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Wife coaches me to the next place.

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Hey gents.
Reporting my latest stage of my journey.

On a previous night,we headed up to bed,and I waited patiently for any instruction.
The wife said she had watched a recording she had of my having a solo session and wanted to tweak some issues she saw. I was taken aback slightly,as she didn’t watch it with me,but I didn’t question it. She told me we’d be having a toy session and to get the progasm jr for her and then I got on the bed,she tied my wrists to the head board. Then she busted out the liberator wedge again,got it in place,and lastly,she blindfolded me. I thought the blindfold was an odd choice as i figured I was set up for a self facial.

Once she’d lubed up,and inserted the toy,she told me to start working. She got to work with her own foreplay,she would kiss me gently,caress my erogenous zones,and lick and suck on my nipples.

Things ramped up sharpish. I had my first orgasm. Again,that drumming on my gland from the toy,maybe not painful,but annoying. She started to whisper in my ear she thought the video was super hot and she masturbated while watching it. This revelation did my arousal no harm lol. But she counselled that i move the toys with too much force. She said that the toy closes the distance that’s there during A-Less and I needed to compensate. I guess this made sense. I reverse kegeled the toy in essence pushing it out a little. She then instructed me to contract lighter,which I did. As things progressed she’d interchange advice with sex talk,pushing me on toward the next orgasm. Then,probably the best piece of advice I’ve ever had. She said I needed to stop trying to control the toys movements so much. “Let the toy be still,you move around the toy instead”. As profound as it may have sounded, it changed my perspective. Instead of focusing on the musculature moving the toy into and around my prostate,I started to focus on stroking the toy with my prostate. My mistake? Having an A-Less session with a toy in! 

Once I got into it,orgasm 2 hit,and hit big! It ripped through me like a hurricane.No annoying drumming or digging in.  “Now isn’t that better”I vaguely remembered hearing. The wife had climbed off the bed and was now perched on her knees at the side of me,still whispering and coaching in my ear but her voice was distancing.

She told me it was time to finally let go,which apparently I’ve not fully done thus far. Just forget your whole life,there’s only the pleasure she said. Some more well timed sex talk and no.3 erupted,my airborne legs started to shake. Then,and Im not even sure how to explain this properly,and it’s going to sound kooky as fuck. I think I entered some sort of altered reality. Everything seem to slow down and come into like 4K ultra HD focus. I sensed that orgasm and me were just together? I could stop contracting,or start,go forward,back,sideways. It was just there and wasn’t going to leave. I don’t know,weird lol

The wife’s voice was audible but very far away,she said it would be seamless and to keep going. I’m not sure I was aware right away,but she slipped the toy out of me and I just continued to bathe in the bliss A-Less. I would play with the orgasm,up and down,slow,fast,I’d chase it around,and it would chase me,it was so cool,and i remember thinking that I was having so much fun. I didn’t have to think about contractions or relaxing,we ‘just were’. And we were happy. I don’t actually know if I had MO or just this one. I still can’t make sense of a lot of the experience.

I didn’t notice that wife had left my side or that her voice has stopped,she’d slipped off to the toy box and donned her favourite strap on dildo. Most peggings involve a 8inch length and 5inch girth lifelike thing. She is often on her knees in front of me,so likes the reach so she can get In but still see my anus getting stretched and filled. 

Again,I didn’t notice her enter me,or even that she was gently fucking me at just the right spot. That 30 degree pelvis raise is perfect for prostate pegging. I just continued to orgasm or be in the same orgasm,it makes my head hurt to try to quantify or label it.

When it finally stated to fade,i felt like I was waking up form a dream. Wife was giddy and smiling,but looked relieved too. She said she was starting to get worried I might not have come back haha. She then reported I’d been away for 50 mins. I was sweaty,maybe felt like I’d expended some energy,but I felt great,but also felt like I wanted to cry.I kept that on the DL though. She said while it was a tad scary at the end,she’d really impressed herself on what she’d achieved.

She granted me a Hall pass as a reward,30mins of whatever I want anytime in the next 4 weeks. But not this night as she was pooped. So we cuddled in for a sleep,and to be fair to her,she let me be the little spoon because I needed it,I still had that wanting to cry feeling,but it was gone by morning.

So yea,I think I levelled up in a big way. Didn’t know it could be like that.




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Now you're cooking with gas!

Posted by: @helghast

I would play with the orgasm,up and down,slow,fast,I’d chase it around,and it would chase me,it was so cool,and i remember thinking that I was having so much fun. I didn’t have to think about contractions or relaxing,we ‘just were’.

When you get to that place you basically can't mess up, and that's where the "letting go" can truly take place, and *everything* you do is the right thing, everything works. Well done! 

