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When playing where do you get the feelings from the prostate?

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Hi all, 

I've been playing for a while and still feel lost. I am trying to find the sensations are they deep inside, near you anus or what?  I can't seem to focus on them or even find them.

I am hoping someone can pinpoint roughly and describe the feeling, so I can have an idea what I am looking for.

Thank you to anyone who replies.

Ghusa, Zentai and Helghast reacted
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You can feel pleasure everywhere. However,for your question,anal canal,inside your perineum,just above the anus,base of penis and tip of penis. But you must be open to the pleasure. I think maybe you look too hard. Relax,give what you’re doing for arousal your attention and let pleasure come of it’s own accord. What do you do to arouse yourself? 

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Thank you for the reply it is really appreciated. I think I am looking to hard trying to pinpoint it. In my head, I am like where should I be focusing, is this the right spot. Though, I should just think more generally around the area and not worry.


I normally start with some relaxation, mindfulness then my imagination, bit of nipple but then after an hour I surrender to porn.

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Posted by: @paradise4k

Though, I should just think more generally around the area and not worry.

Yes, focus on the whole are between anus and tip of penis, the sensations tend to move around but the prostate kinda-sorta feels like it's behind and below your penis. 

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When you play with your nipple? Do you feel a buzz/feeling in your genital area?

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Posted by: @paradise4k

I am hoping someone can pinpoint roughly and describe the feeling, so I can have an idea what I am looking for.

The easiest sensation to identify is the feeling of your anal sphincter being stretched from the presence of your Aneros massager. Another sensation is the urge to urinate upon first penetration/seating of your device, this is a good indication that your prostate is being engaged. The myriad of other sensations may originate anywhere in your body, hands, feet, earlobes, neck, eyelids, nipples, etc. they may feel like they are vibrating or buzzing/throbbing. muscles in arms or legs or abdomen may experience involuntary spasms or little electric shock like sensations.

You might want to also take a look at some of the Milestones listed in the Aneros WIKI for other signs. New prostate massage adventurers may experience many new sensations that they do not yet associate as pleasurable. This is where your mind has to reinterpret these sensations and focus your intent on them as pleasurable, this does not occur automatically for many men. I would recommend that you not look for any specific sensation as this constitutes another type of expectation which may blind you to the more subtle sensations which are part of the whole Aneros experience.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @paradise4k

I am hoping someone can pinpoint roughly and describe the feeling, so I can have an idea what I am looking for.

If I had to put a location on it... I'd say if you were wearing a belt, it might be where the belt buckle sits, then maybe 3 or 4 inches into your body in the general direction of your anus.
People describe its shape as walnut-like, but I feel mine (in pleasure terms) more like a long egg that curves from somewhere inside my perineum, right up into some tickly tender part of my lower abdomen.

But it's not like the head of your penis, where friction is directly felt on a 1:1 basis. It can often be completely decoupled, where even though the prostate is being stimulated, the sensation is appearing somewhere else, and in a way that doesn't feel synchronized to movement. It can be hard to make sense of this at first, since it goes against the rules of feedback that we've grown used to from years of penis stimulation.

So I wouldn't get too caught up in trying to feel prostate-local sensations at first, those sensations will show up when they're ready, and a lack of them doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. They might not be the first kind of pleasure that shows up to the party, so follow what ever feels good, even if it seems weak, vague, or unrelated at first.

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@helghast I definitely go hard but will have a look tonight and see.


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Wow guys!

You all really sorted it out with the information it's really appreciated. I will carry on playing and see where it takes me. I relise I need to stop getting caught with the idea that feelings will be in the exact location of the prostate. I am going to start trying aless to also see if that helps with generating feelings. I will get back in a couple of weeks and let you know my progress.

Best wishes,



Ggringo reacted
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Posted by: @paradise4k

I am going to start trying aless to also see if that helps with generating feelings.

Might wanna rethink this until you get a grip on things. I would not say that aless is for advanced ppl, but try to get a grip on things first.  Right off the bat I would say read up on helghasts anchored tension I think for most this is the fasy track to get things going. You also may want to try Mindgasm which is free this month. Don't worry about the no nut nov. challenge . This basically teaches  anchored tension, and familiarizes with how everything works down there and how to exercise it. 
