The Kegels do work!...
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The Kegels do work! Especially with Aless!

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I have been practicing the Kegel Exercises ever since I began my Aneros journey in June 2012 to enhance my Aneros experience. However a few days ago, I had a revelation. I was on a city bus on the way to an appointment. I performed some sets of Kegels and they got better and better and full of pleasure! A man who undertakes of disciplined regimen of the Kegels develops muscle tone in the areas of his body which engage the Aneros and even develops firmer erections. Also experienced Kegelers discover that they can perform these exercises anywhere and anytime he wishes. Another spin off of the Kegels is that you can use them effectively in masturbation and edging sessions to develop ejaculatory control. The Kegels do work! In Aneros sessions, Aless, masturbation sessions, and sex with your partner, and they are fun!

I take my inspiration for the Kegels from this web site:

Prologue for a Regimen of Kegel Exercises, Aneros sessions, and Aless!

A regimen of Kegel Exercises coupled with Aneros sessions trains, strengthens, and tones the anal sphincter (both inner and outer), the PC muscle, and the pelvic floor. As a guy proceeds in this regimen, he notices and begins to revel in the pleasure and sexual power found in the Kegels and the Aneros! Even more so, this pleasure and sexual power is magnified in Aless!


Program of Kegel reps

A precaution to absolute beginners in the Kegel Exercises and Aneros sessions. Begin slowly, even carefully. You may injure yourself if you take on too much or try to do too much in the beginning.

1. Do 10 reps of quick Kegels. Then do 15, then 20, 25, 30, as much as you feel comfortable doing. Include breathing exercises with the reps.

2. Then 10 reps of slower Kegels with exhaling for contraction, breathing in for release. These reps are slower, a rep lasting 2-3 seconds. Then do 15, 20, 25, 30, etc. of these slower reps. Add stimulation of nipples, chest, abs, thighs, and feel the pleasure and sexual energy building.

3. For advanced Kegelers, do sustained Kegels of 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. a piece. Do five or ten or fifteen of these with rhythmic breathing (exhaling for contraction, inhaling for release) and feel the pleasure and sexual energy increase, revving up your Aless, feeling all this energy enter your penis and testicles, your entire genital apparatus, your entire body and your entire male consciousness. The contraction and release of a sustained Kegel can last 10, 15, or 30 seconds along with inhaling and exhaling. Do six or twelve of these in the beginning. Only seasoned, advanced Kegelers should attempt these. You will feel the sexual energy with accompanying pleasure building with these Kegels which is so satisfying.

Kegel reps are effective sitting, wearing a jockstrap (and an athletic cup), or snug swim trunks, naked, or lying down in bed. Do Kegels when you are masturbating, jacking off, or just playing with your penis and your scrotum. You will feel like a reborn, eternal adolescent.

Kegels can be done anytime too, riding public transportation, in the office, attending meetings or church, even walking or waiting in line.

Also a good Aneros session gives a guy a well-exercised anal canal/musculature and prostate which not only produces powerful, sweet Aless, but also enhances the Kegels. Kegels, along with erogenous zone stimulation and focused, rhythmic breathing revves up a guy's Alessness and prepares him for the next Aneros session!

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@BigGlansDC this is a great guide for the practice of Kegel. These exercises are refered to often in this forum and in Wiki but the levels you describe are not. This is a good benchmark not only for Newbies but seasoned users. We tend to forget how valuable Kegel are to the success of our journey. Wiki material?

Thanks for sharing with everyone.

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@GGringo, thank you for seconding my guide for the practice of the Kegels. I hope other guys will see this.

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I had some time this morning and thanks to @BigGlansDC I started some of the 3-phase Kegels as he suggested. Phase 1 went well. Phase 2 also went fairly well although I was starting to feel a more intense sensation primarily in my lower groin/prostate. I almost felt like an anal orgasm building. By the time I got to Phase 3, I almost could not take any more. The sustained Kegels are extremely stimulating and I could not keep this up for very long. But I anticipate the next opportunity!

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@goldenboy, before you know it, you will be a confident achiever in Phase 3 of my Kegel Exercise regimen!

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Phase 1: Nothing too special. I feel some energy.

Phase 2: Ooooh sweet baby I feel that and it feels good. I can't describe it but it just feels like my prostate is humming and charging up.

Phase 3: Wow. It literally feels like I have the device in me and it's auto fucking me and it just feels soooooo good. At this point I just let go of the kegels and rode the waves. It's a nice, pleasureable sensation. And it just builds and builds until you come back to earth.

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Hey @BigGlansDC ,

thank you for sharing your kegel workout and draw some attention to this topic. For me, a regularly kegel workout was the breakthrough when I was still chasing after the Super-O.