Doesn't matter if you have MOs or a single one that lasts 50 minutes, right? Try to internalize this, 50 minutes ! How amazing is that?

Last little thing, have a talk with your wife about the crying thing, and next time it happens, let it all out, it's part of the experience, don't shut that down. 


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Posted by: @helghast

She told me it was time to finally let go,which apparently I’ve not fully done thus far. Just forget your whole life,there’s only the pleasure she said. Some more well timed sex talk and no.3 erupted,my airborne legs started to shake. Then,and Im not even sure how to explain this properly,and it’s going to sound kooky as fuck. I think I entered some sort of altered reality. Everything seem to slow down and come into like 4K ultra HD focus. I sensed that orgasm and me were just together? I could stop contracting,or start,go forward,back,sideways. It was just there and wasn’t going to leave. I don’t know,weird lol

It sounds like you had a chain of Super-O's and finally let your self (ego) really exit default mode consciousness into the Tantric realm of divinity, congratulations . Congratulations and kudos also to your wife for her positive participation in setting the conditions which induced you to "Just Let Go !"

Good Vibes to You!

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Congrats on your new level of mind-blown together!  Thanks for offering up your experience for our learning. 

I’ll posit it makes sense in imagining a female/penetrated perspective where an inserted penis helps her release her innate orgasmic reserves, rather than ramming it out of her as she passively accepts the pleasure.  Of course the male ego is stroked when we think we ram the orgasms out of them ; - )

Posted by: @helghast

“Let the toy be still,you move around the toy instead”.

Similarly she assisted you to see as the penetrated, the penetration unlocked your orgasm, instead of ramming it out of you laying in wait.  This granted you additional headspace, to manipulate your orgasm, more seamless and under your control than you realized as the receiver of pegging or Aneros.

Posted by: @helghast

Once I got into it,orgasm 2 hit,and hit big! It ripped through me like a hurricane.


Your post is helping me with a letting-go block I have yet to write about.  I suspect I haven’t yet fully let go, or most frequently do not.

Posted by: @helghast

She told me it was time to finally let go,which apparently I’ve not fully done thus far. Just forget your whole life,there’s only the pleasure she said.

Posted by: @helghast

she said it would be seamless and to keep going


I will also ponder the advice you wrote about in the first quote above, and the one below, in the way of the Rubin's Vase optical illusion .  Perhaps my results will change in tuning my efforts from my usual domain to its inverse.

Posted by: @helghast

Instead of focusing on the musculature moving the toy into and around my prostate,I started to focus on stroking the toy with my prostate.


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Holy shit man! That was hot AF! Reminded me of something I experienced when I was tripping on LSD.

You are a lucky man to have a wife like that. When I read some of your stories of her dominating you I was worried that you were being manipulated, but clearly she cares so much about you!

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Posted by: @zentai

When you get to that place you basically can't mess up, and that's where the "letting go" can truly take place, and *everything* you do is the right thing, everything works.

Yes! That’s it,it didn’t matter what I did or didn’t do,we were just in zone together!

Posted by: @zentai

Try to internalize this, 50 minutes

Can’t! It brings me back to my youth,when we’d mess with recreational substances and this one guy used to ask us the meaning of life,and why grass was green,the sky blue. It used to wreck our heads lol It’s like that ha ha.

Posted by: @zentai

have a talk with your wife about the crying thing, and next time it happens, let it all out, it's part of the experience, don't shut that down. 


Oh nooooo! Big boys don’t cry lolololol. My mind clings the the last shred of toxic masculinity I have hahahaha.

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Posted by: @rumel

It sounds like you had a chain of Super-O's and finally let your self (ego) really exit default mode consciousness


I couldn’t tell you if it were one or a million. Felt the same I think,but it was nice to get into the zone proper. I’d not been this ‘deep’ before.

Posted by: @rumel

kudos also to your wife for her positive participation in setting the conditions

I know she may appear nuts sometimes,but her ways all have specific goals in mind,usually to make things better for me in the long run. She told me in a conversation that your little ‘taboos embedded in western society’ speech you’ve given to many people is actually about me,that I’m one of those with hang ups and anxieties. I know some of the guys don’t agree with some of her methods,but hey,they should benefit me overall. And it’s been a lot of fun since she jumped in and took over everything.


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Posted by: @helical

I’ll posit it makes sense in imagining a female/penetrated perspective where an inserted penis helps her release her innate orgasmic reserves, rather than ramming it out of her as she passively accepts the pleasure.

Submitting not just to her,but to myself and my own capacity for pleasure are her two most important goals.

