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The five minutes leading up to a Super-O

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Aneros Super Users- Your thoughts please.
Ok, I've been practicing with my Progasm for about 6 months now and I feel like I'm getting on the right track. I just want to compare notes.
I'm finding that by the time I'm fully relaxed that little toy is really wanting to get going, I've already got a light contraction going, a sort of pulling in, without me even thinking about it, at this point if I apply a little more of a squeeze the Progasm will wiggle gently all by itself, quite a pleasant feeling, I can keep this up for some time but it doesn't really lead anywhere. Finally I try all manner of contractions, one of my favorites is to just very slightly move the Progasm in and out by varying the strength of my squeeze maybe twice a second.
Now previous threads suggest I'm trying and this is counter productive, But if I don't "try" nothing happens at all!
So whats the typical basic plan for all you super-Oers?
For example:
1. Use relaxation technique.
2. Hold a light contraction for 2 minutes.
3. relax again and let the waves come.

1. Use relaxation technique (I've got that bit now, thanks to Alana)
2. stroke and squeeze that little bugger for dear life.
3. collapse in exhaustion
4. Come to in super O land.

I reckon its more like A, but I want some detail in the contractions you use. Strength, duration, pulsing etc. I realise we all have different things that work and they may not necessarily work for me, but I'd like some ideas.
Any replies will be greatly appreciated

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Hey Sky_Walker,

personally, I use option C:

1. Relax and do nothing (no contractions or strokes).
2. Lose myself in the most erotic sexual fantasy I can imagine.
3. Begin to focus that fantasy almost entirely on the sensations of continuous, intensely pleasurable ejaculatory orgasm(s).
4. Continue imagining that I am enjoying endless orgasmic ejaculatory contractions until my body automatically triggers a Super-O.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until satisfied.

Option C (what I like to call the "Fantasy Method") requires no physical effort and as long as you remain focused purely on enjoying your fantasy, conveniently bypasses any sense of "trying." Focusing exclusively on your fantasy rather than your body or the Aneros (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!) helps remove your conscious involvement from the process and allows your body to give you the Super-O. It's simply the fastest, easiest, and most direct way I know to achieve and enjoy Super-O's, especially for those who feel "stuck on the edge." It also happens to be a lot of fun.

Hope this helps.

Best of luck!


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I can vouch for Pan's option C! 😉

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Pan: I have a question for you.

So for you imagination is about the most important part. What type of mental imagery do you use? For your fantasy do you focus on visual imagery or imagined tactile sensations or something else entirely?

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Pan: I have a question for you.

Hey chris, I'll do my best to answer.

So for you imagination is about the most important part.

Pretty much, yeah. In my experience, erotic mental and emotional stimulation actually form a more reliable and direct route to Super-O's than the contraction methods.

What type of mental imagery do you use?

Hmm, could you elaborate on this? I'm hetero so the imagery pretty much revolves around women (mostly my wife and/or Playboy Bunnies :wink:).

For your fantasy do you focus on visual imagery or imagined tactile sensations or something else entirely?

Well, the Fantasy Method is based on vividly imagining the tactile sensations of ejaculatory orgasm, so of course that's always a major focus. The more you convince yourself through your fantasy, that you are truly experiencing those orgasmic sensations, the more your body responds. In other words - Fake it 'Till You Make It! 😀

Everything else is subject to the whims of my current mood, desires, ability to focus, etc. But generally speaking, my fantasies are a combination of visual imagery, erotic sounds, and tactile sensation, not to mention the mental and emotional stimulation of whatever scenario I am imagining.

The important thing is figuring out whatever makes your fantasies so erotic and enticing that you forget about the Aneros because all of your attention is focused on the fantasy and the feeling of experiencing continuous orgasms within the fantasy. Your body does the rest for you!

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Hi again Sky_Walker and Pan, matt and chris_SoCal!

This is a key conversation, IMHO. And I believe it points to flexibility too in our full range of experience potentials.

Plan C is what works for me too. Thanks Pan for your particulars here and again for our previous discussions of our similar physical histories! It is fascinating that your imagery is so ejaculation focused when differentiating orgasmic response from ejaculation response is a crucial step in both Aneros and KSMO. So, once having accomplished the rewiring of the differentiation, as you have, using the imagery of ejaculation does not take you back into the ejaculation circuitry, I assume!?!

My imagery is different and secondary...

Whoops! Got to go... will return and complete that thought later 🙄

all the best all


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Hi again Sky_Walker and Pan, matt and chris_SoCal!

Hey artform! I'm so glad you decided to join the discussion!

This is a key conversation, IMHO. And I believe it points to flexibility too in our full range of experience potentials.

I certainly agree. And I hope that by further discussing alternatives like the Fantasy Method, we can help to provide a greater sense of freedom and flexibility in how each of us may choose to enjoy our Aneros sessions.

Plan C is what works for me too.

Somehow that doesn't surprise me. 😉

Thanks Pan for your particulars here and again for our previous discussions of our similar physical histories!

No need to thank me brother. I've always been grateful for our discussions regarding how these practices intersect with our physical challenges. It's heartening for me to know we are traveling on similar paths and still reaping similar rewards!

It is fascinating that your imagery is so ejaculation focused when differentiating orgasmic response from ejaculation response is a crucial step in both Aneros and KSMO.

Indeed, I can see how it makes for a bit of a paradox! LOL.