I still have some questions:

  • Do you vary the strength of your clenches? Many workouts suggest something like 20-30 light and fast contractions followed by 10 slow and strong ones. I did not put so much emphasis on strong contractions, thus on building muscle tone. Instead, I did go for control, which leads to my next question...
  • Do you gained precise sensory awareness & control over the different muscles? Respectively, can you contract several parts of your pelvic floor individually? For me, that was a key skill that led to my very first a-less mini-O's.

Cheers, Unfug

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Haha, I've had alot of of fun aless sessions on bumpy bus rides. It's the bumps and jitters I think.

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There is an app for this...and its free

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I have resurfaced this great post from my friend @BigGlansDC to attest that doing regular daily kegels really do have a positive effect on all sessions.

This summer, my wife and I have been doing a lot of driving in our little motorhome and while driving and enjoying the sceneries, I am very busy doing hard workouts on all my floor muscles. I really work my kegels hard and I am now seeing great improvements in my sessions specially my Aless ones.

I encourage every newbie to practice these healthy exercises and experience their positive effects.

Thank you @BigGlansDC !

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@GGringo, I believe that before you know it Kegels will come to you naturally. Also you may discover that there is a symbiotic relation between Kegel Exercises and Aneros. The Kegels enhance the Aneros and vice versa.

Also this regimen of Kegel Exercises is useful for a refresher for experienced Aneros users such as myself.

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... there is a symbiotic relation between Kegel Exercises and Aneros. The Kegels enhance the Aneros and vice versa.

Very true!

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Does someone has a scientific explanation as to the link between kegels and strengthening of erections. I'd like to know exactly why it is so. Thanks!

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I've heard very good things about reverse kegel exercises. They also make you last longer, and ejaculate more. To do a reverse kegel, when you're peeing, make an effort to release urine faster, under more pressure.

Some people advocate doing both normal kegels and reverse kegels, to prevent muscle imbalance.

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Does someone has a scientific explanation as to the link between kegels and strengthening of erections. I'd like to know exactly why it is so. Thanks!

Uhm... yeah...

Doing kegels tones your muscles (obviously). Maintaining bigger muscles result in more resources needed = more blood, so the general blood supply of that area increases. Furthermore, part of your pelvic muscles are directly involved in maintaining the erection, namely the ischiocavernosus muscle. It slings around the base of the penis and is responsible for the little wiggle the penis does, when you clench your pelvic muscles.

Cheers, Unfug

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Thanks Unfug!

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Hi guys,

The last few days I have composed further reflections on Kegels and Reversed Kegels and their usefulness in Aneros sessions and Aless. I thank you all for your supportive replies and for @airbag for directing my attention to Reversed Kegels.

I have been doing the Kegel Exercises since September/October 2011 after first hearing about them and the Aneros from @matt1008, a buddy I met on BateWorld, a masturbation web site. I began my Aneros journey in early 2012 with Aneros Syn. This is in response to a recent inquiry from @Turnrow. Also with @Turnrow in mind, I am fairly recent in my exploration and adoption of Reverse Kegels.

Preparation. Embarking on a regimen of the Kegel Exercises may be very helpful prior to adopting a program of Aneros sessions. The Kegels strengthen the PC muscle, the pelvic floor, and anal sphincters. You are laying the foundation upon a program of Aneros sessions may be built.

Start slowly and gradually with the Kegels. You do not want to over strain or injure yourself. But doing the Kegels is like doing weight training in a gym. You are training and strengthening anal musculature.

There are various templates on the Kegel Exercises out there on the Internet you may adopt. The Aneros Learning Center under Men has a helpful section on the Kegels. My program on the Kegels is fairly detailed.

Also it is essential that one have a bowel movement before an Aneros session. Having as much "free" space for the free movement of the Aneros devices is very important.

Foreplay. Doing a set of Kegels or even several may be helpful as foreplay before having an Aneros session. Use the term foreplay before making love to a partner or yourself as a period of sexual arousal. The Kegels can increase sexual arousal. I know this from my own experience.

Aneros session.

The older version of the Aneros instruction in the archives section gives a detailed explanation of the contraction exercises one should do when you work with the Aneros in a session. This is very valuable information in that these contraction exercises are essentially the Kegel Exercises. The Kegels power the Aneros.

You will discover in time that there is a close relationship between the Aneros and the Kegels. They are designed for each other.

A direct benefit of the Aneros is massage of both of the prostate and the perineum.

Postplay = Aless. As you move along in your Aneros sessions, you will notice that you are refreshed, even energized after a session ends. But also some weeks or months into your Aneros session, you will feel that the Aneros activity or energy continues after sessions as though the Aneros is still inserted and working away. This is called Aneroslessness or Aless. You may feel a super abundance of P-waves or even acute sexual energy found in Super-O's or even MMO's. Revel in your times of Aless outside of sessions. The sexual energy generated by Aneros session is localized in the genital areas of guy but also permeates in waves of pleasure throughout his whole body, even his consciousness.

