i had my very first super o just yesterday, ive had the MGX for about maybe 2 years or so maybe less, i honstly dont remember when i bought mine, ive had amazing sessions but they never have gotten me to the point where i'm in another world, i saw a user on here made a audio recording of himself and his session so i downloaded it and listened to it, as i had mine in and layed there, i listned for about 45 min, and i was feeling amazing things that i still havnt felt before, i really really tried to let go, but something switched and my whole body just went into a state of orgasmic pleasure, i was so shocked but i had t focus on what was going on, or i feel like it would go away. after going down, after 5 min i got another one and my body started spasming like crazy, it has before but this time it felt amazing, i am so happy i finally got a super o, i def cant wait to use it again
My first Super-O was over 45 years ago. I had been going to sensuality seminars with . http://Maxine Sanini (Rey Anthony) She taught that men and women could have enhanced orgasms by "pushing out" like bearing down in childbirth. You might lose a few orgasms until you learned how to do it, but it was a really good skill to have. You bet it was. When I learned, an orgasm would blow my consciousness out the top of my skull, it would splatter on the ceiling, drip down the walls, and slowly flow back to me. GOODIE! A lady I taught it to started to have two-minute orgasms that would almost buck me off the bed.
Now, with Aneros, I am having long sessions of repeated super dry orgasms with the same intensity.
it was about 6 months into the process of getting familiar with my prostate that i had a breakthrough. looking back i would always jump at the feeling of pleasure and pull myself out of the experience by seizing control. i would get caught in focusing on what would come out of the time i invested, rather than focusing on the pleasures of each breath. My favorite position is sitting but it i could never get the mobility i wanted. so i use 2 folded pillows to make a V, the two lines coming together near my genitals to give the helix full mobility. When i start to get into it i notice a seesaw-like effect with the muscles down there. Breathing in brings one side of the seesaw up, breathing out lowers it down. i lean forward slightly and rest my arms on the desk while i look at my preferred erotica. Minutes go by in the tens as the stories increase arousal. my eyes start to droop as my breathing increases in pace but not in volume. Swimming in the rhythm, i remember feeling this strange swirling ball where i pictured the prostate would be. the longer i swam the bigger this ball became, the swirling was almost audible. i closed my eyes and a rush of waves washed over me. i was lost without time as the ball enveloped my mind, swirling. after i regained awareness i started to get scared for some reason, i thought it was over but it just kept going. For as long as i swam, the waves kept coming until i was too tired to swim. Afterwards i felt high. like a euphoric, smiley high. Everything was awesome.
I had my first Friday night. I hadn't used my helix for a while due to lack of time. I went through the same routine as before with lube and inserting in while on my side with one leg pulled up. I relaxed and did some deep breathing and in a few minutes it started. It started out with a growing feeling of warmth and euphoria, growing until my legs started trembling. I might have even cried out, I can't remember. I'll try it again when I get home from work this evening for certain.
So I decided to buy an Aneros product after having my first 'Super O' - which I guess is backwards?
My girlfriend and I were having sex about a month ago and she was massaging my prostate with her fingers. I started panting, my heart rate elevated and my muscles started rhythmically contracting, starting with my pelvis and then radiating out through my body. My skin starting tingling and then it felt like a massive and liquid "warmth" exploded out from my core.
Needless to say this was both unexpected and intense.
It was followed almost immediately with a second and if anything more intense 'Super O' experience.
Afterwards I started searching on the internet to see if I could figure out what had happened and came across this site. Upon reading the descriptions here - it sounded like people were calling what I'd experienced a 'Super O' and there were tools and methods to experience this.
So, of course, I bought a Helix Syn immediately.
The first two times I used the device I had fun - but didn't experience anything even close to those first two Super Os.
Today, however, was a different story.
The big difference was position. In the past I'd been trying lying on one side or the other or at slight angles to exactly on the side or with a pillow under the bended knee per descriptions. Today I tried lying on my back. I placed a couple pillows under my neck and head to give me comfort, and a pillow under by hips to raise them up off the bed and allow for free movement by the Helix.
After about 30 minutes of very slow cycles of contract and release I started to feel my body temperature rise. At that point I began to strain my muscles as tightly as possible at full contraction and focus on the rhythm of the contract / relax cycle. On the third or fourth strained contraction my muscles began to spasm. Starting with the next strain / contract I began to have a Super O on each of the contractions.
While these were not as powerful as those initial, partner Super O experiences, there were still completely amazing. Full body spasms, rushes of pleasure, tingling skin... the whole bag of wax.
Thank you to everyone who shared lessons they learned - and to the makers and designers of this device.
Well it finally was achieved and it was if my body just wanted to get sending pleasure through my entire body. I had stated with the Helix but purchased the Progasm and it did not take long.
I had been noticing things with the Helix but for the first time when I put the Progasm in my erection was so hard immediately.
It had taken about two weeks with the Progasm and each time I could feel the intensity growing.
For today when I climaxed, and after I rested a few minutes, then another and another and even another pleasure shot through my body.
I had been laying on my back and had just started to hold in the Progasm for a little bit, when the quiver began. As I concentrated on the breathing, and not having high expectations my body began to react a little more intensely over the next hour and 1/2.
I kept having many mini O's and I was dripping wet from all the precum. As I was laying there all of a sudden I could feel my butt starting move on it's own and within a few minutes after then my back arched and I could not believe the immense pleasure.
I felt as if I wanted to just shoot my load, and if I had stroked myself the explosion would have been rather long and wet.
I started to thrust and ride the bed for it seemed like a minute or two. Right after that, a few minutes latter as I was relaxing I squeezed a little again and the ride got even more intense. Each time it was surprising how fast it came on and how intense it was.
I am looking forward to really growing from this point and looking forward to where ever this adventure now takes me.
Simply amazing
So far after a year of anerosing from level zero of anal play , I have regularly progressed towards P-waves and pleasant conscience of my perineal region although without any experience of autofucking or any lost of control. This is not anymore true as I went through my previous barriers. That's why I wanted to share my new experience.
Yesterday a little bit before midnight,, I went to bed with Helix properly inserted. I relaxed carefully, started to raise my arousal and to concentrate on my perineal, anal and prostatic feelings. During around 90 minutes I felt P-waves, warmth waves and deep wellness sensations irradiating from my lower abdomen upwards along my spine. Slowly my pleasure came more and more intense although without any auto-fucking development. I needed to do voluntary very light contractions to keep my sensations going. I had too to push my popping Helix back inside several times when my feelings tended to peak. Rather exhausted by this more intense sensations than usual I felt asleep keeping my Helix inside.
Around 6 o'clock I was awaken by familiar P-waves with something new so far for me. They were developping to unknown really high level automatically without any single action from my conscient side nor any need to keep Helix in as it was firmly clenched by my anus. Futhermore I was feeling clearly a pulsing sensation from my Helix on what I had to consider as my prostate. Most of those feelings were pretty new to me.
In those new circumstances, I decided to adopt a new strategy and got my Progasm in place of my Helix. Done around 7 o'clock, within minutes my friend took me back where I was and pushed me across the roof as it took the full control of my pleasure. .
Submerged by endless P-waves one after the other, I just concentrated on my feelings, taking care to deepen my relaxation as my pleasure took me higher and higher. I started feeling deep anal contractions which made my Progasm fuck me for the first time ever. I lost every bit of control and found myself moving uncontrolably as a snake on my bed. I lost my breath. Suddenly I came, I felt my penis exploding with endless spasms. I am totally unable to tell whether this moment lasted 30 seconds or 5 minutes. I felt such a wonderful orgasm that I thought I had a HFWO. Actually my penis was semi flacid and hardly wet. When I was regaining a bit of control over my breath, my Progasm kept doing its amazing job and threw me again in the bliss. Each sequence started as a P-wave stronger and stronger until my penis was sent into deeper and deeper pulsations.
Once more I was unable to count anything. I guess I felt asleep but don't know when. I came back to reality around 9 o'clock.
I want to thank everyone in this community whose questions, advices and numerous contributions were and still are very helpful.
