• Getting closer

    Previous uses i liked the feeling but nothing great until last night…i really relaxed and kind of enjoyed each sensation…this time though i did something alittle different instead of thrusting my body hard i just simply used my anal muscles…quick contractions and didnt use my whole body…i started feeling really hot and disorientated, almost felt like the aneros was not even there anymore but pure crazy sensations anal wise…i started getting waves of pleasure but started dying down..and go back alil bit more and died down….any advice on how to get to the next step? tips? tricks? my 10th use maybe and i feel like im starting to make some lead way…when i got done with the mini waves of pleasure i ended up penile stimulation and oh my! when i came…it was about 10-15 spurts of a lot of cum…crazy!…i guess thats a sign im getting closer.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      01/17/2014at12:07 pm

      Iv'e just started using the Progasm too. I found that the upper spine knob hurt me when I was enjoying sexual contractions, so I tried to bend it a little and it broke. Lucky me, I got a end off of a breathing machine and connected the two back together. Now it bends freely and is so much more relaxing. The Progasm also enters the anus a little deeper making it easier to stay in while you wear it in public. Also I have found if you will lay down completly relaxed and play with your penis and balls, but keep your anal muscles relaxed. It is a total different feeling. But of course you will find yourself having uncontrolable dry orgasms.

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