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Where to buy Peridise in Australia (or Tempo)..?

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I've read great things about this model so I reckon I'll get one but I only want the advanced set, i.e the two smaller ones. Thing is I can only find the full set, does anyone know where I can find just the smaller set..?

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Order it from HIH?

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I could but I was wondering about an Australian based stockist. Would any fellow Aussies know..?

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Cheaper here than Physiosupplies, don't get put off be the I continence stuff

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You should also check out Amazon. You might also look at the Tempo. I have one, and I'm wild about it.

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Thanks guys. I was pondering on whether to get the Tempo. But I read that the smaller Peridise gives the best sensation and the Tempo is similar in size to the big one. Mmmmm decisions. I'll take advice at this juncture if any is offered.

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Were I you, I would get the Tempo. Nothing is like the heft of stainless steel. Nothing beats having a wank whilst the Tempo is inserted. The Tempo has also caused my A-less to be stronger.

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Can't help re. where to buy Peridise in Aus...but....I use both the 16mm Peridise and Tempo. I like Tempo for the cool steel feeling when initially inserted and the heaviness of the device vs. Peridise. That said however Peridise gives me unbelievable pleasure from such a small tool! I can really feel it move around when the involuntaries start. I purchased my Peridise on HIH site. You can buy just one device at a time if you like.

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@Bunk I dont know where you have been reading but I have read that some people prefer the larger peridise and others prefer the smallest one. And that has been said over and over in many conversations.That being said why would you by the advanced set?
If you buy the full set you get the smallest one and the largest one.
I have the full set and enjoy the largest one the most but the smallest one is nice for a change.
I also own the Tempo and it is excellent. But this is no surprise as I like the biggest peridise.

Physiosupplies is the best in Australia

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@BNW, Just looking to save a few $$$. Anyway, dilemma is; get peridise set or tempo. Stainless steel vs variety of sizes. All I want is anal pleasure, my Helix does the business with Prostate Os but I love having something in my ass. What would swing it is; which is best to sleep with..? I can't sleep with the Helix... Too aggressive..!

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in addition to @isvara 's suggestion, check with @Pommie. IIRC he bought the entire set of four several years ago.

Remember too that the Peridise toys are identical to the "Peristal" tools from High Island Health.

hth. rook

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Tempo is $105au, Peridise full set $79au. (Plus postage I think)
Physiosupplies is discounting their price for Aneros (Tempo is now $124 incl postage) with reduced stock and probably quitting these items.

Tempo is available at both sites, Peridise appears to be sold out at PhysioSupplies.

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Thanks guys. At $79AU I reckon I'll plump for the Peridise set.

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@Bunk Sleeping with peridise or tempo is nice but you will notice that if you have had a particularly active night with the tempo in you will find that you can feel you have had a workout! If you have a peridise night its not so hard on your muscles.Peridise is nice because you can choose the size that you feel is best for the night.
The bigger the device the more it will interrupt your sleep.
I have had super Os with largest one and the tempo but the small one has just been pleasant.

Tempo well what can I say the polished steel is so silky. It is wonderful!

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@braveneworld thanks for that mate, it's the peridise set for me I reckon. But I know I'll end up with both... I'm on that slippery slope..!

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HAHA! Its one hell of a slippery slope. The funny thing is you just gotta get another model sometimes just incase......

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