It has been 8 days since I first started using an Aneros after having practically no experience with anal play. I had been working on the breathing and getting used to the various muscles down there even before the Aneros arrived. I had been reading a fair amount of this forum to get more mentally prepared as it became evident that the mental aspect would be key.
Today was the culmination of a week of exploration, increased relaxation and a better understand of my inner self. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to have a session this morning, but there was still enough of a draw to get me started. Previous sessions had brought me to a point of having mini dry O's the last couple times. They didn't last all that long, but they were new and felt pretty good. Yesterday's session I actually fell asleep an hour into it and end up lying on my side when I woke up. I normally stay on my back the entire time. This session I decided to spend a little time on my side, but it was mainly just relaxing for a while. I went back to my back.
Things progressed, I stayed relaxed. I didn't even realize pulsing or contractions were going on by themselves until I was well into my euphoric climb. I reached an obstacle that I had previously not recognized. When I would get a dry O I would react more like a traditional O and sort of lock down or clench as I felt the urge to lift my pelvis. I made a conscious effort to not clench this time and see where things went.
I didn't immediately feel an increase in pleasure from not clenching, but I think I raised the ceiling to allow things to progress further. I started to vocalize more. It just felt like what I needed to do to express what I was starting to feel. I don't know if I've ever said "Oh my God" so much in my life. I felt a need to let my pelvis and legs shake. In the past I had let them shake, but it didn't seem natural so I stop trying. This time it was natural. Nothing really grand, but there was a need for release that I met.
I think I had maybe 5 or 6 super O's all told, the longest lasting maybe 3 minutes. At times I felt like I needed to curl up on myself, reaching out with my arms and legs then curling inward. Every time I would have a new sustained wave it felt like my pelvis was getting heavy. The relaxation was pulling down in a sense. I was in tune with letting the sensations take over. It was beautiful.
It wasn't what I was expecting, not quite like a traditional O. I had read that it's like the feeling right before an ejaculation and that sort of makes sense. I think I was expecting a sharp transition to immense pleasure, but it was more of a smooth arc that I followed. It was smooth like that, but also my body movements from early on in exploring the Aneros and myself have been slower and smoother (except when the involuntary movements took hold for brief periods this time).
I got to a point where I thought "How long am I going to keep doing this?" I decided to try kneeling for a little while and rode the continuing pleasurable mental state for a while as I gently swayed. After a little bit I decided to get up and call it a session. I wanted to take a shower afterwards. As I walked and even continuing now it feels like I'm in some sort of medium besides the air that is slowing my movements. It feels like pure contentment.
I guess I wasn't quite finished as a started stimulating my nipples again, still not having taken the Aneros out. I started swaying again and eventually had a mini O or two standing in the bathroom. I turned the light off for a little while to remove that outside stimulus. The shower I eventually took after removing the Aneros felt pretty good too. Still swaying a little, the water created a peculiar sensation as I got cleaned up. It felt more like spots of vibrations as it hit my skin. When I finally got around to washing my hair I felt like I had to lean against the back wall, I was so relaxed. I'm happy right here, right now, but I'm looking forward to the continued exploration.
In October of last year I purchased a Progasm after some research on Aneros. It was reading in the forum that others had better luck with a smaller unit that led me to get a Helix. Now I am into the third week of using the Helix, and life has improved. On the first use of the Helix, I noticed that I was able to start with the contractions much sooner than the Progasm. The experience with the Helix has taught me to learn to relax more and more as the sensations build.
Starting last week, on inserting the Helix I have noticed that my prostrate wakes up instantly, like it is hungry for the feeling. Laying down, legs up, porn playing lightly in the distance, and light contractions starts the process, after about five minutes I am shaking and riding waves of pleasure. Last Friday I must have rode up and then shaking from head to my toes, over and over again for almost two hours, each with more intensity. Well, today I took some time, lay back and bam the feeling took off, I must have been riding wave after wave of shakes for what seemed a long time, when I felt like my cock was going to explode. I was shaking my pelvis, my cock was shaking, and then all of a sudden I was cumming all over the place, this went on for a good long time. After a settled down a bit, I started gentle contractions, it took five or ten of them, and bam, here I went again, heaving and shaking, in total joy..... then it happened, I felt like my cock was going to explode, and it did, was amazing.
What I am noticing is that the more I ride, the more I relax most of the time, it is like I have less tension and am able to notice more of what is going on around me, from what others have written, this is just the beginning of a new journey. Thanks!
I finally had my first true Super-O last night. I was using the Vice with the Muse vibe; trying to quiet my mind and just let it happen. I could sense it more last night just after insertion even. I was sleepy too, which I think might have helped a lot. The muse was on setting 3 of 9 (gentle steady pulsing). I could sense the tickle that everyone tells of and that slow building of warmth inside. It kept growing slowly as I kept my deep breathing going. My body jumped as if hit by electricity. My cock got harder than I thought possible. The sensation shot from the base of my spine to my head. My body convulsed and shook as the pleasure took me totally. I shook, moaned and felt what I thought was an ejaculation. I also sensed the contractions of my prostate for the first time ever. As it waned, I didn't want it to stop. I'm not really sure I could have stood another. My heart was pounding out of my chest, breathing so ragged and body so exhausted by just that one. A peaceful calm swept over me too. I tried to get another but I tried too hard, lost the breathing technique, thoughts invaded my mind, and the sensations slipped away. Checking myself, I ebbed some clear but nothing major from the event.
I had thought before that mine were just minor or different totally. They were just p-waves with what I experienced last night. I never knew an orgasm could feel so good. Even my standard ones don't give me much pleasure. This one frightened me as I let it take me. It was so much physical pleasure.
I think I've learned how I did it so now I can try again in a few days. The Vice and Muse are quite the pair. I still feel that slight inner calm that I haven't in ages.
After reading so much about super "o", I took the plunge and bought myself a Helix. The first 3 sessions were uneventful, it was more of a happy feeling rather than orgasmic. I thought that was all the Helix could do to me. But boy I was wrong.
So the on the 4th attempt, I lied on my back with one leg up and the other crossed over. Soon I could feel something deep down was awaken. Waves of pleasure started to originate from there. So I held a weak kegel and soon I had involuntary contractions. Before I realised my cock started to twitch and I felt that I was cumming except nothing was shooting out from my cock. It wasn't super strong, I wasn't shaking that much but it lasted for a good 5 minutes.
In all, during the 2 hours sessions I had a few minor dry-orgasm and some huge ones where my heart rate shot up and I had to cover my mouth just to contain myself. The interesting part came after the session though.
I woke up at the middle of the night by the twitching of my prostate region (anerosless). Soon I had waves after waves of mini-orgasm, I had to jerk myself off to stop them before I could fall asleep again. So now, two days after I realised I could pin point where my prostate is even when I am standing, without the aneros. With a bit of kegel and focus, I can feel the bliss and my cock will jerk mildly, which I would say felt like a mini o.
One thing though, I am not sure whether those contractions during the mini o are generated by me or involuntarily, but it felt god damn good! Orgasm anytime I want it;)
I may have had my first Super-O on Tuesday night. The experience was like nothing in the three years of Aneros usage - and left me with a shattered, wobbly feeling throughout the following day.
Late into the session, after my prostate was buzzing, I got the idea of allowing Aneros sensations to fuel my fantasies, rather than vice versa. I just let go: pour everything out. Nothing is going to hold me back. This also meant letting my moaning get as loud as it had to, which was embarrassing.
But in doing so, a huge full-body orgasm began. Images in mind were flashing by at a rapid rate, some almost surreal — I was loosing control, to my unexpected joy. My chest and abdomen was overloading with electrical pleasure, feeling like they'd burst. (Hence the wobbliness afterwards) I thought I was going to ejaculate, blowing the whole load.
I stopped, though, primarily under awkwardness over my noisy moaning. What a bummer! But it's possible that given where people are sleeping, relative to where my bedroom is, they can't hear me. (Or hear much, at least) I didn't want to risk being heard, though. Later that night, when getting aroused again, I let loose a little more and briefly felt this odd out-of-body experience.
