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Wiki prep: How cannabis can enhance or enable prostate induced male multiple orgasm

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I thought it may be helpful if I write a “How cannabis can enhance or enable prostate induced male multiple orgasm”. This may also be used as base for a wiki page. Feel free. No copyright claimed by me.


Preface (just some background information)

I am no cannabis ambassador.

Music was always an important part of my life and I early learned that some of my most inspiring songs were created under the influence of cannabis. So, I got curios how cannabis works and due to the lack of first-hand experience read everything about cannabis I could get a grip on. This cannabis stuff really fascinated me. Also, my political attitude made me quite angry that cannabis was worldwide illegal and alcoholic beverages and tobacco weren’t.

On a holiday in Amsterdam 20 years ago, I first tried cannabis and did the typical beginner’s error to overdose which gave me a horror trip and kept me away from further tries. Also, my cousin started to heavily use cannabis at teenage years which led to psychological problems and in the end to suicide. So, my relation to cannabis became more ambivalent.

Three years ago, I had an accident which left me with chronic muscle pain. Painkillers (and I hate taking painkillers) just relived the symptom for a few hours. So, my doctor advised me to try medical cannabis which he was convinced could remove the cause (too high muscle tension). Cannabis really worked wonders for me and made me 100% pain free even nowadays without consuming it regularly. But I had to learn a lot about the right dosing as I needed to be able to work despite using cannabis. The regular use of low dosed cannabis at that time lead inevitably to the combination of cannabis and sex and gave me an Eureka moment.


PPA (Prostate Pleasure Amplifier)

Cannabis can alter your mood, filter out blockades, intensify sensations, trick your sense of time and more and by this enhance or enable prostate induced male multiple orgasm. To work as prostate pleasure amplifier (PPA – I made this up to ease writing this) it needs three key factors:

  1. The right strain
  2. The right dose
  3. You
  4. An Aneros massager (optional - no key factor but very helpful)

Unfortunately, “You” is variable so the right strain and dose may alter, e.g. with the mood you’re in. What works today may not work tomorrow and what doesn’t work today may work tomorrow. In the end this means sometimes you need to try a combination of strain and dose more than once. E.g. it does make a difference if your digesting system is busy after a luscious meal or if you are leastways in the morning before breakfast. Very experienced consumers will know which strain and dose fits their actual state. Beginners need to gamble. Sorry, but cannabis is not the magic pill you take and immediately have orgasms.

For further information I recommend starting with the book “Cannabis and Sexual Ecstasy for Men: Awaken the Prostate for Multiple Orgasm” by Cliff Dunning, Destiny Books, 2022


What Is Cannabis

Cannabis is the flower of the female hemp plant. These flowers contain cannabinoids (e.g. THC and CBD) and terpenoids only naturally found in this combination on planet earth in the hemp plant, making it a holy plant in some cultures. The most important cannabinoid is THC, which makes cannabis psychoactive and a drug (in both meanings).

THC is the main substance that causes most of the effects making it a PPA. Cannabis without or with very few THC does NOT work as PPA. CBD-products with THC < 0,5 % (which are nowadays legal in many countries where high THC cannabis still is illegal) may help relaxation, but this is miles away from the PPA effect “real” Cannabis makes. (CBD is also assumed to counteract THC’s effects.)

The dried hemp flowers can be consumed directly (known as marijuana or weed) or processed to products like hashish, kief, oil etc. I recommend using dried flowers, as they are the most common product and you are sure to use the authentic strain. With higher processed products it normally is uncertain if they are fully made from one strain or in some cases you don’t even know which strain is used at all. When speaking of Cannabis in the following I mean dried flowers.

I assume in the near future special THC products like sprays, oils etc. specially designed for male arousal will arise, as the commercial R&D just started.


Important Warning

Using cannabis can cause problems (as can drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco which doesn’t scare many people off). Especially when used at the age of under 25, often and/or at high doses cannabis can cause long term psychological problems like psychosis, panic attacks, paranoia, addiction and when smoked can cause cancer.

