Thank you for looking at my poll. I am curious. When is a prostate orgasm ("PO") “done”? Given the potential sequential or even multiple-orgasmic nature of PO, I’m curious which is your most frequent mode of when a PO is “done”? Currently, I’m mainly the first, and sometimes the second. This regards your Aneros and/or A-less sessions, as applies to you.
The fantastic thing about POs is that you can keep getting them again and again. I (saddly) am out of practice now and have to re-learn how to get them but previously I would just get one after another and would finally have to stop from sheer exhaustion.
I put down "other" because generally nowadays I can achieve a prostate orgasm (PO) mostly in bed many nights through diddling my nipples. I am grateful for the many benefits that Aneros has brought into my life over the years.
After a journey of 4/5 years with regular Aneros sessions, I achieved a big breakthrough in mid September 2016 with Super-O's and MMO's. That is when I began serious diddling of my nipples most nights and began to achieve prostate orgasms mostly in bed many nights.
I can have prostate orgasms singly or one after another (mostly three to four in succession). The pleasure is awesome!
I think they just sort of fizzle out. I say this with the caveat that I have had prostate orgasms before with other toys but not necessarily Aneros, if I have they're just in the Mini-O category. But usually they are starting to ramp up toward something and then plateau; at some point my mind takes me out of it enough to know that it's ramping down and I either try some manual penis stimulation (edging...with varying degrees of success) or I accept the inevitable and pull the Aneros out. Either way I'm not ready for it to end usually and a bit frustrated a lot of the time. Sometimes it ends with me ejaculating but I try to control myself.
Usually I'm wore tried with the muscle contractions and by this time I've had near a dozen Super Os with plenty of P waves and milked an ounce of pre fluid and possibly had a few or more wet ejaculations hands free or by cheating. Sometimes only one firm press on the base is enough for wet O. Usually the second wet O just flows out without contractions like the first. The third is just shear insanity with full on cheating
Mine only finish when I decide to end them - otherwise they can go for hours with building intensity and multiple Os and SOs. Someone I finish with an explosive TO and a SO simultaneously - if you haven’t experienced that, it’s the ultimate in pleasure and will leave you exhausted but wanting more!
No matter how good or bad the session is, I always experience a point where things just fizzle-out. Either my brain doesn't have any more pleasure chemicals to dump on me, my prostate becomes tired and numb, or I get bored of chasing sensations. I find this point to be at about 3 hours max. No matter how much I still want it, or how much time I have to spare, I'm just done by this point for one reason or another.
Since this thread is "prostate orgasm" in the singular if I"m reading it correctly, the prostate Os I have just happen on their own, and they end on their own, and at a point in my session I'm at the point where I need full complete release that completely ends the session for me and that's a Super T. I don't see Super T on this poll but it should be there.
By the way, I'm starting a poll to see how many of us here end a session with a Super T, not just "wet", but with a Super T.