I had a superO last night and it was with my new Maximus. I've used my Helix and Progasm for about 11 months now and just bought the Maximus during the Thanksgiving Sale. It immediately felt pleasurable and very different from any other ride I've experienced. From the moment I put the Maximus in, I could tell it would happen. The pleasure I was feeling was intense and it kept getting stronger. I felt tingles all over my body including my face. I could feel waves of pleasure sweep over my body crashing against me over and over trying to knock me over. The sensations were getting stronger and well beyond anything I have felt before. Then I started to see lights pass over my head. They were moving fast and I sensed a strobe light flashing before my eyes. (At this point I knew something special was going to happen). The next sensation I felt was as if I was plunging off the top of a super tall water slide, moving fast straight down ultimately landing and arriving in a blissful pool of ecstasy.
They say you know when you reach a superO and there is no doubt that I finally reached it.
After two failed attempts, I finally had my first Super Orgasm last night using the Aneros Helix Syn.
My first two attempts failed probably because I couldn't resist touching my dick. I was worried that maybe the Helix Syn was too thin and too short. I'm a gay bottom, so I'm used to longer, thicker dicks.
Last night, however, I was exhausted from a long day and a cold. So I took some Nyquil, which normally doesn't make me very drowsy, and relaxed naked in bed on my right side with my Helix Syn inside and knees bent slightly. I never felt it touch some sweet spot; in fact, I was sort of worried that it wasn't staying inside but sliding out, which wasn't the case. But I kept relaxing, almost falling asleep. I also tried to contract my anal muscles (not sure which exactly) but not too hard.
Every now and then, my arm would twitch. I wasn't sure if this was due to the Aneros because twitches like that normally occur while I'm sleeping, but the twitches increased in strength and also began in my abdomen. They would cause my knees to move closer to my chest. They were very quick. Next thing I know, after about 50 minutes of relaxing, I fall into an intense orgasm, with my legs shaking, my body thrashing around, my cock growing hard and rubbing against my bed. It was a whole new type of pleasure, completely different from stimulating my cock.
The orgasm would calm down but start again not too long after. It sometimes felt as though I could trigger the next orgasm by voluntarily twitching my leg. My orgasms lasted about 15 minutes. I probably could have gone longer, but it was getting late and I wanted to jerk off.
I was surprised that I experienced such an intense orgasm after only two other attempts. I am very pleased with the Helix Syn and cannot wait to use it again. Maybe I'll upgrade to a thicker Aneros.
Before this I have had a number of sessions where I have dry orgasms one after another for a while until it stopped. It has been very nice...
This time it started as usual. I had a dry orgasm efter maybe 5 minutes and a couple more 5 minutes apart after which the session sort of stopped. I ran out of lust. I felt that I wanted one more dry orgasm however so I decided to jump-start the session with some nipple stimulation. I also read some KSMO threads to I decided to throw some of that into the jump-start as well.
So I did some nipple stim, when it felt good I stopped and did a silent key sound. Breathed some and started over. It did not take long until I felt the eupho start moving during the breaths between the nipple stim. When it moved the pleassure intesified, and intensified until next dry orgasm was in full progress. I rememebered about relaxing into the pleassure and tried to do that and make myself relaxed and not trembling. I did that and with the relaxation the pleassure intensified even more and when on and on. Sometimes I felt peaks of intense lust beeing transformed to intense pleassure and vive versa. At the end I had a hard time to not make vocal sounds. As a family man I did not want to wake anyone in the house so managed to switch to strong whispering groans instead. Finally in a valley I decided I did not want to climb another peak and stopped.
This is the most intense session yet and the most intense orgasm in my life!
I think this qualifies as a super-O...!!!
As I write this I am still affected by a wonderful afterglow.
Considering how I couldn't stop contracting, was receiving pleasure from the prostate, produced a decent amount of precum, and just couldn't stop my entire body from quivering, I'm 99% sure that I just had my first Super-O. It happened without my Aneros, too. Even here as I sit, I get an occasional minigasm.
I've had a total of 4 Aneros sessions since I bought it, which was three months ago. The first two didn't amount to much. The third session started producing a very faint but pleasurable sensation in the prostate, but nothing else came of it. The fourth session, which was about a week ago, yielded what someone described as a prostate orgasm. Initially, there was a very faint sensation with my Progasm in, and I focused on it and built it up. Eventually, my muscles were contracting barely on their own, and the more I did it, the more my muscles started to quiver. Then, my muscles started seriously contracting as if I had an orgasm, though there wasn't really much pleasure outside of that. After maybe half a minute, it stopped and never came back. Fast forward to today, I was in my bed and I hadn't masturbated for the last few days. Feeling a little horny while drifting off, I started contracting my muscles. I started noticing a distinct and persistent sensation forming at my prostate, so I pushed forward and did some controlled contractions. The same thing that happened in my last session was happening then, and I let it happen. At first I thought, "Oh great, a prostate orgasm, not going to feel much," but this time the pleasurable sensation in my prostate was still there. As the orgasm progressed, it started feeling better and better, and eventually my whole body started spazzing out for the next 15 or so minutes. It was only that short because I forcibly calmed myself down instead of letting it take me again.
So yeah. Very interesting experience to say the least.
It has been about two months since I started reading these forums and over five years owning a prostate "toy", which I thought was going to enhance jack off sessions. It barely did. I stopped using it because I didn't know how. I'd concentrate on my dick, and screw up a masturbation session with a push at orgasm that sent the thing flying out of my ass.
Reading these forums changed all that. I bought a helix-like after reading here and - wow. I have spent the past couple months with short sessions that resulted in great pleasure. As a guy who loves orgasms, I'd spend about a half hour of prostate shivers and then oil up my dick and go for the O. I had more than a few incredible orgasms, much enhanced by the extra stimulation.
Then today, when I had the day off and no one was around, I realized I had 4 hours to myself. I opened the freezer and grabbed a coconut suppository I'd learned to make on this forum - pouring warm coconut oil into a modified lip balm applicator and tossing it into the freezer.
I played no music, and committed total focus to what was happening with my prostate, anus and perineum. I had very pleasurable feelings, which I embraced as I had before. But today I had time. I waited and went through the waves of pleasure I had experienced before concentrating on only three things - breathe, relax your sphincter and ignore your pre-cum soaked dick.
Then something new happened. My thighs started contracting while my ass was relaxed. The energy was insane, but I just relaxed and let it go. It was much better than previous experiences, which had all been good. I let my thighs go crazy for what must have been 10-15 minutes and then, with my entire lower body in a state of pure ecstasy I pinched my nipples,
Dear God. My nipples have always been sensitive, and I thought they were wired to my dick. No - they are wired to my prostate. As soon as I pinched them, the flood of pleasure immediately rose above my abdomen and kicked my ass in such a good way.
I had to consciously take it down so I could breathe. I drank some water as my anus felt like it was turning inside out and right side in and I thought - "Wow - I have a clit".
I relaxed again very soon and had another, which was even more intense.
This has been an amazing experience. Having the most intense orgasms of my life without shooting has been incredible. I'm 50, but I feel like I'm 15.
Thanks again, guys, for your help. I couldn't have gotten here without you.
Last Friday morning I had a very active session with my Eupho, the first thing that happened was my flaccid penis began to pulse in and out and have slight tingle. This was soon followed by the Eupho beginning to move upward harder and back off and repeat giving my prostate a wonderful sharp bolt of lightening. this lasted for a mere 5 minutes and subsided. All in all the whole thing lasted about 15 minutes. About 5 hours later I decided to try again, it was a repeat of the mornings session, it would slowly subside and begin allover again and again and again for an hour. Never had I experienced this in the many years I have had my devices. During the hour I thrashed, writhed, twisted, thrusted and felt the wet precum ooze from me on to the bed, at times my ankles would be lock together while enjoying this bliss. There will be more of theae since having found the key to unlocking the backdoor pleasures with my Aneros.
Recently bought an Aneros Helix. Entirely new to the game, not familiar with all the "terminology", so I may have a hard time describing things.