At the age of 30+, at the low doses needed for PPA and when eaten or inhaled with a vaporizer the risks described above are very small but not neglectable. Especially if you suffer from psychological problems or have such cases in your family history consult a medic before consuming cannabis.

Cannabis will alter your mood and amplify feelings. Compared to some other dugs it does not simply numb bad feelings and make you feel floating on pink cosy clouds. If you are feeling bad (e.g. being very stressed, having pain, being bad-tempered, depressed) these bad feelings can also be amplified. Make sure you are in the right state of mind before taking cannabis.

Don’t drink alcohol when using cannabis as PPA! Alcohol counteracts the effects of low cannabis doses.


Sexy Strains

Hemp has been bred to hundreds of different strains. The first thing you stumble on is indica versus sativa. These are the archetypes of strains. (There is also ruderalis as third archetypes strain, I ignore.)  Indica is said to make a bodily high whereas sativa is said to make a head high. Most modern strains are mainly hybrids with all kinds of ratio between indica and sativa.

When used as PPA and low dose the kind of high is not that important. Much more important is the combination of indica-to-sativa ratio, THC-to-CBD ratio and especially the terpene profile (mixture of different terpenoids). A unique composition of these components can make a “sexy” strain as Cliff Dunning calls them.

Sexy strains can boost your arousal, make your prostate very sensitive and overall work as aphrodisiac and more, thus enhance or enable prostate induced male multiple orgasm. The most often mentioned sexy strains are Jack Herer, Bubblegum Kush, Dream Queen, Gelato, Sour Diesel and Trainwreck. Unfortunately, as mentioned above you have to find “your” sexy strain and that may even change with mood. E.g. the famous Gelato doesn’t work for me as it makes my prostate completely numb. But the strains mentioned above should work with most males and are a good starting point. Be careful, there are also sexy strains that mainly (only?) work for females like Wedding Cake. Cliff Dunnings book lists 20 sexy strains and further new ones especially bred for this purpose will hopefully arise one day.


Consuming Cannabis

The most common ways to absorb cannabis’ active components are via the lung (smoking or vaping), the digestion system (eating) and over mucous membranes (THC-lube).

Please don’t try THC-lube. There are no statics or medical papers out yet, but it looks like it works as an aphrodisiac for females and a local narcotic for males, which is the opposite of the desired PPA.

Eating cannabis (THC edibles) has three advantages. It is the healthiest way to consume, it gets the most effect out of a given amount of THC and is the longest lasting (6 to 8 hours). The big, big, big! disadvantages are, that it very difficult to dose and takes 45 to 60 minutes after eating to kick in. Also, to get a certain strain in most cases you have to make/bake the edibles by yourself. If the THC is unevenly distributed you again risk overdosing. For a beginner I recommend not starting with edibles. Despite movies showing us “Eat a space cooky, get giggly and have fun” the reality is more the risk of serious overdosing and then you are stuck on a horror trip for up to 8 hours. If you are once used to cannabis, you can tolerate overdosing better making it less dangerous. Thus I recommend edibles only for advanced users.

Instead, I recommend vaping cannabis. The difference between smoking cannabis like a cigarette (joint, blunt ...) or in a (water)pipe/bong and vaping is that you don’t burn the weed which is less noxious to the lung (scientific proof not given yet, but I’m sure will soon be given). The only disadvantage is, that you have to invest in an electronic device called vaporizer that heats the weed to a (normally adjustable) exact temperature where the cannabinoids and terdpenoids are being boiled and can be inhaled with the vapor. I personally recommend the Arizer Solo II to with the Hubble Bubble water filter for around 200 bucks in total. But there are lots of such devices at different prices and reviews in the net may help. The water filter is optional but highly recommended for non-smokers.

A vaporizer gives you the additional feature that you can not only dose by the amount of cannabis but also by the number of draws (drags) as you can easily pause and continue.

One draw is: you naturally exhale, inhale through the vaporizer (nose mentally shut off) and without holding the breath exhale again immediately. There is no need for very deep inhales (the lung gets already saturated with a normal inhale - extra deep draws just waste THC) and no need to keep the vapour in the lungs for a few seconds as often practised. The active components are absorbed immediately by the lung. Holding the breath only increases the risk of absorbing harmful substances.

