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Uncontrollable rapid pulsing / involunatiries

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I have these when my legs are together (flat on bed) or if my legs are in such a way whereby it pushes my anal walls together, applies to aneros and anerosless sessions (but stronger with aneros). They are rapid and I mean super, super quick. It's been bothering me for a while, I get no pleasure from it and it usually kills a session dead. The speed is hard to describe, but imagine if you will a contraction and a release manually taking 1 second then my 'involunatiries' are like this sequence occurring 3-4 times within that timeframe. So if you were to count out loud 'one' within that count it will have pulsed/moved (i.e. an involuntary) four times, it's like it's super excited or 'overcharged". It's out of control!

The more aroused I am the faster it gets and usually it really gets more vigouros and seems to be moving in and out 'more', again, no pleasure even though it shows all the hallmarks of it being really intense and noticeable in terms of kinetic movement from an aneros and also the muscles and prostate which can be throbbing and super aroused. I did See someone in a 'famous' aneros video call it a 'twitch' but not sure it's the same thing, it's just too rapid!

In 10 years of sessions this has happened, but the wiki and users here state that this is what should be giving them pleasure. I get nothing from it, in fact it's a session killer, all I need do to stop it is to open my legs. (Though I've never let it go on for more than a minute) am I not giving it enough time in my session perhaps?

Does anyone get these?

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Sounds like the same thing I was experiencing.

When it happens again try opening you legs but very very slowly. For me they slow down almost to a stop after opening my legs just a little bit then they start up again but not as fast. I open my legs again till they almost stop and repeat the process until I find a really nice pace.

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i get these, and they make me cum my face off!! nipple stim induces the aneros to move more deeply, and triggers involuntaries in a totally different way than normal (I'm just in the process of figuring this out, I've recently started having tons of dry orgasms and prostate Os from the aneros). I'll have involuntaries and as soon as I'm on my nipples they double in speed and depth and they make me cum over and over. Do you do any nipple stimulation? It might open up your prostate to welcoming the rapid fire pleasure jackhammering and trigger a super O?!

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Yes Ido nipples, makes it more rapid.

10 years and no pleasure from it, so quit rubbing it that it 'makes you cum your face off'

Will try opening legs slightly thanks for the suggestion

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Tried sitting in my chair, legs on my desk, had a similar effect of when I have my legs lifted when I'm lying down, only this time after a super build up and sort of orgasm, the session was over and the pristate shut down.

*Drum roll please*


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@inhope, could be a phase you are going through. Just keep trying different things. You say the prostate shuts down, what do you mean by that? Just because past experiences this has happened doesnt mean a wait and see attitude might spark something up again. Also, have you tried taking the device out and waiting a few minutes and then trying again?

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have you tried just a manual rubbing of your prostate with your finger? Sometimes I do that when I squat on my feet, easy access that way. I kind of go really gentle and make everything get relaxed, and then I'll wait a second or 10 and insert the aneros again.

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