First time I used it I didn't really feel much of anything. Some pleasure, I guess. Second time, even more, but it didn't quite meet my expectations. Third time I didn't really get anything at all.
The fourth time, though.... I don't know what it was, but something seemed to "click" inside of me and I began to really get into it. I kind of writhed my hips back and forth, and then went onto my back and lightly rocked on it while also contracted my muscles. Next thing I knew, I had lost control. It felt as if my anus muscles just took over and began to pulse and throb and the next thing I knew all I felt was a complete loss of control and being filled with pleasure. I was flipping and flopping around, twitching, convulsing, the whole deal. It was definitely an eye opener, and I continued on with the session, experiencing multiple orgasms, the last of which must have lasted a good 30 seconds of me flipping and flopping every which way (I can't tell for sure as my concept of time was the last thing on my mind).
I finished up my session and went about my business, but several hours later it was as if I could feel my prostate throbbing and I felt so incredibly horny that I just had to go and use my Aneros again for another short session.
It was a few days until my next session and this time the feelings were even stronger. On just the initial insertion of the Aneros, I experienced what I would call a "mini-orgasm" I guess and it wasn't too long after that that I started down the path of the multiple orgasms again. A lot quicker than the last time. A lot quicker.
Once I had finished up that session, it was again a bit later when I could feel my prostate throbbing and myself become horny.... but this time I didn't want to go through the process of getting the Aneros again. So I just shut my eyes and focused on the feeling and contracted my muscles and writhed around like I did have the Aneros in me. To my surprise, this was actually working and I began to feel the same waves of pleasure and increasing loss of control until I experienced what I would classify as a small orgasm. Nowhere near as intense as with the Aneros actually in use, but seeing as how it was done from nothing, it was pretty surreal.
Anyways.... long story, short.... satisfied customer, no regrets.
Well after a year and 1/2 it has finally happened my first Super O. And it was amazing.
Lying on my bed with my progasm inserted I began to drift into a light sleep. As I did my dream started as the progasm started it regular activity of making my ass quiver. This happens all the time as I use it, but this time as I began to dream about having a hot lady in stockings beside me whispering that I needed to take it all the way this time the intensity started to build.
As I was lying on my stomach I began to imagine my nipples were being played with. Each time as they were touched, and I was actually doing this, my ass began to quiver even more. Slowly as my ass started to quiver faster my hard member was getting herder as I was humping the bed.
As I dreaming I was being pulled to have my ass higher in the air for deeper penetration, the intensity started to build even higher. Soon I was having my ass fucked hard and at the same time me now hard penis was sending out liquid like it has many times before. This time however the intensity in my penis was so much more stronger.
Deeper into the the experience I went and soon I started to moan softly, but as the intensity grew so did my loud moans... and as they got louder my mind became blank like as I never wanted ti to stop. I seamed to last for long time, as my ass and prostate wanted to give me more of a ride.
It slowed down and as it did I felt I could do it again but had to stop to get some work completed.
Needed to say where I was lying was absolutely soaked, so much more than ever before.
I look forward to the next trip and the visit from from hot imaginary lady friend in those hot stockings and great ass which as she help me to move along the journey was was incredibly firm and round.
The year and a 1/2 was long but as I learned to start to relax more and more I could feel the journey start to increase and was not expecting anything to happen but just let in happen naturally.
Hi guys,
I think this morning I had one of the best Aneros sessions ever, and I may have experienced my first Super-O!
I rose about 5 a.m., intending to spend the day with some of my translation projects. First I took a walk outdoors in my immediate neighborhood, getting some groceries from the 7-Eleven a block away. Then I hopped on the Internet reading the news and surveying the weather forecast. Of course here in the USA, today is the Fourth of July, a major holiday. For many years living here in DC, I have observed the Fourth of July in somber reflection, forgoing the fireworks on the National Mall, a couple miles away. It is too much a mob scene, closely akin to Halloween. So I stay close to my apartment on such holidays. But this year, my observance of our nation's birthday seemed even more somber. I was beginning to get really depressed.
However, my body was telling me that today is absolutely free, no obligations, Georgetown where I live is quiet and calm. My body told me that it was hungry, even horny for an Aneros session. So I quickly set up my session by pulling out my Aneros best buddies in the following order: Helix Classic, Progasm Classic, Tempo, and Maximus.
This morning, I decided to surrender to the pleasure these four good buddies give me, and I believe that I was rewarded with my first Super-O, albeit a subtle one, but the energy of which grows and grows and grows in Aless!!!
This morning I focused on Helix Classic in which it hit all the pleasure spots of my prostate and anal musculature. It was even more so with Progasm Classic. I couldn't get enough of my Progasm Classic hitting all those pleasure spots big man fashion. This action continued with Tempo in its own way. I think it is possible to get a Super-O with Tempo. Do you think so? I ended with Maximus which hits those pleasure spots in its own direct way.
When I surrendered to Aneros pleasure today, I was rewarded with the electric energy of pleasure pervading my whole body. Right now as I type this it feels like I am riding the edge of ejaculatory inevitability. I can cream my camo shorts if I wish! Just also beautiful is for me in today's session and in Aless to stimulate so lightly my nipples, chest, abs, pubes, the corona of my glans penis, etc. My Super-O was subtle at best, but powerful, and continues in Aless! I hope in future sessions to replicate and explore this new territory that I have embarked upon!
I felt I had to post something here since I found so much useful information on this forum that has helped my journey. Hopefully someone gleams something useful from this as I have from so many of you. Most of this can be found in lots of places on the forum so if you are new read, read and read some more.
I am a 45 year old hetero married male. From a young age I have been curious about anal play and experimented some while going thru puberty when everything got me going. I experimented with fingers, brushes and such but nothing ever really felt good. Over the years I would try again here and there but never got anywhere that felt good. I chalked it up to just not being for me and had fun with the other areas of my sex life.
I can't remember how or why I came across the Aneros site but when I did I remember reading about their devices with not a small bit of scepticism. I would run across it again, here and there and curiosity eventually got the better of me and after trying a few off brand cheaper versions which didn't do much, I purchased a Helix Syn. As far as that choice, well, it was what was available locally as I did not want to wait for shipping and was mentioned as being good for beginners.
First time using it all I could think about was, "There is something in my butt!". It wasn't painful but it wasn't comfortable either. This was before I read about pre lubing so I was using just a water based lube applied to the Helix. By the second session I felt a very weak Pwave which was nothing to write home about. I was not able to reproduce it, probably because I was trying way too hard. After some marathon reading of the Wiki, forums, Brian Mayfield's excellent primer, and the sub Reddit I learned a lot more. I figured out quite a few things I was doing wrong. My pc muscles were not developed enough for the subtle movements, I was not doing the deep breathing and I did not know how to relax.
Here is how I got to my first orgasm.
Pre Aneros session
It definitely helps things along to be aroused prior to insertion. I lay on my back with my legs bent and feet on the bed. Deep slow breathing into the lower abdomen thru the nose and exhale slowly thru the mouth. I had originally used a count of 8 seconds inhale, 4 seconds hold, 8 seconds exhale but have since stopped counting as the process is more automatic now and the counting was distracting but necessary early on to learn as I had never done controlled breathing before. A slight (10%) contraction of the PC muscles starts anal twitches which are felt in the prostate as well. I usually watch porn. Particularly lesbian porn. That seems to get things going for me. Some people use music, erotica, fantasizing, or just concentrating on the sensations. This is a matter of personal preference. Whatever gets you going. Experiment and see what works for you.
Since the Helix Syn is silicone based I could not use silicone lube. What wound up working best for me was pre lubing with a small medicine dropper. I use KY Liquid, about 4 or 5 ccs. I then coat the Helix generously with Vaseline and top that off with KY Jelly. Insertion of both the dropper and Helix is most comfortable lying on my side with one leg slightly bent and the other drawn up toward my chest with my body and legs relaxed. Taking things slow is important so as not to irritate the area. Also I read bearing down slightly opens the rectum making it easier to get past the anal entry muscles and that seems to hold true as well.