Posted by: @helical

Similarly she assisted you to see as the penetrated, the penetration unlocked your orgasm, instead of ramming it out of you laying in wait.  This granted you additional headspace, to manipulate your orgasm, more seamless and under your control than you realized as the receiver of pegging or Aneros.

Had much success,but she knew I’d never let go 100% Control is a big of my personality,I’d gotten set in my ways with A-Less,I found things that worked and simply repeated them,which is fine. That plays a big part in my health and fitness,training planned months in advance,all food weighed in exact quantities to yield exact calorific and nutritional goals lol.  But she thought I could do better lol.



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Posted by: @pirontras

Reminded me of something I experienced when I was tripping on LSD.

Yes,it definitely had some resemblance to my youth and some experiences had with recreational substances.

Posted by: @pirontras

You are a lucky man to have a wife like that. When I read some of your stories of her dominating you I was worried that you were being manipulated, but clearly she cares so much about you!

She does manipulate me lol but it’s for my benefit. I realise some aspects concern some guys and I’ll be careful what to include and what to omit in the future,as I don’t want to rub anyone up the wrong way. I’d hope we’re all just a bunch of mates here trying time push each other on to the same destination,and getting that prostate flag at full mast.

But there’s a trust between us that’s really important. I’ve had to accept and trust that her methods have all had specific purposes such as breaking taboos and barriers in my head,and opening me up to things that I’d been closed off from due to a life of ‘a man controls his own destiny’ shit lolol. In turn,I’ve experienced pleasure I didn’t really know existed before,and a lot more to come I hope. Does she get off on the domming,control and power dynamic? Yes,a lot. Perhaps the woman has  her own journey where she breaks free from her own restraints of being a dutiful wife that needs to keep her husband satisfied,put out and experience pleasure as it suits him,now it what suits her and it’s good lol. 

No really mate,we’ve built a great love,marriage and life together. This journey has just sent us back to the ‘honeymoon period’ before things settle down. It’s all unknown uncharted waters again. So all is well. 


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Posted by: @helghast

She does manipulate me lol but it’s for my benefit. I realise some aspects concern some guys and I’ll be careful what to include and what to omit in the future,as I don’t want to rub anyone up the wrong way. I’d hope we’re all just a bunch of mates here trying time push each other on to the same destination,and getting that prostate flag at full mast.

But there’s a trust between us that’s really important. I’ve had to accept and trust that her methods have all had specific purposes such as breaking taboos and barriers in my head,and opening me up to things that I’d been closed off from due to a life of ‘a man controls his own destiny’ shit lolol. In turn,I’ve experienced pleasure I didn’t really know existed before,and a lot more to come I hope. Does she get off on the domming,control and power dynamic? Yes,a lot. Perhaps the woman has  her own journey where she breaks free from her own restraints of being a dutiful wife that needs to keep her husband satisfied,put out and experience pleasure as it suits him,now it what suits her and it’s good lol. 

No really mate,we’ve built a great love,marriage and life together. This journey has just sent us back to the ‘honeymoon period’ before things settle down. It’s all unknown uncharted waters again. So all is well. 


I'm really glad to hear it mate. Some things just sound weird without a proper context. But I'm really glad it's working out for both of you.

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Posted by: @pirontras

Some things just sound weird without a proper context.

Hahahaha surprising how anything can be weird in a forum like this 😉


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Love these updates, @Helghast. Keep them coming.

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Thanks man. How are you getting on?.


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Thanks for asking. Not as much opportunity to practice with the toy as I would like, so I've been working with a-less technique more often and staying consistent with previous experience, if not making slow progress. Prepping a show has my energy way down, and my side hustle is starting to ramp up, so I'm short on time, too. I may PM you sometime about other things, so as not to hijack your thread any more than I have.

To echo what others have said, you have an enviable intimate life; I hope it continues to flourish.

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Posted by: @helghast

I realise some aspects concern some guys and I’ll be careful what to include and what to omit in the future,as I don’t want to rub anyone up the wrong way. I’d hope we’re all just a bunch of mates here trying time push each other on to the same destination,and getting that prostate flag at full mast.

Nooo don’t self-censor.  If expressing yourself here is as valuable to you in finding truth as it is for me, you will also let it all hang out.  Besides living vicariously is good, clean fun for your readership.  Yes about the bunch of mates - I agree.

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Dont worry about it!

If short on time,have short sessions. Many an A-Less in the beginning was spur of the moment where say,I’d have around 15 mins until I needed to get ready to go out. I’d just do the 15 and I got what I got. A short session morning and night even is doable without leaving the gland battered.

Try to keep in touch with your journey. Like @zentai,I believe there is an element of use it or lose it in this game. Long gaps sometimes leave the prostate a bit rusty slow to come to life.



