My first real succe...
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My first real success with Aneros after an 8 year journey.

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About me: Hi. I purchased MGX about 8 years ago and use Helix Syn these days. My little success story today is not a result of consistent effort. I only used Aneros a handful of times in the last few years! i.e. almost never. What I have been doing is KSMO, on and off for 7 years. I'm at a place where it is normal to feel tons of sexual pleasure with and without Aneros simply by relaxing... so... why Aneros? Glad you asked! For the first time, I'm excited to use Aneros. It has been giving me tons of pleasure around my prostate, additional horniness and penile sensitivity and this more raw energetic connection with my body that I've not experienced before, and I think I... dare I say it... see my path to super-orgasm with Aneros! KSMO has served as a great tool for leading me through a thick forest to the base of Supergasm Mountain, and it looks like I'll be making my ascent.

Session 319

This KSMO session was mostly distracted, but near the end had full erection with plenty of involuntary ab movements. I know that even when I'm unfocused or don't feel much, just doing the key sound for 20 minutes boosts my arousal, like taking an arousal pill.

Went to bed with Aneros in after doing a 20 minute KSMO session. Inserting it felt uncomfortable and thought I might not feel much, but from a recent experience I learned that I should simply focus on the feeling of the presence of it, mentally taking notes of all the sensation details, how it slightly stretches the sphincter, the light touch from the tab on my perineum, and the shaft against my inner walls. The sensations went from discomfort to neutral in about 5 minutes. I started thinking about my appreciation for the benevolent presence touching and massaging the most orgasmic part of my body. After 5 more minutes the sensations went from neutral to amiable, slowly transitioning to pleasant, and finally to full blown sexual pleasurable.

The "do nothing" technique was operating at 100% efficiency here. I started to become aroused, erect, and from my arousal, my kegel muscles involuntarily contracted slightly. I could feel the aneros move. A warm pleasure bloomed from my prostate, creating a tingle and sexual itch on my frenulum. I wanted to grab my cock and stroke it, but I resisted, as I remembered the advice from the aneros forum, "DO NOT TOUCH!". Involuntary kegels, body shaking, and pleasure ensued.

I must have been half asleep when this happened. I felt an intense orgasmic sensation coming from my prostate and radiating to my cock. It felt like a point before some kind of climax. Due to the intensity, I felt like my body would tense up and shake, but somehow, maybe because I was half asleep, the more sensation I felt, the more my body relaxed. That made everything feel even stronger, like I was floating in a pool of liquid pleasure groping and caressing my whole body, relaxing every muscle, preparing me for an explosion. The sensation lasted maybe 6 seconds before dissipating. Some moments later the whole process repeated two more times, floating up to intense sensation and floating back down to calmness. I then awoke out of the trance.

Thinking back, this may be the sensation I felt for a brief moment years ago, the very first time I used the aneros. I was amazed and excited. Second time I used Aneros I felt nothing and got and discouraged... the curse of early success!

The rest of the night was great, and can't wait to use Aneros again, being sure to space my Aneros usage out, staying connected to my body, feeling into when the experience has been digested and my body is ready for more, not getting overzealous! (Holding out for a day to build excitement is also really hot). I haven't felt excited for Aneros ever, this is new. I've come full circle and ready to move forward in my "pleasure training", as I call it.

Conclusion: When using the the "do nothing" technique, try focusing on the details of the feeling of having aneros inserted.

This is surreal... to be posting this story now. I used to be active on Aneros forum years ago. It's also been years since I watched aneros videos. Going to watch some on Xtube with renewed fascination. Videos are good every now and then as "body-learning" material (consider that the body has an emotional memory just as much as your brain). For example, I experienced aggressive body shaking with Aneros last week and it's nice to have a data point on this from having watched others experiencing this (I watched that some years ago!).

PS: 8 years ago I didn't know there was such a thing as pleasure beyond the tip of my cock. I will repeat the famous line "If I can do it, anyone can." Almost a decade of effort, still no super-orgasm, and I'll never give up on it! Don't give up.

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Great description of your experience. I recognise the deeper state of relaxation once the prostate starts orgasming. Amazing experience

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I will have to write another success story when I've achieved a super orgasm. I still think my prostate is as sensitive as an elbow. I feel like I am accessing the prostate in a sort of metaphysical way, like an energetic conversation between the Aneros and the character/conscience/acumen of the prostate. I say this based on a similar thing happening with my sexual arousal and pleasure. There's a part of me that doesn't get drained from ejaculation. It's the part of me that feels pleasure without physical touch, which is becoming stronger over time.