Aneros session
Once aroused and ready to proceed. I put one towel down to cover the bed and another folded up under my butt to raise it so the curled handle does not come into contact with the bed. I then lie still and relax which, for me, is easier said than done. It sounds simple but it took me quite awhile to allow my brain and thoughts to throttle down and my muscles to do the same. This takes 10 or so minutes. Once I am relaxed I employ the do nothing method. I found early on that I was contracting too hard and basically beating my poor prostate to a pulp. Soreness and frustration ensued. I now take thing much slower and more subtly. Also I can't emphasize enough the importance of just being along for the ride rather than trying to force things. Hard to do particularly in the beginning but practice, reading and learning help. No session was wasted. Some were less than others but all were helpful. Porn usually gets things going. In the beginning (about 3 months ago) most of what I got was Pwaves and anal twitching which felt curious but not necessarily good. Just sensations. A sense of things happening kind of like rubbing your elbow. A awareness of touch and motion but not anything special.
My wife is the one who turned me on to nipple play years ago. She randomly began sucking my nipples during foreplay and it felt fantastic! She uses this to full advantage now when we have sex. Sometimes when we are too tired for sex she will suck my nipples while I masturbate and it always feels amazing, especially when coming. So I knew that nipples ties into the pelvic area and nipple play is an integral part of my routine now. I usually wait until things are buzzing then start very very lightly stroking them sometimes running circles around the nipple with my finger. This definitely seems to charge up the sensations quite a bit. They get more sensitive as I go so long as I don't use too much pressure which will desensitize them for a bit. My right one is more sensitive than my left one for some reason but both feel amazing.
So last night things moved to a new level. Not necessarily a super O as described here on the forums but a pretty damn good handsfree O on my journey. From reading it can best be described as the calm seas orgasm. I had been teasing myself during the day when sitting with deep breathes and pc contractions so was pretty primed before bed. I took a good long hot shower right before bed and lubed up, inserted the Helix and lay down. I just lay still for awhile breathing normally and just letting my mind and body wind down. About 20 minutes in I pulled up some porn and began watching while deepening my breathing and the anal twitches were off and running. I had noticed in previous sessions that after awhile I would start feeling a tightening in my groin area and at the base of my penis. Sometimes this was accompanied by a drop of precum but never more than that. My penis also remained soft though I could feel and see it pulsing at times. Just moving in and out to the rhythms of the anal twitches. This happened last night after about an hour but kept going when it usually fades away. I made myself relax into it and the feeling increased. It was strange. There was the tightening but in a relaxed way, if that makes sense. The tightening was not coming from my manual pc contractions but seemed to be a reaction to the movements of the Helix. The sensations went way past where it normally fades and my vision and hearing became softer. It was as if I was looking through a fog and hearing through cotton. The sensations started in my prostate and ran up my penis. Eventually everything went still and started to vibrate. My penis pulsed as if I was having a traditional orgasm but I did not ejaculate. I did leak 10 or so drops of precum, far more than ever before. This felt amazing and went on for a few minutes or so. It was the first time I was consumed with deep pleasurable sensations and was just along for the ride. After I just lay there with my body buzzing with good feelings and happy that I had gotten somewhere I had not been before. I did not see colors or have an out of body experience or the body jerking that others have described. But that is fine with me whether it happens later or not at all. I went on for another hour or so and was able to have 3 more orgasms of lesser intensity though they felt great as well.
I can say the journey has been interesting. I have experienced many sensations along the way. Aless orgasms, chair orgasms, orgasms out the blue, all of varying intensities. Some sessions are fantastic where others are flat but even the less than stellar ones teach me when my body is not ready.
I have been able to reproduce the feelings of the first orgasm several times more in sessions. I feel like there is more out there but am not in a hurry. I definitely learned not to rush things and not to stress if a session does not go as planned or if circumstances don't allow for one. All in good time.
So read up, experiment, relax and enjoy YOUR journey. Thanks for reading!
(forgive me if I mis-spell: I have my progasm inside me and I've had three or four dry orgasms over the last half hour - I'm sure I'll have to take a break for another one soon...)
I learned about the Aneros product line surfing over the web with increasing excitement in the last couple of months and put an order in the night before last. LoveHoney didn't have any Helixes in stock - which was my first choice - but as I have used anal sex in support of my masturbation at least once or twice a month since I was 15 (now 44), I thought if I can take a five inch butt plug, I probably will end up with a progasm anyway. So that's what I ordered, together with a douche, fully expecting to have to persevere a little more learning technique.
I had the day off work, hoping the delivery would come by 10am so I could try it out before my wife got home - who doesn't know I ordered it - but in the end I had to collect it myself later on from local the post office. I adore the anticipation of the first time with a new sex toy and having waited 2 days already, I sneaked a quick clean with the douche in the bathroom (hmmnn.. that was a new experience!), lubed myself and the progasm up and went for a lie down on the bed.
At once I knew there was something different. I relaxed and felt completely comfortable in a couple of minutes. I took a feew deep breaths and my heart rate was up
(oh, hang on a second)
Oh shit. Another one. I just have to hump myself with my sphincter and I have a dry orgasm. This is amazing!
Anyway I was tingling too, so although it had only been a couple of minutes, I thought I'd do some deep breathing and some light contractions. That was pleasant! I tried a few positions and found lying on my back holding on to my ankles with my feet flat on the bed was good so I stuck with this and tried a big contraction. Now that was nice! I shuddered slightly while I
(sorry - just had a drift there..)
did this.
The tighter I pulled my legs up, the better it felt, so I had a go at some quick squeezes. I could definitely feel something building now and I kept quick, 2-a-second contractions going with some desperation. Then I had a rest.
I did this a couple of more times and then I went giddy and tingled. I did some quick squeezes and tried moving my hips in a vertical circle, first riding and then humping myself. And then I lost control of the contractions. Then I did some more quick squeezes and held the last one ===really=== tightly. Wow! I lost contol of contractions and they became involuntary. I leaked clear fluid. No erection. When I came down I was absolutely wasted. An orgasm! And as good as any from conventional masturbation.
I then had to attend to some household chores which I did without taking the progasm out and when I had a sneaky five minutes I humped myself again. And I came again.
I really can't believe this. It's completly amazing. The best sex toy ever.
I can feel there is a ==really== big one deep in there. I'm off to find it now!
See, it's stories like this that show all the hype is fake.
Hey there.
so... i did it... finally... phew
In fact I had my very first Super-O in January 2015. Back then I immediately started to write this forum post but failed to complete it right away. I wanted it to be precise and detailed, so it took some time... and now we are here with a big ass wall of text (sry for that).
For those in the forums who complain that they are not having a quick success after like 2 weeks and 5 tries. Let me tell you something: my journey took 5 years! And still it was worth every second.
My apologies in advance, this will be a super long post (but a good one – I promise) – for the impatient readers: there is a Tl;Dr- section at the end :). I wrote it over a long period of time, so the sections might seem a bit incoherent sometimes. Since this thread is commonly also a guide how to reach the Super-O, i will be a bit excessive here about the things that i consider important to reach it. Additionally I want to mention, that english is not my first language, so please don't judge me over the various mistakes that might occur. Feel free to comment or PM me.
Let's start
I purchased a Helix (classic non-syn version) long ago, like 5 years or so. Needless to say that I didn't had fast success, since I wasn't posting here until today. Back then, I experienced some serious pleasure and arousal, but that was generally it. No O's of any kind, not even pleasure waves, some involuntaries though and spasms in my legs, but no hint of an orgasm. So, as many other users, I dropped the aneros in my toycase and only took it out from time to time.
The big change came in summer 2014 with two things (so to put things into perspective, one could argue that it took me rather 6 months to reach the Super-O than 5 years): I got me a 4-set of the Peridise and I began to do Kegels. I've read, that many guys had better success with the Peridise (and even threw their other Aneros devices out), so I gave it a shot. With the Peridise I experienced the „Tug of War“ for the first time (or at least something similar). The Peridise got stuck between two muscles and produced very nice feedback-loop-like feelings (still no orgasms). This and further reading made me aware, that I didn't know enough about my abdominal/pelvic floor muscles – so I began to do some research. At the same time I startet with a regular PC workout.
