• I continue to be amazed…

    Last night was my night off while I let my prostate return to normal. 😉
    While laying in bed, the tops of my legs started twitching…left, then right, then left again. I'm laying there like, 'uh oh…could I really have one while laying here doing [I]nothing[/I] ?"
    The wave started building…and it hung around for a bit…about 20 seconds. It was mild and didn't lock my body like others had before…it was just different–perhaps a mini-o. I didn't make a move, but increased my breathing–this seemed to help it stick around. Then it left me with nothing but a mild shudder. As I lay there in the aftermath recalling the effect, I zonked out…next thing I knew it was morning.
    Wowzers. A mini-o sedative. 🙂

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