I’m pretty sure I had my first Dry O today! OK, all you newbies and veterans alike, here it is. After about an hour of relaxing, I got on the exercise ball. I had noticed good feelings before with this technique (As it turns out, lying on the body ball is a great way to use the computer without having to sit down. Search ‘Body Ball’ in the forum and there are extensive threads and even a Wiki entry!).
I noticed that positive prostate feeling that signifies either a hands free wet one (achieved on fourth session and never again – made it by rocking on the couch.) or a Dry One coming. This time, 4 and half months later, I had an intense orgasm. I was smart enough not to stop and look. Afterwards, when I looked, there was a little puddle, but I didn’t feel done. I had some things to do and an hour later I still was feeling little twitches. Applying a quick manual penis rub revealed that I was definitely ready to orgasm again the traditional way!
The problem I have with doing something the first time is I really don’t know what I did! I was working an exercise ball and there was all sorts of indirect penile stimulation. There was a definitely expulsion of some type/amount of fluid, just not much. It was equal in feeling/intensity in every way to a traditional orgasm, probably a little longer and very intense. But I am 100% ready to go again! This had no p-waves and seemed to be a direct result of working the body ball versus doing contractions (though I have no doubt I was doing them!) It had a definite build up and release. It did not start right over again, but rather it just subsided and came back rather quickly. I did not have time to keep going.
So folks, it was either 1) a dry-o or 2) a hands free little wet one or 3) a traditional little wet one with no refractory period! Since it’s my first one, I’m going to mark it on the calendar as my first Dry-O.
For you newbies, it’s interesting – This process is not cut and dried like you can point to it in the milestones and say “Ah Hah, I just had milestone 55 out of 80â€. Instead of following a set routine, I decided to do something I thought might feel good and it led to a huge reward. Maybe this time I can duplicate the success faster than 4 ½ months between orgasms!
Congratulations J4!!!!!

I'm very happy to hear of your achievement!
If the liquid that came out of your penis is all completely clear and slippery like lube. Then it is most likely pre-cum from your cowpers gland. Some men produce more of it than others in a Aneros session. Do a search for "cowpers" or "precum" in the forum.
It's a nice feeling to finally get some halfway decent results isn't it?
I'm betting if you can use a position that does not provide any indirect stimulation to your penis, then you won't have to worry about ejaculating.
Now you know a portion of the pleasure that you can experience with your Helix. That's even more incentive to keep practicing! Good going man!
Keep at it!
Love is Peace
Thanks for the info. What is a P-wave? Is a wet orgasm no hands still just a traditional orgasm and therefore not the hoped for Aneros orgasm?
What is a Helix, I have a MXG. Does it make any difference?
Newbee – plforino
Hello plforino,
Have a look in the Glossary section of the Aneros WIKI under "Pleasure wave".
The Helix is a different Aneros prostrate massager model.
Sometimes a different model can make a difference. But the MGX is a good starter. Have a look at the following link under "Choosing a Model"
If you have any further questions, or comments that are unrelated to a persons Blog post, you will find that posting them in the Forum will get you more responses.
Love is Peace