Important Flashback: How it all started
I made my first contact with aneros with indirections. At first I read a book from Babara Keesling called „How to make love all night“. Fascinated by the idea of MMO's and further internet search, I stumbled across the Aneros. Why I'm telling this? The MMO concept of Keesling is different. Back then I didn't recognized that. I just thought, yay – this aneros may help me with the techniques Keesling describes. (In short, Keesling teaches a technique to actively suppress ejaculation with a strong PC squeeze when entering orgasm. No ejaculation -> no refractorial period -> MMO // Spoiler: doesn't work but it's useful for arousal control).
But soon I figured (and you may know aswell), the aneros devices don't work like that. They achieve the MMO due to the stimulation of branches of the nervus pudendus and therefore bypassing the whole ejaculation – auto-pilot. The nerve cord in our genitals (which is obvsly able to trigger orgasms) is only one of several brances of the nervus pudendus, so it seems plausible to me, that all the other branches that spread out in our pelvic floor are susceptible for arousal as well.
As said, one branch carries/innervates the penis, the rest carries/innervates the prostate, the perineum, the anus and the pelvic muscle set. In fact you can potentially orgasm from the stimulation of any nerve ending (nipples, lips, earlobes, anus... anywhere), it's „just“ a matter of learning. And this specific learning and training of the brain to experience and build up arousal in other, different ways is commonly refered as rewiring! But it's a lot easier at places with lots of nerve endings. Therefore, the next best place after the penis is the pelvic floor area (with plenty of hot spots). The drawback is, as you all surely know, that this form of masturbation is more like meditation and hardly to combine with a partner or even intercourse (still possible though –> tao/tantra style). But I wanted to integrate the MMO possibilities into the sexual encounters with my partner in the first place. THATS WHY I was still interested in the Keesling-Method and wanted to learn both methods to reach MMO's. THATS WHY I began to do Kegels on a daily basis. And that changed everything!
Peridise, Helix and EuphoSyn
The Peridise is not designed to hit the prostate, but it still does to some degree – and for me, this was almost enough. I figured i need a bit more than that but far less than the Helix gave me. In hindsight, the Helix is far to aggressive for me. It just puts up to much pressure. My conclusion was to search for a smaller Aneros, thank god there was one: the EuphoSyn. Beside Kegels and the Peridise, the EuphoSyn was THE Gamechanger! All the things i read in the forums, from leakage over do-nothing-techniques, swelling prostate to moving on its own... it all didn't (really) applied to me until i got the Eupho. With the Eupho it suddenly all happend. The result was a Super-O on the very first attempt
For those who don't own the EuphoSyn or any Syn massager: the silicone-coating is really a benefit (at least for me). Not only because of the added softness, but because of the texture of the surface that gives some nice sensations. Furthermore the P-Tab-Arm is very soft and bends easlily. Compared to rigid ones, it acts like a spring than pulls out the massager actively and makes it very lively and bouncy. Compared to the Helix, it's slightly longer. That's another thing that did the trick for me. With the Eupho, i can get behind the prostate and touch it with a come-hither-motion. I was never able to do that with the Helix. First I was unsure if i should buy the Eupho, because it is recommended for advanced/expert users. Without a Super-O on my tally, I did not considered me as such. But what that recommendation actually means (imho) is your ability to control your different abdominal/pelvic muscels and hence be able to direct the Eupho precisely. If you do Kegels and are aware of your different muscles down there, you should go for it.
Remarks on the pelvic floor
I would like to go into detail and share all the things I learned about the pelvic floor but this would blow up this post to much. I rather start a new thread with this topic in the future and leave it for now to this fundamental satement: The skill to know and control all of the different muscles in the pelvic floor area is crucial! Without this skill, without this deeper understanding of your body, Dry-O's/Super-O's are imho rather lucky accidents, because you won't know what exactly happend and why it happend. Therefore you can't reliable repeat it! Furthermore, if you can't contract these muscles at will, you also fail to relax them properly at will. I guess that's one of the main reasons, why newbies need such a long relaxation phase before they can start their actual session. They just can't relax their pelvic floor at will, so they have to work around and relax the whole body instead.
Watch these videos, learn the muscles and learn to control them individually (really... do it):
Back to my journey
After around 3 weeks of regular kegel- workouts (3 times a day, 20-30 reps) I began to develop the skill to distinguish the different muscles down there. Before that, it was generally one big muscle to me. The only muscle I could differ from the rest, was the anal sphincter. The various muscles are different in size and strengh and therefore they fatigue at different rates. Regarding this, when you squeeze your pelvic floor after a workout, they react differntly fast. From that point on, you try to address only the muscle that reacts first until you can control it at will. Repeat this accordingly with the second fastest muscle and so on... until you can control all of them.
The first MMO-magic ever, happend to me when I was aware of most of my muscles and able to control them individually. I was sitting in front of my computer and surfing porn (without the aneros). I did some experimental contractions (alternating the different muscles) – and there it was: butterlies in my stomach, the sneeze feeling somewhere around the prostate (aka the „buzz“), a slight buildup and then – a pleasure wave accompanied with involuntaries. I pushed that buzzy feeling with further contractions and lost myself. I had a Mini-O (aka Chair Orgasm if you check the wikis milestones list). In a matter of seconds. Not big though, but clearly an orgasm.
I immediately understood so much more of the things described over and over here in this thread/forum and got really excited. I had to try these contractions with the helix inside. Unfortunately, I didn't reached the Super-O with it. But I did reach dozens of Mini-O's. They were like without the Aneros inside, but stronger and with more muscle activity. The peaks became plateaus and I lingered in this general orgasmic/transcendencal state unsusual long with several consecutive O's. It was great and much like the O's described here but it wasn't that kind of „Knock-the-reality-out-of-you- Orgasm“. It just wasn't strong enough. In hindsight, this is a common trap to fall in. But I learned about that way later...
When I eventually ended up with the EuphoSyn, it was like coming home. It felt just right. It felt like it belonged there and was part of my body. In contrast to the Helix, which I for example, tried wearing over night a few times and everytime I woke up in the middle of the night not with an Super-O but with a hurting and sore prostate. Also, long sessions were not possible because of the soreness. And with the Helix it was all more conscious and in control. There was no letting go, because the Helix wouldn't start to do „it's thing“ alone. Totally different with the EuphoSyn. I just sunk in deep relaxation and it began doing „it's magic“ all by itself. I did not had to focus on anything – just enjoy and give a small contraction here and there if I felt like it. As I said earlier, Super-O on the very first try... So yeah, I'm a bit upset that I did not start trying different massagers earlier... but hey, they are expensive and I'm rather poor...
Part 2
From here on I wallow in unsorted remarks and things that I consider usefull for reaching the first Super-O.
A short excursion: Contemplate what an orgasm actually is and what it can be
(as stated a dozen times already by other users) the expections of a Super-O are mostly inflated, and it's a trap to imagine how it would be like to have one and then trying to accomplish this (imaginary) feeling. Instead concentrate on the actual sensations you have during the sessions. Learn to enjoy them and accept them as the first level of orgasmic sensations – because they already are. They will build stronger and stronger over time and eventually feel more similar to a traditional orgasm in terms that they hit you harder and therefore are more distinct. That takes practice and more than just one session. To be a bit more specific: pleasure waves are already a minor form of an orgasm.
In the beginning I always thought, that you work your muscles to move the Aneros that would eventually push some magical buttons in my bum. Today I think of the Aneros more as a handrail, that encourages the right muscles to move in a certain way, so that these muscles can trigger the sensations in the nerves which interfuse them. I came to the conclusion that's it's not the Aneros that pushes the buttons, it's the muscles itself and more importantly: the brain that is trained to be susceptible for that kind of input. Of course, the direct touch of the aneros is important as well: I'm not able to have Super-O's without an aneros up my bum... not yet.