What else do I need?

Besides the vaporizer and optional water filter you need

  • Isopropyl alcohol or special cleaner, Q-tips and pipe cleaners to keep vaporizer and water filter nice and clean.
  • A scale with resolution of 1mg and accuracy of + 3mg or better (online for about 50 bucks e.g. G&G FC50 or a gun powder scale from the gun shop)
  • A pair of tweezers
  • Half of a razor blade to break the weed like herbs when cooking (a grinder is overkill for the small amounts of weed we need)


How it feels

I choose to divide it in four steps with increasing dose. The effects are not strictly assigned to one step and again individual. You may feel a step 2 effect before a step 1 effect. You need to make your own definition of step 1 and step 2 effects.


Step 0 – sober

Base state


Step 1 (micro dose or medical dose)

You will experience:

  • medical effects (normally unnoticed): reduced muscle tension, pain relief, nausea relief
  • altered mood: feeling a little euphoric and/or relaxed
  • altered sensing: slightly feeling fluffy when touching your skin (blow against your inner wrist or caress your inner arm from wrist and armpit when being sober and repeat under the influence of THC – you will quickly learn the difference)
  • Cognitive performance is not affected (brain works normal, concentration not affected)


Step 2 (high)

You will feel all effects of step 1 but more intense plus

  • Impression that time ticks slower
  • Altered sensing
    • pleasurable itches from unusual body parts
    • altered hearing (you can “feel” music)
    • altered vision (kaleidoscope images can cause strange things like emotions)
  • Dizziness (for some only at step 3 - maybe dependent on your blood pressure?)
  • Dry mouth and eyes
  • Concentration affected: multi-tasking becomes really hard or impossible, hard to stay focused on what you are doing
  • Cognitive performance slightly reduced
  • Feeling of being high/tipsy
  • When new to cannabis: hunger attacks (get less severe or vanish if you are used to cannabis)


Step 3 (stoned, couch lock and overdose)

You will feel all effects of step 2 (more intense) plus

  • Hallucination (especially with strains with high sativa ratio)
  • Felling of: “My brain is a computer with 4 cores and the THC made 3 stop working.”
  • Cognitive performance severely reduced
  • Loss of motivation
  • Widened pupils
  • Problems with body temperature regulation
  • capacity to remember affected
  • disorientation
  • When new to cannabis or overdosed: fear, panic attacks, paranoia



For PPA we want to achieve a level between step 1 and 2. Some had great success with staying in step 1, others needed a full step 2. It is agreed that step 3 normally is too high for PPA, but i don't think there are any strict rules.

Note everything in a diary or make a voice recording (strain, dose, draws, temperature, feelings, effects, course of session…). That helps a lot to track success and find your right dose.

To get accustomed with the dosing you first start very low. Better be safe than sorry. If you want to learn cliff diving starting at the highest platform doesn't make your learning faster but leads to total failure instead. Some suggest that you learn the effects of THC first without combining cannabis and sex and put everything together when you have the dosing fully under control. I would say, if you got the dose right, feel aroused and are in the right mood, why waste the opportunity? But don’t put yourself under pressure to get it quickly right at the beginning.

When using cannabis more than twice a week the brain gets used to it requiring increasing doses over time. If you consume cannabis either daily or regularly at high doses it may not work as PPA as you are desensitized to low doses. Take a two week break and than try again with a micro dose.

The dose is the total amount of THC per serving (not the weight of the weed). E.e. 100mg cannabis with a power of 22% THC are a dose of 22mg. The amount of flower needed is calculated: cannabis weight in mg = desired dose THC in mg / power in %.

I recommend to start very safe and begin with only 2mg THC at a vaping temperature of 180°C (temperature can also be varied at experienced level to slightly adjust the effects). Take one draw, wait 5 to 10 minutes for an effect. Continue with one draw every 5 to 10 minutes until you feel step 2 effects. Stop after 20 draws. At this very low dose it is possible that you didn’t feel a thing. Call the day done. Earliest the next day take a dose of 5mg THC. Do again one draw each 5 to 10 minutes. Again, go to a maximum of 20 draws or stop if step 2 effects occur. If again absolutely no effect, add another 5mg to the dose earliest next day and repeat. Continue with 5 mg steps until you feel step 2 effects.

