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The journey is getting better!

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Joined: 7 years ago
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Last night I had a much more successful session that usual.

I had entire minutes where I felt waves of pleasure washing over my body. My whole body felt tingly and washed with warmth. I felt blood pulsing under my eye lids. I got into what I've heard others call an auto-fucking rhythm where the helix syn was moving completely on its own. Through the course of the session I felt several different types of movement from it. Sometimes it felt like it was going in and out, other times it felt almost like it was moving in a wide circle (how is that even possible? I don't know). It buzzed, it pushed it moved around.

In any case I was very much feeling some amazing sensations last night. And they didn't go away like they did the time before. I was feeling pretty darn good for...oh 3-5 minutes probably? I'd felt this way briefly before, but it went away maybe 10 seconds later. Didn't last too long. I thought it was the start of a super-o but now that I was able to ride that sensation out for a while, it leads me to believe it was a pretty intense p-wave. Which was very nice. I wouldn't mind at all to feel that for a couple hours.

I found two things, on my back with my knees apart and feet on the floor seems to be the only position that allows me to have a p-wave, although it's possible that I just switched to that position by the time I was done with my p-waves. The other thing I found was just that, I felt the p-waves (I think that's what they were although it could have been a very tame super-o) for 5-10 minutes maybe 30 minutes into my session, but then they stopped. And for the next hour I never got them back. It seems like they kind of run on their own schedule and when they're done, they're done.

Anyway, wanted to share my progress and say thanks for all the good advice and words of experience from the users here.

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