The differnt types of O's
After my first few Super-O's and the following sessions, I made up my mind, what distinguishes the various orgasmic experiences and where the differences might come from. For newbies, this is a very important question, because they try to identify and sort the experiences they encounter. In fact, male orgasms are quite complicated – a symphonie played by a dozen instruments. Figuratively speaking, a classic ejaculative orgasm is like listening to a very specific song. There is a lot happening in the background, but it's happening after the very same plan evertime – it's the same song over and over. We are so used to this dramaturgy/song, that we simply can't imagine, how it might sound if the orchestra may played another interpretation with other instruments in the foreground. That's the big trap to fall in: newbies expect something that fits their known definition of an orgasm. But these new sexual sensations differ quite alot! That is so important, that I just can't stress that enough.
From here on I'm a bit speculative, you are invited to discuss that points... I'm just trying to give explanations here that seem plausible to me without claiming to be right.
The instruments of male arousal & orgasm or let's rather say aspects/dimensions are:
arousal (mental), neuronal arousal (nerve stimulation), muscle activity, hormones & body own drugs
The mixture of these different aspects of arousal & orgasm eventually produces (imho) the different stages of orgasms, as they are:
Pleasure Waves < Mini-O's < Dry-O's < Super-O's < Full Body Super-O's
As this sequence suggests, i consider these different O's as subsets of eachother, that contain/inherit all the aspects of the preceding, „smaller“ kinds of O's.
What defines a Super-O is the immense amount of body own drugs in your blood. It somehow reminds me of the sedative i got when i had a surgery. It's like stepping in a big, cozy bathtub full of heroin. My body typically feels like it's made out of cotton candy. I feel light and heavy at the same time. So relaxed that i can hardly move and very cuddly and happy. In short: very drugged. Did you ever received a very good backrub? You are very relaxed and well feeling, and from time to time a shiver of goosebumps runs over you. That's a good analogy to the Super-O plateau with consecutive Dry-O's. It's rather a general state than a single event.
What defines a Dry-O is the muscle activity of the pelvic floor. When we have a traditional O, some muscles in our pelvic floor squeeze in a specific order to push the semen out. That's what happen when you encouter a Dry-O. It remains dry because the valves of the seminal vesicle stay closed since you didn't reach the orgasm with your inbuild auto-pilot and the valves are not triggered to open. It feels a bit like the (in)famous involuntaries (if you think about it, they are in fact a specific form of these). The lack of ejaculation results in a lacking emission of body own drugs, that normally would be pumped into your bloodstream. Therefore the missing refractory period, but also a different perception of the orgasm. You won't be tired, but you may not feel as cozy and reliefed as you are used to from traditional O's.
What defines a Mini-O is the neuronal activity. It's the neuronal firework – part of the orgasm. A Mini-O is just that neuronal firework without the muscle spasms and drugs. You feel parts (or the whole) of your body and esp. your skin and head tingling. You may know the sensation of jumping in a cold lake: your whole skin is tingling and you feel as if you could feel every single little hair separately. This neuronal dimension is also responsible for the located orgasms e.g. in your hands. Mini-O's feel very light and not very physical. More like fainting due to a weak circulation (seeing stars). The nerve endings fire, giving you that tingly feeling, but due to the missing muscular activity it doesn't feel „strong“ and not reliefing as well. More like... enlightened.
What defines Pleasure Waves is somehow very close to Mini-O's. That's why I consider them already as the first orgasmic experience rather than just a buildup. It's a neuronal shiver that spreads along your neronal paths. That takes a fraction of a second and therefore the wave-kind sensation. (Taoists interpret this as Chi flowing in your body.) These shiver-like waves can be repeated and build up with every succession until they escalate in an orgasm. That's what Jack Johnstons Key Sound Technique does, but with the neuronal cluster of your belly instead of the pelvic floor.
What defines a Full Body Super-O is like the name suggests, the full body attribute. The Super-O dimension was the drugging, which is full body by default. The Dry-O dimension was muscular tension and relief: that is usually pretty located (genitals, legs, bottom). Feeling that relief on a full body scale is seldom and remarkable. Same goes for the Mini-O respectively the neuronal dimension: it's often more or less located, but during a Full Body Super-O it spreads along your full body. In short: Full Body Super-O's combine all the orgasmic dimension on a full body scale. They feel like all your extremities are penises and all of them orgasm at the very same moment. It's pretty overwhelming.
Let's summarize
The muscle aspect makes the orgasm „strong“ (Dry-O), the neuronal aspect makes them light and tingly respectively „shivering“ (Mini-O), the body drug aspect makes the orgasm „deep“ (Super-O) and the full body aspect makes (parts or) all of this... yeah you guess it... „full body“ (Full Body-O).
It's important to mention, that all of these are also arousal aspects, that sum up on the way to orgasm. When the sum hits a certain threshold, the brain triggers the orgasm. That's why muscle tension, erotic thoughts and fast strokes help reaching a traditional O and that's why newbies often intuitively apply to much muscle power on their aneros or rush the pace. To reach the higher spheres of the Super-O, you must first reach higher spheres of arousal (mental & neuronal) while cutting down the muscular part. That requires a deep relaxation, slow belly-breathing instead of fast chest-breathing, low heartrate and low adrenaline (I guess that's why Dry-O's/Super-O's often occur without any erection).
Unsorted Remarks
Integrating the Partner/Intercourse
One of the most rewarding things for me with the awakening of the pelvic floor, is that I now can integrate it into the love play with my wife. As often stated by various other users, I started to develop the ability to trigger all the good sensations without the aneros. (I hope, i will be able to even trigger a Super-O this way someday.) My wife is multiorgasmic (like many woman) and we had some very nice encounters since I changed my approach. She doesn't caress my penis so much but rather concentrates on my perineum and ass while I do the usual contractions. This way we both can have multiple O's and can stay in bed much longer.
Does weed help? Confirmed!
I'm not a pothead and only smoked a few times in my life, but i got my hands on some weed lately and couldn't resist in order to try a quick session while high. It had a solid body-high that I think, was pretty similar to the altered state of mind/lightheadedness I usually get from Aneros-Sessions. My body was very relaxed yet susceptible and I had the most intense and longest Aneros-less session so far. I could just jump in, no relaxing phase required. I guess that's how weed enhances the whole MMO- thing: it makes you more connected to your body. The relaxation helps with overcoming expectations and you are more susceptible to really embrace the feelings that occur during the session.
Feeling peace and the urge to tell the world after a Super-O? Confirmed!
After my first Super-O I felt really talkative, thankful and just wanted to hug the world – and esp. you fellows in this forum.
Relaxing Music/Binaural Beats? Rather not.
I tried to integrate relaxing music in my sessions but it was rather distracting. I usually set up some porn videos for my sessions and set them to mute to cut out potential distracting due to volume jumps (aka noisy screaming). The backdraw is, that I stop looking to the screens when the pleasure builds up. That's totally fine, but with the lack of audio I also lose every erotic input. Eventually I figured, that I should just use headphones. Since I usually consume homemade porn, the audio is mostly authentic and for me it's a HUGE turn on. That's even more true since I can set the volume a bit higher without worring about my neighbours. Hearing the subtle sounds of pleasure really enhances the experience for me and I keep in touch with the porn even if i don't look.
Hand free ejaculation with prostate stimulation? Absolutely possible!
Most annoying part for me, since I often got them while I tried to achieve Dry-O's. But for some people, it seems desirable to blow their load through anal penetration. There is an easy trick to do so, though it's not completly hands-free. The trick is to pull back your (fore)skin at the base of your penis and keep up the tension while massaging the prostate. That's all. For some reason, pulling back the foreskin is kind of a boost for building up arousal. But it's a form of penile stimulation, therefore the ejaculation (when you flex your pelvic muscles or experience involuntaries, the penis moves a bit while the skin is fixed. That results in a pulling sensation at your frenulum respectivley some kind of mini-wanking). It works even when you just pull firmly on your testicles or tuck them between your legs and then pull with your legs (straighten the legs out). So be carefull with grabbing your ballsack if you want to get a Dry-O.
