Hi guys i bought a local copy of my zoo men's magazine which features many half naked gorgeous
women wearing nothing but lingerie and bikini's but i came accross a section in the magazine where
they post facts about sex along the very bottom of the pages for about six pages and i read two facts
about animals mating and what i read i so hilarious that i cant stop laughing evrytime i think about
what it says so here it goes.
FACT (1) Before copulation, a male porcupine will hose the female from head to toe in urine.
FACT (2) Male domestic cats have barbs on their penis to make sure the female cat stays put during
the act.
HAHA LMFAO i thought soem of you might find this very funny i do i think it is freakin hilarious dont you?
Piss and stick.
I dont understand why would the male porcupine piss all over the female porcupine? I am so confused.
Perhaps the urine softens the quills.
Either that or it marks the female as his own, or disguises her as "male" with his own smell, so other males do not try to breed with her afterwards.
Actually, concerning felines, the author is quite incorrect as to the purpose of the barbs on the penis. The obviously cannot and will not hold a female in place, rather their purpose is solely for stimulation. Felines are induced ovulators, and as such, require a specific stimulus to trigger ovulation. The rought scraping of the males barbs, which flex outward a bit after ejaculation, on the female's vaginal walls as he removes it from intromission causes a somewhat painful stimulus that triggers the female's ovulation. I believe certain species of sea otter also trigger ovulation when the male actually bites the female's nose to the point of drawing blood. I'd have to check my references on that, but that just goes to show, don't believe everything you read. 😛
You know, everything I do during sex (or anything that turns me on) is probably somehow in some way related to an instinct of reproduction... so that makes me think... what bizarre kind of turn-ons would you have if you were one of those animals with their strange ways of sex and reproduction?
.... snip ... Felines are induced ovulators, and as such, require a specific stimulus to trigger ovulation. The rough scraping of the males barbs, which flex outward a bit after ejaculation, on the female's vaginal walls as he removes it from intromission causes a somewhat painful stimulus that triggers the female's ovulation. ... snip...
Before menopause hit my wife could sense ovulation. After I was snipped and we ceased using birth control pills her ovulation was frequently triggered by orgasm (and within our Aneros range of understanding those were her "Super-Os"). No clue as to what the 'window of opportunity might have been -- I'd guess, within 18 to 24 hours in advance of when she would have ovulated without orgasm.
Anyone else experience this?