If at one point you reach the beginning of step 2 effects, stop, note what you experience and try to replicate the effects next time with the same dose and number of draws. Try to go a tad higher and lower the next times. I set my dose to an amount that I need 15 to 20 draws in average. The cannabis than still contains a significant rest of THC. If you need higher doses and/or enjoy the taste of cannabis you may want to waste less, adjust your dose to a higher amount of draws.

The first times the effects may come in waves. It is normal that you think “too low – nice – too low…” or “nice – too much – nice”. If your brain gets used to THC the waves will change to a steady state.

Be aware that at small doses neither your scale is precise enough nor the cannabis flower is homogenous to get an exact dose each time. If your average dose is 15 draws, always start with 10 draws, wait a short while and then adjust with further draws to compensate fluctuations. Over time you will develop a skill to very quickly find out if the dose is right.


What If I Despite Your Tips Overdose By Accident?

Most important advice: Try to stay calm. Repeat to yourself: I cannot suffer physical harm from THC. It’s all in my brain. It will be over soon.

It helps if someone else calms you down. If you have company, go for a walk (never alone!). Try to take a shower if you are not too dizzy. Cover yourself with a cosy blanket. Try to sleep (risky, as the panic may start by closing the eyes). Focus on something calming (fish tank, nice view out of the window…). Drink sufficient water to help catabolizing the THC. Try to eat something.

You find tricks in the net to make you sober from THC like biting and eating black pepper or chia seeds. Not sure these really help.


Put It All Together

You do your Aneros or aless sessions as usual. The only difference is, that you vape cannabis at some point. It’s up to you if you want to have the full effect right from the start and make sure you vape at last 10 minutes before the start or want to feel the PAA building up with the device already warming up inside you.

Normally the effects set fully in 10 minutes after the last draw and last with full force from 90 minutes up to 4 hours with an average of 2 to 2,5 hours. I do not recommend redosing under the influence of THC at level step 2 as this can end easily in an overdose accident (“Just one more draw. Tastes well. Did I just do a second draw? How many draws were these altogether? Why should I stop drawing? …”). If your session normally last longer than 4 hours you must go the hard way and get familiar with making and dosing edibles. The rest should be fine with the time vaping gives you without any need for hurry. One more tip: prepare the dose some hours or the day before calmly. High arousal doesn’t suit patient precision work.

Now it is up to you to do some experimenting with strain and dose. I am sure you will easy find out what’s good and not. Happy exploring…


Best wishes



Ghusa and Morexp reacted
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Nice primer on the use of Cannabis! I get my most consistent results with it currently but am also trying to get consistent results without. I  use vape oils and my dose is one short drag with a hold. I'll try without the hold next time and see what happens. Question regarding the steps; during which step does heart rate really accelerate? I occasionally overdo it and get a high heart rate (150+) that makes me start to panic.

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@reddog152  > 150 beets per minute! That's tachycardia to be sure. Your heart just might be requesting you to lower the dose a tad............ 😉

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Posted by: @reddog152

Question regarding the steps; during which step does heart rate really accelerate? I occasionally overdo it and get a high heart rate (150+) that makes me start to panic.


Hart rate is a difficult one. Cannabis will slightly increase the hart rate, but normally in a range you won't notice. Significant high hart rate can be caused by cannabis at any step. Activity or stress hormones (fear, being sacred), excitement, arousal etc. can also cause significant high hart rate (also without cannabis). Impressions and negativ feelings like fear can be boosted by cannabis causing a high level of stress hormones and high hart rate. My highest hart rate logged by my watch ever without activity was right BEFORE I vaped cannabis for the first time due to excitement. So hart rate is no reliant indicator for a certain step.

High hart which causes fear or panic is a very common sign of an overdose. Sounds like your vape oil or vapoizer is way too powerful and inapt as PPA if you can overdose (feeling you overdo plus panic) with one short draw.


