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Travelling with toys

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This might have been discussed before, but I have doubts about this.

So, in a few weeks I'm travelling on an airplane, first time ever. I am nervous and all of that, but I have some concerns with luggage.

Have you ever been stopped at the airport for travelling with toys? What toys do they usually are concerned about? I mean, I imagine metallic toys would draw attention. But what about Aneros? I know classic and trident models are completely made of hard plastic, if I'm not mistaken. But syn ones have a metallic interior as far as I know.

Have you ever had problems with Aneros at the airport? Tell me specifically, because I have a bunch of them, classic, syn and trident. And I would like to know which ones would be problematic. Also, what about dildos, vibrators and Njoy Pure Wand?

I know that, if they notice something suspicious, they probably won't make me unpack everything in front of everyone, but I don't want to have to explain things...


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I have traveled with my Tempo. I never had a problem. However I am enough of an exhibitionist that I wish someone would ask especially if it were a female agent.

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This might have been discussed before, but I have doubts about this.

Yes, this topic has been discussed before, see hey! question about traveling to other countries with aneros, Airport Security & Aneros and TSA. If you are on a domestic flight you really have nothing to worry about except if you have the VICE with the Muze vibrator, even that is probably not a problem. If worse comes to worse you can easily explain it is simply a different type of massage vibrator.
See also this independent news article -> What You Need to Know About Flying with Sex Toys. While I don't fly often the few times I have flown and taken an Aneros model with me I have not incurred any questions about it.

But syn ones have a metallic interior as far as I know.

This is not correct, the core of the Helix SYN and Eupho SYN models is plastic.
Good Vibes to You !

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I have traveled with all the Aneros models through Security without a problem. But not them with metal - Tempo, Njoy etc. Think it will cause problems. Dildos are no problem. It happens every day in an airport so it's an ordinary thing for security

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Some slithering low life TSA agent stole my Njoy wand from me checked baggage. Hope that whoever stole it drops is on their foot.

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This is not correct, the core of the Helix SYN and Eupho SYN models is plastic.

Oh okay, I knew it was made of something hard on the inside. And I thought I read it was some kind of metal. Anyways, better for me if it's plastic then. Thank you!

And thank you all for your replies. I'll probably throw some Aneros into the luggage but nothing metallic.

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