The lack of an edge? Confirmed!
Like some others, I sometimes feel like i can't get over the edge and that can be very very frustrating. When I eventually let go, I can feel the typical post-orgasm warmth, heartbeat and relaxation and I'm still not entirely sure if I'm coming back from an orgasm or some kind of almost-orgasm. As other forum members figured, this edge is rather a wall and impossible to overcome – there is no Super-O waiting on the other side. The key to an Dry-O/Super-O is relaxation – the goal is not to build up arousal but rather to build up relaxation instead. There is a specific kind of relaxed state, that makes you feel like high on drugs and completely delivered. When you reach that state, the Super-O comes almost all by itself. Or rather: the Super-O IS that state! The multiple Dry-O's are the icing on top.
The Key Sound Protocol (KSMO) by Jack Johnston? Good stuff! Very good stuff!
Easy to learn, hard to master. I learned alot about the nature of pleasure waves and rewiring through this program.
Done. I hope you enjoyed the read and it was worth your while.
1. Do Kegels! Learn to distinguish as much of your pelvic muscles as you can. Furthermore, learn to control all of them individually. Most important are the inner muscles of the levator ani and the rectal ones. If you are familiar with them, you are ready to go.
For learning and understanding your pelvic muscels, the following video is highly recomended:
2. Find the right massager. Even if you will have to spend a fortune on it. Like with clothes: standard size doesn't fit all. If you are not successfull and not making noticeable progress over time, you should try a different model.
3. Regard the Aneros as a tool for relaxation not arousal. Relaxation is not just the set-up, it's the goal.
After on-and off for about close to 2 months I did it the first time with weed. (Still high and twitching from it,) I start getting trembles just in particular areas like hands and toes. Then, I started feeling everything build up around, and my penis start to feel so damn good. It just kept building and I started moving it around in my ass at the same pace as the top in my porn video was fucking. Then, I just shot pre-cum out of my penis and it was fucking leaking! I was panting like the dog the entire time, and just felt so fucking good. Gosh, it was the best thing ever. Then, as I was masturbating I felt like I had four dry orgasms in a row until I finally shot my load. I'm hard just thinking about it and wanting to go again right now.
First super o was amazing. After a 1 year of trying i finally learned how to let go and stop controlling the helix my hole. I just let it move by it's self.the more i relaxed and let go the more the wonderful pressure started to buzz through my entire body. As the sensation grew my ass started to suck in the helix rapidly. I started to moan and tried to cover my mouth from screaming but that didnt work. The more i screamed the more intense the orgasm got. I swear i was reacting just like one of veryhorny3 videos on xtube i couldnt Belive this.then my abs started to go in convulsions i had no control.then a big wham! Of an orgasm hit me and i let out all kinds of screams and foul language lol. Even started to sob because it was so freaking good cant wait to try again!
As I write this I'm still coming down from my first ever Super-O, nerves are still on edge and my hands are a bit jittery. Roughly two years ago I began my journey with the Aneros Helix-Syn. I've had many breaks, and have probably only used it for maybe 3-4 months, at spurts of 2-3 weeks at a time. I'll try to catalog everything that occurred during my session first as I think most people are interested in that. Afterward I'll go into my preparation and events leading up to this. I have a very "engineering" approach to everything I do as such this may be a bit detailed.
I coated the helix syn in a very thin layer of vaseline, the way I accomplish this is by just globbing it on to ensure an even and full coat, wiping my hand off, then removing the excess with a clean hand until it's shiny and slick. Next I internally inserted 5cc (5ml) of astroglide sensitive skin gel. I have a sensitivity issue with glycerin and this is the only water based i could find without it. I then placed a very small amount over the entire length of the toy.
I moved to my bed and loaded up "Dreamgasm" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK13_DlgFNo ). This is actually one of my least favorite of the 5 in the series, i find some parts annoying, but its also the one I had my now second best experience with. Earbuds in, lights out, roll to my side, pillow between the knees, one under my head, one cuddled in front of me.
I laid still for about 20 minutes and didn't actually have much going on. I always constantly twitch but no whispers of any activity above normal, nothing I'd write home about. At some point I decided to move the aneros around and I noticed I was doing it with a muscle I wasn't familiar with. I know about the anal contractions and the p muscles, but this was something in between. I feelt like it was moving my taint for and aft and by concentrating on that it felt like I was "brushing" the prostate. I did this for maybe 3 minutes, felt nice but nothing amazing. Then I remembered a post saying the goal was to "polish the button". I decided to try and make circular patterns in an attempt to do that. I distinctly remember that as I'm trying to draw these circles I can't help but move my jaw the same way, I even tried to stop moving it and couldn't. This is when things got very interesting.
As I'm moving the toy in this motion my hips do a quick jerk, it's like when you fall asleep for a second and your whole body gets a small jolt. A few moments later the same thing but a little less. I don't know why but I started to kind of move my hips, along with the toy... and my damn jaw. Boom it happens again. I'm really not understanding what's going on but I've done this long enough to know that anything new is progress. Things are feeling great, but I'm still not really feeling the whisper, then it happens again, body shakes but it feels kind of good. For a half a second I decide I like this shake and want to do it more. That's when I felt the orgasm coming. It's like when chills run over your body, you get all tingly, but this time it came on much quicker, as the first wave hit me my body started to go into the shakes. I don't know if the shakes were causing movement and therefore increasing the pleasure or if the shakes make you release control, thus relaxing the body, but the pleasure kept building. I couldn't control my anal/pc/taingwhatever muscles because I couldn't feel them anymore. The pleasure built to what I imagine is the highest it could go and just... kind of... hung out there. I don't know how long I was there, I'd imagine no longer than 5 minutes and no shorter than 2.
I just laid still for about 5 minutes, my body felt incredibly heavy and weak. It was very similar to having a bad flu, or mono. I checked the video to see I was at 36 minutes (this is how I back tracked my times). I tried a few other positions, still had some body shakes but nothing came back. I tried to "polish the prostate" again but I couldn't. I think this is a new muscle I've discovered and I completely fatigued it, no strength left at all. I still have a few body echos right now, whole body still tingling and warm. I actually have no desire to do anything sexual, the whole processes seemed to transcend sexuality. It feels like the glow of pleasure with none of the horniness.
Anyway, just wanted to share this before I forgot what went into making it. I'll include some surprising insights into my preparation, some things that I thought would derail me and evidence that anything can turn out great.
I bought a Vice initially and used it twice. It was a bit large for a beginner, but it really felt good once I got it in place. I never achieved a Super-O, but I really enjoyed the experience.
I decided to buy the Helix Syn and tried it out for the first time today. It was easy to insert and easily found its proper place for a really nice fit. I had a 40 minute session and experienced 4-5 Super-Os; I kind of lost count. It was so comfortable I was even able to get up and walk around, take the dog out, etc... Even while walking around it felt really incredible. For my last Super-O I decided to masturbate while in the middle of the Super-O and had the most mind-blowing orgasm of my life, shaking uncontrollably, with waves of pleasure pulsing through my body.I don't know if I was just lucky to experience a Super-O on only my third try, or if the Helix Syn is so incredible that it naturally leads to a Super-O. Either way, I highly recommend this product.
25-year old guy, I have been using Aneros about 6 weeks. I got my first dry-O 2 days ago, and nothing after. Tonight I was a bit frustrated because I couldn't get the orgasm again. I had my Eupho syn on, lied on my back, watching erotica on phone. Many p-waves, but no O. I tried the do-nothing technique, just feeling the waves and relaxing. After one hour I felt I'm quite near to orgasm with my do-nothing technique, so I decided to contract the muscles holding the device.
Then it started.
Out of nowhere, tingling spread to my hands and feet, breathing become heavy, heart started pounding and my dick erect and contracting. This went on like 30s, and it started to subside. I contracted my ass muscles, and it started again. This went on about 3-4 mins, feeling very good and everywhere in my body. I was sceptic about the super-O earlier, not anymore.
I have abstained from masturbation 2,5 weeks now, so I think that helped me a lot reaching the O.