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Thanks mate. Just a couple of odds and ends from the light bdsm side of things probably better left out.


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Posted by: @helghast

Big boys don’t cry

Cry. It is an incredible feeling, up there with laughter and orgasms. Do it when you feel sad, when you feel joy, when you feel love, when you feel proud, during sex... crying is cathartic, a release, a physical expression of emotions. 

Maybe boys don’t cry, but real men do. (That sounded like a nice slogan, but I really think everyone should cry, and I don’t really know what a “real man” is...)

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Yes,perhaps you and @zentai are correct. The depth of the session just got me is all. I certainly wasn’t sad,think they would have been tears of joy. But the last of the stubborn male ego has a tough hold lol.


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Wow @helghast, that is some experience you described, and to share it with someone you love, could there possibly be anything better - I am thinking not?

There is so much talk on this forum about "letting go", "surrender" or whatever you want to call it, and yet so few of us are able to do so absolutely. Your experience of bliss and how you got there is such a good lesson for me (and other members I am sure). So, thanks for sharing, it really has helped me in more than just my sexual journey.

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Posted by: @rickr

share it with someone you love, could there possibly be anything better - I am thinking not?

You and the wife are on the same page,that’s for sure lol. She said in a later conversation she’d hope the silly talk of solo sessions would be put to bed.To be fair,i don’t think solo stuff on the side suits our goals as a couple.

Posted by: @rickr

There is so much talk on this forum about "letting go", "surrender" or whatever you want to call it, and yet so few of us are able to do so absolutely.

Agree,I’ve had some ‘super’ super-o,and thought I’d pretty much cracked it. I’d never got as lost as this in it,so I guess the old timers are correct when they say there may actually be no ceiling at all. It was very surreal,I’m still wrapping my head around it. 



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yaaaaayyyyy!!! You let it go, man you let it ALL go! So wonderful your goddess was with you and helped make it happen.

I get now what you've been talking about, the drumming thing. I didn't know you were contracting and making the toy move purposefully. That's what I did for years and years, I didn't know this 'giving and giving up into it' thing and didn't get there until I stopped treating my prostate sessions like a masturbation session. And then I just let my body contract on its own, and blammmo kitchen sink and everything else time! I'm so thrilled you had this experience!!! Maybe its like the Aneros helps the muse flow through you when you give up and give in to it and let the toy kind of unlock the doors to these cosmic pathways that we can freely flow through but we have to let the cosmic energy pull us along.

I had a session that was maybe my longest for how intense it was while completely wasted high on a hash oil pill that was probably enough for like 20 people. Didn't know that when I took it! About 20 minutes into my session the oil dropped a fucking hammer on me and I kind of "stared" through the ceiling and it was just a color, a light and it was 'the brightest light I never saw' that's the only way I can explain it. And I had the Slightest Touch tens pads on my inner thighs and they kind of hum/hum/hum/hum in repetitive pattern and that translated into like the vibration of the universe pulsating through the room, me, my brain; it was like an "om". The buzzing and vibration then became synced with the autocontractions of my ass and the Aneros was thumping my prostate at the same rhythm. And then the cosmos dumped through me. Like right through the middle of chest/stomach area, and the energy shot out of my ass with the toy still thrusting and the top of my head. Then I heard 'the loudest sound I never heard' and my body was toast. It took a long while to come through and the orgasm or whatever it was, it was bigger than that, lasted for eternity. When I looked at the time it was about 40 minutes later, the whole session was an hour. I'd give anything to feel that again, my soul wants to feel it, but I do NOT want to ever eat that much oil again!!!

@helghast you are evolving into something amazing 🙂  So excited for the love life you and your wife share!

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Posted by: @techpump

You let it go, man you let it ALL go! So wonderful your goddess was with you and helped make it happen.

It took long enough. What can I say,like your own wife,she knows how to push my buttons.

Posted by: @techpump

I get now what you've been talking about, the drumming thing. I didn't know you were contracting and making the toy move purposefully.

She said the tabs were going almost straight. It didn’t feel like I was pulling hard,but the outside perspective was really helpful.

Posted by: @techpump

The buzzing and vibration then became synced with the autocontractions of my ass and the Aneros was thumping my prostate at the same rhythm. And then the cosmos dumped through me. Like right through the middle of chest/stomach area, and the energy shot out of my ass with the toy still thrusting and the top of my head.

Sounds familiar. I never thought we could go that deep,I thought the lads on the forum who’d posted similar were just jazzing it up lol. I shan’t think that again 🙂

Posted by: @techpump

you are evolving into something amazing

Hopefully. If there’s more to discover,I’m sure she’ll drag my ass around it all ha ha!