Maybe I've made a habit of feeling pleasure when relaxed. This habit is becoming so strong that I have trouble turning it off, which is actually my goal. No longer a habit, but automated subconscious action. That way, I am able to lose control in pleasure and bliss, letting pleasure come on its own, and hopefully greater heights of pleasure arises more easily in partnered sex. Maybe this touches on kundalini awakening. I can relate to some of the symptoms of kundalini awakening described here:

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Hi. I remember you from 6 and fewer years ago! (and i'd been away for 2 years just recently). It is so important that "newbies" read what you have written. I remember quite a few newbies who got so discouraged (and some of them became hostile and left).
I have tried KSMO, but haven't really devoted enough time to practice. On the other hand, I have found that using the KSMO exercises can amplify a ride. Looking forward to more insights from you (and more interaction)

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I would just caution you about the "super O", as many have said in the past. This experience is so much more than a "super O". I just had 2 new experiences one day after another. I 'm sure others have had the experiences I just had, but for me they were new. Six years after starting. I love it!

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I would just caution you about the "super O".

Yes. In the past I more or less felt like I had no hope of achieving any kind of orgasm with KSMO or Aneros. Now I feel like it's a possibility, that's all!

Today I used Aneros again. It was fairly uneventful... haha... "uneventful" for me now means "light body shaking, erection, pleasure, some moaning". I've come along way! After taking out the Aneros I was hugged by warm pleasure as a "job well done" kind of reward. I recognize that the process of growth is up and down. Up is where you have those great new experiences. Down is where you go back to basics, integrate, digest, grind/repetition/exercise, and prepare for the next up.

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Oh, don't think that I haven't still pursued the "big One". But I now know that it isn't a "goal". If and when it happens it will be something unexpected. I love that feeling I have during the day after an overnight ride. The other night, for the first time, I had free flow of pre-cum. The joy of discovery is so much part of the experience.

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Riding Helix Syn last night:

It takes 1 to 2 weeks of not ejaculating to get back to where I like to be in terms of arousal. This is where I can go to bed with an aneros inserted and have erections for hours. Last night I did just that. Being in a constant heightened state of arousal for hours gives me a touch of madness. I would fall asleep and wake up a few times through the night to a raging erection. Besides moaning in pleasure sporadically throughout the night, I ended up growling in "frustration" with the seemingly never-ending torture of throbbing genitals that I was experiencing.

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I feel for you brother. 8 years of practice and finally something happened. It's been almost a year since I discovered micro dosing cannabis as an aid to increasing arousal and achieving cosmic multiple orgasms. I limited my sessions to twice weekly - and have added a number of new massager (Tantus) - but I've trained myself to repeat amazing session each time. Cannabis is the key to multiple male orgasms for those of us who were not born with sensitive prostate glands.

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Erections, pleasure, and sexual dreams all night.

For this experience I used an extreme version "do nothing" technique, doing my best to forget I was even using it [Helix Syn]. Haven't had much success since last posting and haven't been using it much. Success for me has been quite spotty! But always slowly slowly getting better. I still exclusively use Aneros while sleeping.

Before I went to sleep, I asked my "spiritual caretaker" if I could have prostate pleasure. I definitely felt a little bit due to aneros throughout the night. Without it moving I felt a general low level constant pleasure most of the night. But what surprised me is that my request was granted in full on the 2nd dream.

4 dreams:

1. I found myself with my cock in my mouth. I wanted to taste cum and so my cock started drooling cum in the dream. I woke up with clear fluid slowly drooling out and onto my belly and on the bed sheets.

2. I dreamt I was a white wolf-like furry with a bushy white tail, on the ground on my belly, getting banged by a larger black/brown dog furry, doberman pinscher. Ffffk it felt good. I woke up half way where I could see the dream world but also feel the real world and noticed the aneros slamming into my prostate, which translated to the dream. Amazing how the subconscious creates visuals for stimuli. BAM… BAM… BAM, each thrust made me cum a little. I've never felt such strong prostate-focused pleasure. 3rd hit I went over the edge. Woke up drooling thick white cum. Before this, I never had a dream I was a furry nor having gay sex... I'm very much heterosexual... in real life anyway...

3. Forgot this one. I just remember cumming a little in the dream, not in real life.

4. Found myself on a wooden platform on the shoreline of an ocean, two women naked on their bellies. I was overwhelmed by my desire to jump on top of one and start pounding away.