Aless times are ideal for practicing the Kegels and Reverse Kegels. Aless is also perfect for self-stimulation of one's erogenous zones. I. for one, enjoy the bliss of caressing my nipples. I call this 'diddling' which I have found magnifies the intensity of my Kegels.

I enjoy wearing a jockstrap and an athletic cup as I do the Kegels and Reverse Kegels in Aless. A jockstrap's elasticity magnifies and sweetness of the exercise. Get yourself a banana cup because a banana cup is roomy enough to contain a guy's testicles but also caresses his perineum which produces erotic sweetness for him. The best athletic cups on the market are those by Shock Doctor, All-Star, Nutty Buddy, and Diamond. Mueller flex cups are also good.

In Aless, we can use a regimen of Kegels and Reverse Kegels to fuel the exploration and rediscovery that occurs in masturbatory edging.

Manifest benefits. I have noticed that Aneros sessions and Aless flow into each other naturally. Hence now I very seldom experience dud sessions. Every Aneros session is unique, worth receiving lessons from it.

I can tap into my Aless at any time of the day, but especially at night when I can diddle my nipples.

The beneficial effects of regular Aneros are cumulative. You notice that pleasure and power arising from you sessions will grow leaps and bounds. Your anal musculature is toned and strengthened as you progress in your Aneros journey.

You will delight in how Aneros sessions flow into Aless during which you practice Kegels and Reverse Kegels in isolated contractions or in sets. You will find that the sky is the limit.

Finally, both in Aneros sessions and in Aless you can tap into this sexual energy and give yourself Super-O's and MMO's on demand through sensual touching found in diddling your nipples and caressing your erogenous, through relaxed, gentle breathing, or just by thinking about Aneros. This has been my experience in recent months.

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Hey @BigGlansDC ,

thank you for sharing your kegel workout and draw some attention to this topic. For me, a regularly kegel workout was the breakthrough when I was still chasing after the Super-O.

I still have some questions:

  • Do you vary the strength of your clenches? Many workouts suggest something like 20-30 light and fast contractions followed by 10 slow and strong ones. I did not put so much emphasis on strong contractions, thus on building muscle tone. Instead, I did go for control, which leads to my next question...
  • Do you gained precise sensory awareness & control over the different muscles? Respectively, can you contract several parts of your pelvic floor individually? For me, that was a key skill that led to my very first a-less mini-O's.

Cheers, Unfug

Very good questions on the Kegel Exercises, @Unfug! Yes, I do vary the strength and duration of my cletches when I do both the Kegels and Reverse Kegels in both my Aneros sessions and Aless. Doing such adds delicious texture in the pleasure I receive! Also is how all this has affected the pleasure I receive from diddling my nipples.

As for "gaining precise sensory awareness and control over the different muscle," that is a skill that I have barely begun to explore. However, in Aless, I am getting in touch with this awareness and control through gentle breathing and concentrated attention!

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I will not add to what @BigGlansDC has so well described on this topic but I will say he is bang-on on every single point. Newbies should study his method and learn the art that yields so much pleasure.

Furthermore, with months and months of practicing Kegels and reverse Kegels (not as much), I am now able to differentiate my three main muscles in my pelvic area and I can now control their action individually, contracting and relaxing. I find that selectively contracting and relaxing each muscle, one or two or all of them at a time adds another dimension to my Aneros and Aless sessions.

It pays to listen to the wise ones in this Forum. Thanks @BigGlansDC !

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Phase 1: Nothing too special. I feel some energy.

Phase 2: Ooooh sweet baby I feel that and it feels good. I can't describe it but it just feels like my prostate is humming and charging up.

Phase 3: Wow. It literally feels like I have the device in me and it's auto fucking me and it just feels soooooo good. At this point I just let go of the kegels and rode the waves. It's a nice, pleasureable sensation. And it just builds and builds until you come back to earth.

@flexxor, I have had the same experience of riding the waves engendered in Phase 3 alot in recent weeks! It is so sweet and powerful!

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Are you supposed to be already rewired in order to enjoy this? I get that it's useful for beginners, but since it's supposed to "build sexual energy", I don't quite get it. All I feel is getting slightly dizzy from the breathing.
I suppose I'll keep doing these exercises if it makes my muscles stronger, but how strong am I supposed to hold the contraptions? As hard as I can?

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@Sunusuku, thank you for your questions!

No, you are not supposed to be already rewired to enjoy the benefits of the Kegel/Aless exercises. As you work with the Kegels, the benefits and pleasures thereof will come gradually. As you do the Kegels, you do build sexual energy. But remember, it is gradual, but the benefits are gradual. As regards the clutches, they can be of various strengths, as much that makes you feel comfortable.

