown children and one grandson…life with my wife has been very good in the last few weeks, but it has not always been so….nothing seriously bad, but there have been the 'moments' , that perhaps all marriages go through….there are quite a few roadblocks and potholes that can try to kick you off the road, and sex is one of those, which, if not attended to, can really create lots of tensions, hard feelings, and a general feeling of worthlessness…..i would like to share my story, now….of how the aneros has opened up new sexual intimacy and love in my marriage….when sex was 'new' in our marriage, and we were much younger,, it didnt matter really how we got off….we tried all the positions, did each other at a whim, had sex carefree with no concerns..
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    Joined: 18 Oct 2009
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    Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:34 am Post subject: intimate moment…part II
    as the stresses of marriage entered, with jobs, children, financial issues, on and on…..the marriage bed became the back burner on the stove, so to speak….when sex was available, on a much less frequency, it just didnt have the 'zing' that it had in the early, carefree years….we both knew there had to be soo much more than what we were experiencing, yet…we were somewhat clueless..the marriage bed had now become , for the most part, a 'doing my duty' bed…passion was missing, there was a feeling of emptyness, and with advancing years for me, i developed a huge loss of sensation in my penis (translated, i could not ejaculate in my wife)…this is another topic, but, i found out about foreskin restoration (www.norm.org) and this, in itself, opened many avenues for me, but we were still dealing with the above situations….a little over a week ago, i met toobadsochad on the foreskin restoration site. he has been very kind in passing on some great tips to achieving the 'super ''o''….and i experienced my first super Oct. 21….now knowing that my prostate was alive, i had energies and calm feelings that i'd not experienced before…
    it's now sunday afternoon…and i've told my wife of the wonders that i had experienced several nights before…she's amazed, and then, suddenly….she broke down, sobbing…..'oh chuck, i NEVER knew that you did not experience orgasms as i have for so long…' i was now sobbing too…you see, a male that has been circumsized is 'seeing' sex, at best in pale colors, if not just light greys….the intact male, on the other hand , will experience vivid colors and excitements….and this is what my wife thought i'd been having all my life….when i told her about my 'super o' that was non-ejaculatory, it now hit her…at last, i had experienced what was meant to be….pure bliss…
    we now melded into each other's arms..holding and talking so fast….pouring out all of our misunderstandings, our regrets, our misgivings…..and……..we fell in love again…my wife knew about the 'special spots' on my body, that chad had informed me about….the accupressure spot below the belly button, the nipples, the scrotum….and my wife began to slowing, with my guidance, bring me to an 'aneroless super orgasm'…….i could tell i was transitioning…
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    Joined: 18 Oct 2009
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    Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:48 am Post subject: intimate moment , the finale
    my penis, now had a dark plum color in the glans…the entire penis was engorged as full as it could possibly be, and my precum was now just flowing freely….and…..the best part……i was sharing the most tender moments in my marriage so far, with a wonderful woman in my life, my beautiful wife…i 'warned' her that my orgasm was coming upon me…she was so tender and gentle as i began to to rigid, stroking my nipples as i lay my head in her lap….she was well aware now, that she was 'living' this moment with me, taking care of my needs as a mother to a child…making me feel wanted, loved, and..protected…..as the ridgidity increased, my abs began their familiar tensing…and then….BAM !!….the stars broke out…the head was buzzing now….i was drooling, so she said, and had a glazed look in my eyes…i was aware, somewhat, what was around me, yet, not totally…..total relaxation washed over me, and i 'came back down' to earth…but not long…….i went immediately into another, even more intense super o, this time, my legs began to shake, and my abs were tensing, and then releasing…i was now flailing on the bed…but my wife knew…she knew this was the pleasure that all men should have experienced, but that most men have no clue to……….as i again went ridgid, she just kept telling me how much she loved me and how happy she was for this to happen…..i cannot describe the feelings of being at my wife's breast, being held like a baby, and to have such wonders happen all at once….i thank God for allowing this pleasure into our lives, and will be forever greatful for the wonderful friendship i've made with toobadsochad…..i hope this intimate sharing has helped in some way…this moment will always be cherished, as long as i live…thanks…chuck


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/01/2009at5:56 pm

      Again… Big Welcome chuckjo2000 and your wife here in the blogs!
      Congrats on getting set up and established with the transfer of your wonderful transitional story together. For many middle/older couples, Aneros and Male Multiple Orgasms can open up a beautiful new phase of love and greatly enriched sexual/spiritual life. You are also a natural storyteller!
      all the best to all couples building new bridges and walking wonderful new paths together

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      02/19/2013at5:27 am

      Hi Chuck… and thanks for sharing your experiences.
      The story you told is very similar to what I'm currently living with my wife.
      We're just to the first phases: she is starting now to understand my change and she is satisfied about that and the way in which now we make love.
      All the best to you and your wife.

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