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When Does Rewiring Happen and How Might THC Help

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I know this is a very generic question that has mostly a subjective answer.  I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were.

I've obviously been an Aneros user for a long time (2008).  For many years, I felt little to nothing from sessions.  Within recent years, I've had a few breakout moments.  The first came when I modified my Progasm.  The second came after the first few times of using the VICE.  No Super Os yet...  but a lot of progress.

Lately, I've seen a slight bit more of progress in the way of consistency in sessions.  Previously, I would have a set of sensations and not feel them again in the next session.  These days everything has seemed to fall in order as it is.

Nothing has really changed.  My diet is basically the same.  There has been no massive change in mood.  I can even say my supplement routine is only slightly different.  So...  What exactly would be causing the rewiring shifts?  How might someone find a way to take rewiring to the next level?

I also wanted to ask those users who have sessions with THC...  Does this just help to relax you or does it actually aid in the rewiring process?  If so...  What amount is usually dosed and what is the frequency of THC induced sessions compared to sober sessions?

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I've always been interested about using THC to improve my sessions. Am I right in thinking you're in the UK like myself? If so where could I get obtain some THC in a form to use?

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Posted by: @nat

I know this is a very generic question that has mostly a subjective answer.  I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were.

I've obviously been an Aneros user for a long time (2008).  For many years, I felt little to nothing from sessions.  Within recent years, I've had a few breakout moments.  The first came when I modified my Progasm.  The second came after the first few times of using the VICE.  No Super Os yet...  but a lot of progress.

Lately, I've seen a slight bit more of progress in the way of consistency in sessions.  Previously, I would have a set of sensations and not feel them again in the next session.  These days everything has seemed to fall in order as it is.

Nothing has really changed.  My diet is basically the same.  There has been no massive change in mood.  I can even say my supplement routine is only slightly different.  So...  What exactly would be causing the rewiring shifts?  How might someone find a way to take rewiring to the next level?

I also wanted to ask those users who have sessions with THC...  Does this just help to relax you or does it actually aid in the rewiring process?  If so...  What amount is usually dosed and what is the frequency of THC induced sessions compared to sober sessions?

So is it a relaxation issue you think you have with Aneros use in your attempts to have orgasms? Do you feel like you are relaxed enough to have orgasms or that you need to be more relaxed?

Like you I've been doing this for a very long time, 2004 is when I started. I didn't get much out of it for years, Super Ts were what I wound up getting the most pleasure from. Aneros-assisted final release after a session that didn't give me hands-free orgasms. I was watching porn during all my sessions, though, and one of the first sessions I had where I didn't watch it I was with my wife in bed and she helped me have my first recognizable and honestly real hands-free prostate orgasm. Then next session I was alone again but with no porn on, and had a few orgasms within the first few minutes of my session. My sessions, and my sexual life I guess, since then has never been the same. Its been 11 years now I have not used porn not one second during any sessions. (I don't use it at all for any penis play either, been 4 years now.)

I'm not saying you are watching porn during your session; I know a lot of men do, but that's not my point. My point is that I usually find dovetailed together discussion of "relaxation" and "distraction" where men try to relax, but they seem distracted. If there are distractions, its hard to relax. If you are relaxed, you are not distracted. This is akin to women who can't cum during sex. They are getting close, the man is doing everything he needs to be doing, and just as she's near orgasm, she thinks of the kids, the dishes, the job, the lights are on outside, the dog, the anything that isn't sex and being in the moment. If you aren't present, in the moment, you are not really there, you are somewhere else. And if prostate orgasms are somewhat similar to female orgasms, then any kind of distractions are going to thwart the orgasmic process. Porn is on, its changing, the playlist is ending, the scene is boring, there's an ad, I don't like this scene right now...porn is hot don't get me wrong, but the process of playing it and watching it is distracting. If you are looking at a screen, are you feeling the toy inside you for real?

I don't think prostate sessions are like meditation, where I can go to a crowded beach, sit down, and practice mindfulness for 20 minutes while people walk around all around me, even talk about me (this has happened) but it does not break my concentration on nothingness that is mindfulness and being present in the moment. If anything those innocent distractions remind me that I'm THERE in that moment, meditating. When you do a prostate session, there aren't people walking around, that would be insane! If the dog barking outside is bothersome, it could distract. Sounds or people in the other room, distraction. There is a similarity between meditation and prostate sessions, but not that much if you see what I'm getting at.

THC is used to relax, for sure, but also to enhance sensations. I used THC for every session, it made everything feel so much better, I could really hone in on exactly what the toy was doing in me, where it was, how deep, etc. and how nuances escalated to orgasm. I think THC helps possibly more with getting present in the moment because it forces you to feel your body and pay attention to the pleasure its receiving, more so than being relaxed. It may make the user feel relaxed because they are so focused on the present, the feelings, "I'm laying here with a toy in me and it feels incredible" kind of stuff. I think THC helped me rewire for sure, but my sessions have been sober for the most part the last couple years since I quit smoking weed daily and only get high a handful of times a year now usually with friends. I enjoy sober sessions because I can feel it even more; the sensations are not hidden behind a cloud of smoke hahaha! 

Hope any of what I wrote here is insightful and helps in figuring out your sessions!


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