Also are some directions for doing the Kegels from the Aneros Learning Center for Men from this site:

"Since the PC muscle is in charge of making your Aneros work, you’ll want to get it in shape. The longer and more firmly you can squeeze it before it gets tired, the better your Aneros session will be. As an added bonus, a toned PC muscle can also make your erections firmer.

"Learning to control your PC muscle takes some practice, so you need to do your Kegel exercises. Named for the doctor who popularized this exercise for women, Kegels are just as important for men to do.

"There are two ways to identify which muscle you want to work on. If you’ve ever made your erection bounce by squeezing your pelvic floor, you already know where your PC muscle is, even if you didn’t know that’s what you were doing. The other technique is to sit on the toilet and start to urinate. Once urine begins flowing, squeeze the muscle that makes it stop. That’s the one you’re aiming for. You only need to do this while urinating the first time, in order to find the muscle. After that, you can exercise it any time.

"Now that you know where your PC muscle is, here are three ways to work it:

"1) Do a squeeze and release on a two count. (squeeze-two, relax-two)

"2) Do a slow four-count cycle. (squeeze-two-three-four, hold-two-three-four, release-two-three-four, relax-two-three-four)

"3) Do a series of quick butterfly squeezes, followed by an equal resting time.

"Start off with just a few reps at a time and build up, just like any exercise. Be sure to rest and relax the muscle in between sets to avoid muscle spasms. Don’t forget to breathe during your pelvic workout- exhale on the squeeze and inhale on the relax.

"The more you do your Kegel exercises, the more you’ll get out of your Aneros sessions, so remember to do them every day and you’ll see how amazing your prostate pleasure will be!"

Remember to start the Kegel Exercises gradually in the beginning. Hope this helps!

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I haven't sensations during my sessions nor Aless but I did notice that when I do kegels durig the day I sometime have a very agreable shiver.

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@Kaly, the most wonderful thing about the Kegels is that you can do them anytime of the day: In bed at night, standing in line at the store, sitting in a chair, etc. Kegels are certainly powerful when you do them while stimulating your nipples (diddling), calmly breathing, all the while focusing on the area of your body where the Kegels are directed. And yes, focus on that "very agreeable shiver" too while doing the Kegels! 😉

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Hi guys,

I haven't had an Aneros session since New Year's Day nearly two weeks ago. Plus some days of cold wintry weather have settled in with our first snowstorm of this season for tonight and tomorrow Sunday.

I wrote this in my prologue on my Kegel Exercise regimen upon this thread is based:

"A regimen of Kegel Exercises coupled with Aneros sessions trains, strengthens, and tones the anal sphincter (both inner and outer), the PC muscle, and the pelvic floor. As a guy proceeds in this regimen, he notices and begins to revel in the pleasure and sexual power found in the Kegels and the Aneros! Even more so, this pleasure and sexual power is magnified in Aless!"

What impresses me most of the muscle groups which I wrote about is their elasticity. Experienced Kegelers notice this about those muscle groups that surround their prostates as well their musculature surrounding their anal canal. Experienced Kegelers exercise these muscle groups so naturally. The result of such exercise is pure pleasure which suffuse their prostate and their genital areas such as the perineum, scrotum, and cock root. Despite the cold today here, all this is very sweet. I hope to continue all this when I go to bed soon tonight.

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Hi guys, I am glad this long-running thread on how to perform the Kegels has reappeared. I am grateful for my good friend, @GGringo's support in this very productive discussion of about five years long! 🙂

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@bigglansdc I have been doing your kegel program for over a year. It has brought me to new levels of pleasure. 


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@wogee I'm gonna be next to adopt it starting tomorrow -- anything to look forward to in the first month or so?

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@Poseidon, as you work with my Kegel Exercise regimen, I believe two things were happen to you: (1) Your anal musculature will become strengthened. That in itself will enable you work with Progasm with confidence and you will enjoy what the Progasm will do for you. I believe you told me you have Progasm Red Ice. That model has a slick feel. The Progasm Classic model has a heavy duty feel which will not disappoint as has been my experience. (2) As you go through my Kegel Exercise regimen, you will notice that both your Aneros sessions and Aless will become suffused with power and pleasure. When I devised my Kegel Exercise regimen in mid August 2016, it was a springboard that launched me into my Super O and MMO breakthroughs in Mid September 2016, a month later, after five/six years of trying.

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I have a question. Are you trying to contract the PC muscle alone? Or combined with the sphincter muscles? It seems that every guide refers only to the PC but not the sphincters. I am trying to learn to control the PC without tightening the sphincters, but normally if I don't think about it, both tighten when I try to do a Kegel.

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