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The Super-O may not...
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The Super-O may not be "real"... but that may be a great thing

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Hi. This may be my first post -- I'm not sure -- but I've been part of the Aneros community for a long time.

The other night, I had the closest thing I've had to a Super-0 and... it seems I was in that particular neighborhood a long time ago... long before I stuck anything up my ass... and in a much more unpleasant way.

You might want to get comfortable... this could take a while.

Many years ago, I used to have incredibly intense dreams where it seemed like I was fully awake... that is, I was aware of my surroundings. In those dreams, I would feel like I was paralyzed... like someone or something was holding me down... very much against my will. I would struggle and I would try scream and it seemed like it would never end...

... and then I'd wake up.

For years, I thought all of this was actually happening... it was that real. And then one night I was sleeping with Kathy and I had a particularly violent episode. But, although I thought I was convulsing and screaming for a long period of time, Kathy reported that if that happened, it didn't wake her.

Later, I heard about "lucid dreaming," a peculiar state where one isn't completely awake and yet not asleep, either. There are a ton of websites and several books devoted to the subject, including ones that teach how to manipulate lucid dreams into very pleasant experiences.

And so, when I finally had something like a super-O, my first thought on waking was the it was not technically an orgasm, but rather a lucid dream.

If that is the case, does it diminish the Super-O? I don't think it does. Those lucid dreams I had about being paralyzed so many years ago... to this day, they remain as vivid as anything that's happened in "real life."

Does it diminish the value of the Aneros? Actually, I think it enhances it. The closer we come to figuring out what actually happens during the Super-O, the more it's accessible to a broader group of people. That is, maybe the aneros is a great tool towards having that kind of lucid dreaming...

Any thoughts?

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@tnt In your last paragraph... "The closer we come to figuring out what actually happens during the
Super-O, the more it's accessible to a broader group of people." I have always been curious in the science behind what is actually happening during a real super O. I would love someone to explain in detail some of that science. While I enjoy my new ability to dry O over and over and over. It's a real beautiful thing. But I have not experienced a super O. As far as your Lucid Dreaming, you may have tapped one of those areas of the brain that most people are not aware of or know how to use.

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@tnt --- I'm of the belief that there is much more to what you perceive as lucid dreaming! Specifically, the answer may reside in the understanding of the Kundalini experience!

While described as a potentially dangerous area to explore without training, I personally had an experience that gave me a small glimpse of what it may be about.

It was a very real dream where I had an encounter with a snake and a tiger that I'll never forget. I had never had a dream like that in my 50+ years, and I've not had another one...yet! I do feel it coincided with my Aneros experience and the stimulus of brain and body. Time will tell as I continue my journey!


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@tnt I've experienced that feeling of lying in bed with my body completely paralyzed as well. The first time was after I'd been discussing outer body experiences with a friend who had them on a regular basis and for some reason that same night I experienced exactly the first stages of this, the paralysis and the screeching in my ears of some weird sound. It was really scary and I was glad it didn't go any further.
The second time was a few days after taking psychedelic mushrooms. I was still awake almost sleeping when my body started bouncing up to the ceiling and down again. It was terrifying and like before my body was completely paralyzed, I tried to scream but it was as if my throat was closed off and only a very muted high pitched sound escaped my lips.
That was even scarier coz I hadn't actually fallen asleep.

So to me it sounds more like the first stages of an OBE than a lucid dream and perhaps reading the experiences of people's Super O made you experience one for yourself like I almost had an OBE just by listening to my friend relating his experiences.
That said, a Super O and the way to achieve it is highly personal, so it would be interesting to note if there are any differences to your dream and the actual experience

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@tnt you describe something I`ve coped with for years, and my father as well.We call it "sleep paralyzis". It`s when your brain goes to sleep too fast, sort of speak.
Usually our bodies goes to sleep in several stages, but some times our brain "forget" one of the stages and just sends us right into paralyzis. Now, the paralyzis-stage is usually in the deep-sleep (REM-sleep)- stage, where we don`t move much or anything at all, for our own protection.
But, when we are just sent right into paralyzis, our brain think it`s asleep and can start dreaming, but we are still awake and can see, hear, but not move, talk or force ourself awake.
It`s kind of a wierd state, and not at all do I find this state positive in any way, because sometimes it feels as if "something" is hitting my stomach over and over, other times I see things (dreams) in the direction/room I look in, and they both look and sound so real it`s frightening. Other times my whole body gets these pulse-feelings, quite quick pulses and my sight/eyes also gets these. It`s quite wierd and scary when it happens.

It`s been a while since I`ve had this happen to me now, but it`s been on and off for about 15 years now.

Perhaps I am thinking of something different from you, but I just thought I`d share my experience with something that sounds quite similar to your experiences.

From my point of view, it cannot be linked, related or compared to happenings in an aneros session, but these are only my point of view.


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