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what am i doing wrong?

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I got my aneros yesterday, and tried it last night. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but I did not find the experience pleasurable in any way. In fact I felt that it was uncomfortable and not really painful, but close. I managed to keep it in for about 6 or 7 minutes. I did not get the lube...I used wet. any ideas ??? bi the way...I 've never been a fan of anal sex...could that be the prob ??? i'd really appreciate some advice, because from everything I've seen on this site I think it should have had at least a slightly more positve effect. Wanna try it again, but I'm not sure...

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Lubricate, lubricate, lubricate and then lubricate a bit more. Then enjoy.

B Mayfield
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I concur with Tim assessment. I would however suggest that you change your lube. My preference is KY jelly. It's thicker, it stays on the massager (vs. WET which runs off), and it's just slicker than the thinner glycerin based alternatives. In addition, I suggest "prelubricating" your anus and rectum by using a small infant dropper full of KY or one of the thinner lubricants (the thinner ones are okay for this kind of inner application)

Secondly, you MUST relax while experimenting with anal play. If you have anxiety about this kind of stimulation it will most likely work against you deriving any pleasure from it. So it's important that you put things in perspective before you get started. You must open yourself up to this experience, and try to do away with any preconceived notions that you may be holding on to. I've suggested to some people in the past that they actually "give themselves permission" to have pleasure in this way.

Also,.. VERY IMPORTANT. ...GO SLOWLY! Allow yourself adequate time to get used to the massager before you begin with any contractions. (If you don't it WILL be uncomfortable for you). Understand that the time it takes to become accustomed to the device varies from person to person. For some, it can take several sessions with the Aneros before one is ready to attempt contractions. So again, take it slowly and find your own level of comfort with it.

Have fun!!

B Mayfield

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Originally Posted By: b mayfield
I concur with Tim assessment. I would however suggest that you change your lube. My preference is KY jelly. It's thicker, it stays on the massager (vs. WET which runs off), and it's just slicker than the thinner glycerin based alternatives. In addition, I suggest "prelubricating" your anus and rectum by using a small infant dropper full of KY or one of the thinner lubricants (the thinner ones are okay for this kind of inner application)

Secondly, you MUST relax while experimenting with anal play. If you have anxiety about this kind of stimulation it will most likely work against you deriving any pleasure from it. So it's important that you put things in perspective before you get started. You must open yourself up to this experience, and try to do away with any preconceived notions that you may be holding on to. I've suggested to some people in the past that they actually "give themselves permission" to have pleasure in this way.

Also,.. VERY IMPORTANT. ...GO SLOWLY! Allow yourself adequate time to get used to the massager before you begin with any contractions. (If you don't it WILL be uncomfortable for you). Understand that the time it takes to become accustomed to the device varies from person to person. For some, it can take several sessions with the Aneros before one is ready to attempt contractions. So again, take it slowly and find your own level of comfort with it.

Have fun!!

B Mayfield

I also tried it the first time tonight. Little reaction. Is the bend at the end supposed to point up or down. I had it bending up.

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I got my Aneros about one year ago. I used it about 4 or 5 times with lots of lube. I checked out the directions and the website. It was always very uncomfortable.

Now I am cracking up with laughter. I was sticking the finger tab in my anus. Being a straight guy it never occurred to me that the biggest of the three extrusions was the part going up my butt! I figured that the biggest piece of plastic was a grip for my hand.

All I can say is that I wish the instructions were clearer. I can't wait to try mine this weekend when I can relax and play with it.

I just started reading this forum today. From what I've seen I must be the only a$$hole with this problem.

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Originally Posted By: moises
I got my Aneros about one year ago. I used it about 4 or 5 times with lots of lube. I checked out the directions and the website. It was always very uncomfortable.

Now I am cracking up with laughter. I was sticking the finger tab in my anus. Being a straight guy it never occurred to me that the biggest of the three extrusions was the part going up my butt! I figured that the biggest piece of plastic was a grip for my hand.

All I can say is that I wish the instructions were clearer. I can't wait to try mine this weekend when I can relax and play with it.

I just started reading this forum today. From what I've seen I must be the only a$$hole with this problem.

moises, this is the funniest thing i've read in a long time! congratulations on getting properly situated. =) i can only imagine how uncomfortable it might have been.

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