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Tingling in prostate between sessions?

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I've been using my Helix Syn on and off now for just less than a year, with varying levels of success. However, recently I feel like I've been understanding my body more and having a bit more luck as a result. I haven't yet had a super-O, although I can feel myself getting closer, and am getting lots of fluttering and involuntaries during my sessions (I'm currently trying the "quick and dirty" method).

Just in the last week I've started to notice that between my sessions I'm getting this interesting sensation in and around my prostate, when I've not got the toy in. It's like a tingling, tickling sensation, which reminds me of a sense of yearning almost. I'm finding that when I focus on this sensation it increases and if I start to clench my muscles ever so slightly it can lead to little flutters and even some precum.

Has anyone else had this experience? Is this part of the prostate awakening process?

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Posted by: @tsapphire

Just in the last week I've started to notice that between my sessions I'm getting this interesting sensation in and around my prostate, when I've not got the toy in. It's like a tingling, tickling sensation, which reminds me of a sense of yearning almost. I'm finding that when I focus on this sensation it increases and if I start to clench my muscles ever so slightly it can lead to little flutters and even some precum.

Has anyone else had this experience? Is this part of the prostate awakening process?

Your discovery of new sensations is quite common for men going through their prostate awakening. As you fine tune your mind to focus more on these inner sensations you will realize they have always been available to you but you just hadn't paid any attention to them before which is also quite common for new Aneros users.

There is a very common phenomenon called 'butt buzz' (see Aneros WIKI Glossary) which mirrors many sensations users experience during Anerosessions.. It is also sometimes recognized as an internal itch which seems just out of reach of their Aneros massager.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @tsapphire

 I haven't yet had a super-O, although I can feel myself getting closer, and am getting lots of fluttering and involuntaries during my sessions (I'm currently trying the "quick and dirty" method).

@tsapphire it's nice to read about your experiences and progress!  Thank you for sharing.


I feel, however that you may be setting yourself for disappointment and ultimately frustration if you feel you're 'getting closer'.  After over 4 years and a handful of months at this game, my progress continues and I'm still discovering new sensations every sessions but still no super-o yet.


Following advice of much wizer forum members than me in my earlier days as a young puppy in prostate play, I stopped expecting something I kept reading about and started enjoying what I was really getting during my sessions which is great sensations and p-waves.  My logic is, I can't miss something I never had even is many others have it but I certainly can appreciate what I do have; and that I do!


I may very well encounter an explosive super-o in my next session or it could very well be in another 4 but I don't even think about it.  Que sera sera!  I look forward to my next session where I get to be one on one with my entire 6' 4", 175 lbs male body.


BTW, IMHO, there is no such thing as a "quick and dirty" method when it comes to achieving any prostate play goals.  Take the long road and enjoy every intersections along the way; the journey is well worth the trip.


I look forward to reading more about your progress.  Good vibes to you. 




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Hey, congrats on this new milestone which you may come to enjoy a lot. 

I highly recommend trying aless techniques next time you feel your prostate buzzing and you are in a quiet and private place. The best technique I know is this one:


When i feel myself buzzing (day after a session or starting on day 2+ of semen retention) this technique works like a charm. 

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Thanks for all of your responses. All really useful and reassuring!

I'm really enjoying the sensations, and I'm really surprised just how long they're lasting. It's been a few days since my last session and even after a regular orgasm in between I can still feel a light itch.

The thing I'm most enjoying is that just that feeling is making me aroused and now I can't wait for my next session. That's great for me as previously I could struggle with being aroused enough before sessions and also just going into a session almost out of obligation rather than doing it because I was in the right mood. Now, I know that it's my body's way of telling me that it wants more!

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I definitely experience this sensation. I had a session this morning and am feeling it right now.

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