I haven't use Aneros for a long time, but I've been enjoying aless Super-Os. Today I put MGX inside me and felt a worm crawling around my penis. I didn't even remember that pleasant feeling, although I didn't have any kind of orgasm. Has this happened to others? (it must have been caused by the prostate gland?)
I know exactly the feeling you're talking about. I only get that with Eupho. It is hard to pinpoint where it is, but nice to focus on. I always felt like I was inflating to an erection, but just constantly for an extended period of time instead of the number of seconds it usually takes. Any eupho floating in a nice lube slick will make that happen. Good times!
Ich denke, ein Urologe kann Ihnen eine Lösung anbieten, das passiert mir einmal im Jahr. Aber ich hatte vorher Probleme mit der Beschneidung.