Intense wet dream f...
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Intense wet dream from riding Aneros at night

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This experience was a result of riding Aneros last night. I am actually trying to retain my cum... hence the odd dialog.

I am in some kind of fantastical shiny golden room. I see a few voluptuous women. One is relaxing in a round dip in the floor featuring a few small steps. This place appears to be some kind of chamber of demigods. I whip out my large cock and go for the woman relaxing in the dip, and even though she is clothed, I know this is a dream, so I attempt to shove my cock between her legs.

She exclaims "You're trying to have sex with me?!".

Suddenly I am taken my a magical force that carries me into the air.

I shout "You bastard! You are just going to make me cum!"

As I am vertically taken into the air I moan and cum beings to pour from my cock. I am sent back down toward the floor, but immediately liften again. Again I moan and cum pours out, it feels so good. I am near the edge and unable to escape. A third time into the air and I go over the edge fully and ejaculate in an intense orgasm. The pleasure in my genitals is intense, it feels like a Super-T (super traditional orgasm).

I wake up out of the dream as I feel cum draining from my cock and soaking my boxers. With the Aneros still inside I feel it begin to stimulating me. My cock is rock hard and my body thrusts into the air a few times. I'm surprised I'm still feeling pleasure. It turns out I didn't go over the edge in real life because I could still stimulate myself to ejaculation, yet the wet dream made it feel like a complete and intense ejaculatory orgasm.

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I’ve experienced similar cum drain after falling asleep with Eupho in!

William Perrino
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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1

Sounds unbelievable yet quite encouraging at the same time.