Best wishes


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@hans_steam, so using nugs and a vaporizer is a better way to moderate the intake? I'll probably give that a try. I love the taste of good weed and I can only get a a little taste of it with my vape oil before I'm too high.

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Modern THC products are just crazy strong and hard to dose right for the small amounts of active THC you are looking for. If I were to go back to it, I think I would look for a dry herb vape and precision scale for my sessions.

I figured out that I needed around 1/8 tablespoon of ground herb (between 0,05 and 0,075g) at 20% THC and sometimes even that was too much, and that's quite a hassle to manage when smoking it because that's like the size of a pea.

I imagine with oil at sometimes 3X or more concentration, it would be close to impossible to take a small enough drag... I wish some 10% THC products in the right strains were available, but it seems these days it's all about getting as sky high as humanly possible. I even thought about cutting my cannabis with some non-nicotine smoking mixes like they use for stage and cinema, but at that point I was coming to terms with the idea that cannabis was not right for me and that I was just making excuses. 

One thing that really triggered the high heartbeat / stress situations for me was when I knew right in the first 5 minutes or even sooner that I gone over my target dose, and I knew I was in for close to an hour of progressively more intense and worse buildup... Even if you got with hybrids strains that are supposedly balanced to decrease panic and paranoia effects, being too high while heading for Super-O states is just going to be a bad experience pretty much every time. Lowest effective dose is what you are looking for.   


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@zentai, yeah, it's definitely hard to moderate the dose with the oils. I really wish I could go back to the mid '80s and get the weed we had as teenagers. I think what I'll do is get some 10mg gummies and cut them up and see what I get. I wish I could achieve consistent results without THC but haven't arrived there yet. When the dosage is right and the devices are hitting right it's magical.

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Posted by: @reddog152

When the dosage is right and the devices are hitting right it's magical.

Yeah, it even works too well, but I've said enough about this already. Sober-Os is where it's at but once you've seen the other side of things with THC, it's mighty hard to recalibrate to what normal prostate feelings and buildup should feel like. 

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Thank you for this post. I have been using cannabis for 47 years and of course since my first session with an Aneros over three years ago.

Since I quit smoking tobacco (8 years ago) I have been using a vaporizer and find it to be the best way to use cannabis.

As I live in a country where cannabis is not yet legalized, I unfortunately have to make do with what I can find on the black market and most of the time I don't even know what the variety is and what the THC concentration is.

But it doesn't matter because my prostate massage sessions are all successful as long as I'm high.

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It dawned on me that maybe I can still participate from the sidelines, so to say... I spotted a strain called Purple Mountain Majesty. It's 13% THC and 10% CBD so might be closer to what was available back then, although stronger. The CBD might just balance any anxiety caused by too strong a buildup.

I was told growers progressively removed as much CBD as possible from the strains because people are looking for more and more intense effects. This could be linked to more people experiencing bad trips. Regardless, 13% would be much easier to dose than the 20% + stuff that seems to dominate today. 

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I agree that cannabis do make you enjoy Aneros session. Also if someone wants to try vaporizer then there are cheap ones too around $20 or $30. And if you like it then you can invest more in sophisticated ones. Also , it is very true that vape oils now a days are so strong that two draws may be the too much. So my suggestions would be to get more CBD to THC ratio in case you are able to have access to it. You can try 2:1 or 1:1 or 3:1 CBD to THC. Remember less THC is always more. It does enhance Aneros sessions but try to enjoy it without THC as well so you are not dependent on it to enjoy as many times it may not be possible to take cannabis. 

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@reddog152 if you have access to the gummies then now-a-days there are fast acting gummies which takes 10 minutes to feel the full impact the same as smoking weed. I have not tried but these are widely available from wanna brands . Also there are gummies with only 5 mg THC. These gummies are really good and you can take half or mix with CBD gummies. Just my 2 cents. 

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@ghusa, I actually do have a cartridge that I bought in New Mexico that is 1:1. It is a lot easier on me than my other full strength one.

