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Progress after your first Super O Poll is created on Nov 05, 2018

Poll results: Progress after your first Super O
Voter(s): 13
Poll is created on Nov 05, 2018
Super O every time  -  votes: 3 / 23.1%
At least a Dry O every time  -  votes: 2 / 15.4%
Different every time/varies  -  votes: 5 / 38.5%
Just once  -  votes: 2 / 15.4%
NA  -  votes: 1 / 7.7%

Progress after your first Super O

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Member Adventurer
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 67
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This is a poll and question for those that have achieved a Super O at least once.

What is your situation now?

Following my very successful session a few days ago, I have been thinking: I have been at this irregularly for over 5 years now with some amazing sessions (probably about 10 Super Os in over 75 sessions with 2-15mins in duration) and some very uninteresting sessions. I still liked all of them and the massage is always nice plus beneficial to the prostate. But,

Do you, like me, find that deep pleasure, lost control and super o’s are only accessible sometimes when your body and mind is fully ready, or are you one of the lucky ones that can make this happen every single time?

Do you believe that having long regular hours to spend on sessions helped a lot?

Or, do you think that pleasure and session progress does not always go up but alters and evolves over time with peaks and changes in feelings in some sort of a cycle?

I am interested to hear your thoughts in addition to the poll. How long have you been at it?

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Member Adventurer
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 67
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It would also be interesting to hear your thoughts on what happened after your first Super O in the weeks that followed.