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@reddog152 I have also experienced that going for lot of THC is a mistake as it messes you up . But if you have good cbd to THC then it is very pleasant. I wish it is federally legal in US and you can research different strengths. Unfortunately people run for high THC and that is what is readily available to meet the demand. I like it better than alcohol if I take a little. Cheers Brother!!

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Posted by: @ghusa

@reddog152 I have also experienced that going for lot of THC is a mistake as it messes you up . But if you have good cbd to THC then it is very pleasant. I wish it is federally legal in US and you can research different strengths. Unfortunately people run for high THC and that is what is readily available to meet the demand. I like it better than alcohol if I take a little. Cheers Brother!!

Yeah, I really don't understand the desire to be super high. Hopefully they market will correct soon and gentler options will become available. I have one store that I currently purchase from in Arizona and it's almost all super high strength. 100mg gummies?! I mean damn! I have decided to not go the gummies route either because of the protracted high. I like having the effects last the length of my typical session and then come down so I can do other stuff.

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Follow up to the "Purple Mountain Majesty" comment. It was only a matter of time before I decided to try it, that was pretty "baked in" if you can forgive the cheap pun. 

Having decided that "just once can't hurt", I got my hands on some of that stuff, and proceeded carefully since my tolerance was down to nothing. Dosage is really fickle when starting from nothing, the difference between not enough and too much is down to milligrams, or even inhaling deeply enough or not. 

All I can say is that this strain is pretty mild and... unthreatening ? This is probably the CBD's calming effects. While I felt it gave me some very substantial boost towards Super-O states, and made both Aless and Aneros sessions very pleasant, it did not send me in Automatic-Os-Zone. It was still all on me to make it happen, which I was not able to do, from what I think was a lack of arousal. This is a pretty clean Indica high and far from the delirious effects I get from strong Sativas. I don't think I ever was able to get Super-Os with Indica strains. If it worked here, it feels like it would lead to calm seas, but right now it's locking me into up and down buildups that do not bloom. Which you can obviously enjoy for what they are, but Super-Os they are not. 

All in all, I feel this is a safer strain that is unlikely to lead to crazy, mind-bending Os. Still, once I'm done with my small supply, another 2-3 months break is what I'm going for, as there are still unwanted side-effects I don't want to deal with even in the medium term. I'm not sure this is one of the Super-O strains, but I think I enjoyed it precisely because it wasn't. Maybe I don't really want the crazy Os right now ? Seeing that the potential is still there and alive, was enough for now, I think. 

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Know what else enhances the prostate journey? Patience,exploration,training and figuring out.  I’ve noted on my travels through the internet that a high proportion of burn outs and journey issues have drugs in common. I’ve seen many ppl say in general,weed does nothing to our bodies or our brains. I’m not sure that’s correct. If that was the case,why can’t weed users do the party trick sober? I believe you can go and go and go,but eventually the pied piper must be paid. I say this as a purist lol,I don’t believe ppl should be encouraged to go down the drug route. 

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Posted by: @helghast

I believe you can go and go and go,but eventually the pied piper must be paid. I say this as a purist lol,I don’t believe ppl should be encouraged to go down the drug route. 

Agreed ! 

While sober exploration is ideal, I've come to terms with the idea that some people will try cannabis regardless. Because in some cases, it does work. And also, some people are already THC users before they even start with Aneros devices and it won't take much time, if any, before they combine both. If guys are going to do it anyway, then I feel that finding the safest way possible to do so has some merit.

You would hardly believe how prevalent cannabis use is here, since legalization people are very open about it. The odds are getting higher that any new Aneros user is already a THC user, and of course, there are no warnings about that particular combo in the little leaflet they hand out at the weed store... 

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@helghast marijuana has been extensively studied, and used responsibly it poses no harm, except to the lungs for smokers. It can make some people lethargic and dull, but that is not a health problem. It can bring out latent psychiatric disorders but there has not been an increase in these in places where weed is used regularly, so the theory is that weed triggers what would otherwise be triggered anyways.  There are risks to excessive (daily) use, however, and bad trips can cause ptsd.

But overall it is a much safer drug than alcohol.

i have yet to be convinced that drugs should be avoided for pleasures sake. For me personally it is important to have pleasure without drugs (in addition to with drugs, but I don’t use more than once a month), but I certainly don’t judge others for their reliance on drugs to have pleasure. It’s a valid choice, and there is no shame in it!

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@zentai of course, that’s what harm reduction (and legalization of drugs) is all about. People will do it anyways. 

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Yes, before legalization, it was "Do not smoke weed!", and now they can have TV ads saying "If you smoke some weed, then don't drive". Which makes more sense. 

But we are very far from government warning us about some people having issues with specific strains under certain conditions. The way I'm seeing things, we are mixing altered states of consciousness from one thing (S-Os) with altered states of consciousness brought by another thing (cannabis). There might be side effects that would not have surfaced without combining the two.

THC and CBD are quite complex, as are terpenes profiles etc. Diving deeper into the subject I feel Indicas would be safer for Super-Os, and that's also part of harm reduction...  

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 I can say that I've never seen a guy have a toke and then slap his wife or kids. Lose all control of there mouth and there senses, forget what they di the night before. Get raped becsuse they were to stoned. Puke.Piss in an oven. Wake  up on the bathroom floor. Forehead on the rim of a toilet in a public btrm. because it feels cool. I could list multiple other things I've never seen a cannabis user do, that I've witnessed drinkers do. 

 I consider myself lucky that I always got sick if I had more than a couple drinks.  I will never understand how drinking was legal and pot was not. Truly baffles me.I have seen a few ppl who had a bad exp., but not with a lasting affect. I know when I smoke dope the worst thing thats going to happen to me is I'm gonna eat alot, or I'm going to go to sleep. If cannibis helps you on your aneros journey, use it. If you don't want to use it because you hate to to be dependant on anything, to help you get there when you already know it does help. Thats a personal thing.  Your super o isn't going to be any better. Although I struggle to see what pride one might take from that, when from what I've read so far just makes things harder. Why stifle yourself. Just my opinion.

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Posted by: @tbob

Thats a personal thing.  Your super o isn't going to be any better. Although I struggle to see what pride one might take from that, when from what I've read so far just makes things harder. Why stifle yourself. Just my opinion.

Great insight ! 

I think this all comes from different personality traits. Some guys might like the mental masturbation aspect of things, I know I do. Then it becomes more about the journey than the destination, or the idea of the Super-O becomes more attractive than the real thing. 

For others it's because they have a strong belief that nothing valuable comes without effort. So Super-Os with THC would not really "count". It's a pride thing, just like you said. 

Or it's wanting to experience things as their "real" self without any filter from the drug. 

Maybe some other guys are looking for a challenge. There must be several reasons why people would decide to impose this restriction on themselves, and I guess they all make sense to those who do this. I think not using THC helps to protect from unwanted ego death, maybe that's crazy talk, but it's real to me, so there are some strains I'll not use again... 



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It isn’t about pride. It’s about wanting the body to work as it should without aid. If one can’t get off without drugs,can’t get it up without drugs,can’t do this or can’t do that without drugs,I think they’re avoiding problems they need to face. Drugs are really just a band aid in some situations. Of course,personal choice is top dog. Not judging anyone. I chat other places too,I’ve actually spoken to a few ppl who use drugs and still can’t get there. Others like zentai who’ve spoken openly about about drugs working too well and burning out and putting themselves in quite a pickle. Addictions issues and the like. So yea,don’t think they’re gonna be recommended as the silver bullet just yet.

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Posted by: @helghast

It’s about wanting the body to work as it should without aid. If one can’t get off without drugs,can’t get it up without drugs,can’t do this or can’t do that without drugs,I think they’re avoiding problems they need to face.

This makes sense but there are two sides here. This had been an important element of my reflection regarding drug use, mainly, what does a small amount of THC does that I cannot do myself ? I've said before that it's about the big 3, relaxation, arousal and focus. If it comes down to doing all that is needed to improve in all 3 spheres, where I need to tackle maybe 10-15 different issues, some small, some big, or simply using a bit of THC, using drugs is much, much easier. Of course, real improvement is a lot more valuable... But a Super-O is a Super-O and that's very attractive. 

If reaching Super-O states is supposed to be a self-discovery, self-actualization journey, than using drugs is depriving guys of some of the benefits of bettering themselves in the pursuit of the Super-O. But man, making changes is hard ! And Super-Os are soooo good. I perfectly understand people looking for a bit of an edge or shortcut, that's just human ingenuity at play. Drugs really rob you of some of the meaning of the experience, if that's what you're looking for, because you're taking a peek at the ending and ruining some surprises. And that's not the worst side effect. 


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@zentai 100%.

Whether it offends ppl or not,I’m just a big believer in self improvement and personal development. It isn’t limited to journey drugs. It’s across the board. Out of shape ppl who want trt for low T instead of packing up the smoking,drinking etc losing that 100lbs and getting themselves into a more healthy shape. Giving up porn after it’s decimated their pleasure capacity. Getting off their asses and making more money instead of complaining someone else has more that they do. Those sorts of things. I think todays world is full of band aids and easy way outs. But that’s just me.

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@helghast well for me drug use IS self improvement, to the same extent as prostate orgasms, eating a nice meal, or any other number of swell activities. I don’t think people who responsibly use weed see it as a bandaid. I think they see it as a pleasureful thing to do, like reading a book, or an erotic enhancer, or as a medication (analgesic, appetite enhancer, etc).  Again if it causes no harm, it is fine, and even if it does cause harm, adults can make their own decisions.

 What if there was a pill that enhanced orgasms with absolutely no downsides, no psychoactive effects nothing except pleasure. Like it took the maximum pleasure you feel and multiplied it x1000, and you could take it every day of your life. Why would anyone not take it, if it is the difference between orgasms we are having and a sort of sexual nirvana?

Well using sexual enhancing drugs is essentially that for some people. Granted there are possible negative effects for each respective drug, the people using them have hopefully weighed the for and against, and have decided that the positive outweighs the negative.  And if one day they burn out as you say, it isn’t a big deal, you stop using drugs and find another way. I know I have burned out of certain drugs (separate from prostate play), and I changed accordingly. I don’t regret anything, every experience in life is valuable.

@zentai I know you had a serious crash from combining weed and prostate play but I feel like you are an outlier, just like the few people who experience kundalini syndrome. Like, it’s good that people know it but it seems as unlikely as dying by airplane.  I see why you make it a cause because it’s personal, but it just doesn’t seem that common.

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You're right, I don't think it's likely to happen, but I know it's possible. Just like Kundalini syndrome, even if it's only 1 guy in a thousand, it's zero fun for the guy who draws the short straw.  In a way, my view is that we are laying the groundwork for future, larger scale Super-O adoption. Having the information available might help someone figure things out for themselves if they do run into issues.

I don't intend to start an anti-cannabis crusade, and people are free to ignore my experience if they don't think it applies to their situation. My stance on the subject is constantly evolving, but I don't think I will ever be encouraging people to start using cannabis in their sessions. I mean, I just posted about smoking some last week... I can still say that I don't recommend doing so and that it's not the smartest thing to do. Life is complicated, I'm sure you will agree. 


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My personal exp. is it is all in the mind.  For me there is no difference stoned or not. But thats just me. I just don't put much weight on it. Just like a glass of wine. I don't need it I just like my state of being on either. Also for me my prostate play is my Friday night out as it were.

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Yesterday I said to myself "you know what? I'm going to go back to my weed roots and smoke some actual bud." Went to my favorite vape shop and bought a cheap convection vaporizer and then to a weed shop and bought an 8 ball of buds that the very nice weed monger said is good for arousal. Took my time getting everything prepared and then hit it. Man am I glad I decided to try this out! So much easier to modulate the high than it was with the powerful live resin. Took it slow and ended up taking around 20 drags for a really gentle high that propelled me into a session of decent orgasms. It was so freeing to not have to worry about overdoing it and inducing a panic! 

This post was modified 2 years ago by Reddog152

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