I suppose a little more explanation is in order here. When describing the Fantasy Method, I recommend focusing on the sensations of ejaculatory orgasm for a couple reasons:

First - the process building up to and including ejaculation, involves all of the same nerves, muscles, etc associated with the Super-O, and most importantly the prostate. And since the body doesn't know the difference between an imagined ejaculation and a real one, vividly fantasizing about it, stimulates all of those areas automatically (often much more so than contractions alone). This stimulation leads to an increase in pleasurable awareness of the prostate. And since the Aneros is already gently massaging that area (even without any contractions), once a certain "critical mass" of sensation is achieved in that area, the body naturally responds to the presence of the Aneros with the same automatic, involuntary contractions associated with both ejaculation and the Super-O. This is the crossroads where these two, seemingly opposite physiological responses intersect. The spontaneous orgasmic contractions are essentially the same. However without physical penile stimulation and/or erection, the body simply defaults to the Super-O (and all of the wonderful pleasures that come with it!).

Second - I find that the Fantasy Method works best by drawing on and amplifying sense memories from one's previous orgasmic experiences. Since I've only discussed this method with new practitioners thus far, I try to keep the instructions within their current realm of orgasmic experience, which is most likely limited to ejaculation. It's a sensation that all men can associate with, so in my opinion, it's the best place to start.

Of course, as one's repertoire expands, so does one's options until they are only as limited as one's imagination.

Personally, I use the Fantasy Method as a powerful form of self-hypnosis to help enhance and expand everything from full-body orgasms and kundalini awakenings, to emotional and spiritual growth. But it all started as an experiment to see what would happen if I focused purely on the sensations of continual ejaculatory orgasm without actually doing anything physical. The result was my first fantasy-generated Super-O.

So, once having accomplished the rewiring of the differentiation, as you have, using the imagery of ejaculation does not take you back into the ejaculation circuitry, I assume!?!

As a matter of fact, after a few years, it did eventually lead me to experience some involuntary ejaculations (and also what I call "streaming ejaculations," where the semen pours out slowly in one continuous stream), during my Aneros sessions. Eventually, I found myself so "in tune" with my ejaculatory process that I could in fact, ejaculate in as little as a couple minutes, even without the Aneros or any physical stimulation at all. And it's an ability that has stayed with me ever since.

For awhile, I was indeed slightly concerned that I might have taken the re-wiring process a little too far. But within a few months, I found myself settling into a very comfortable balance between wet and dry orgasms, where both seemed equally more accessible to me than before.

In terms of multiple, dry, KSMO-style orgasms and/or Super-O's, I can still enjoy them for hours during sex, masturbation, or Aneros sessions without feeling any urge to ejaculate, just like before. I still average about one voluntary ejaculation per week or less, and almost never ejaculate involuntarily, as has been the case for the past 7 years or so. If anything, I feel that through this process I have simply gained a whole new area to explore in terms of how I choose to ejaculate. And I must admit, as time goes by, I find ejaculating purely through fantasy far more pleasurable than any other method, except of course, while making love to my wife. 😀

Currently, on the days that I do choose to ejaculate, I am learning to hover at the Point of No Return for long periods of time, purely through fantasy, without the Aneros or any form of physical stimulation. It's basically a form of mental "edging," that oddly enough seems to be helping me expand my non-ejaculatory orgasmic capacity even more. I've never seen this particular practice discussed anywhere, so if anyone else is doing it, I'd love to compare notes!

My imagery is different and secondary...

As well it should be! Like I said, as far as the Fantasy Method goes, the focus on ejaculation is just a launching point for those who have yet to experience multiple orgasms or the Super-O. Once that has been achieved, the possibilities are limitless. 😉

Whoops! Got to go... will return and complete that thought later 🙄

all the best all


LOL! Well, as always I'm greatly anticipating your thoughts on this.

Until then!


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Thanks Guys,
I knew I could count on you super users for some wisdom.
I'm off to work in the bush for the week and guess what, I'm taking my Aneros with me!:D So I'll be offline but practicing. I'll report back with my findings, you never know what might happen!
See Ya

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that was a really fantastic set of posts.


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For myself I have found fantasy while using the aneros to be different from fantasy while trying to ejaculate. While trying to ejaculate they are very visual. It usually involves some storyline with attractive women. While using the aneros the fantasy is very tactile. I concentrate on feelings and experinces and a state of being. There is very little "visual" fantasy.

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This has been a very informative and interesting thread to read.
Thanks for everyone posting such good information here in the forum.


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I had 3 sessions using your method Pan, well, my attempted versions of your method at least. Whilst the results were not spectacular, I feel I'm still moving forward and widening my experience. I had some different sensations, at one point I could feel something building in my (flaccid) penis, a first for my Aneros use, it grew to a point to where I felt I was about 3 thrusts from the point of no return, but never any closer, all the time having light involuntaries. The funny thing was, when my mind wandered ( I have a habit of that) I was quickly reminded of what I should be doing by a short series of stronger involuntary contractions, even a surging feeling, a very pleasant feeling, could this be a mini-O?
Thanks to all for you contributions to this thread. Looks like my training wheels a on for a lot longer yet! I realise you are a long time practitioner Pan, but you are experiencing things I haven't dreamt of or thought possible!


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My orgasms often hit me when I am distracted... don't know why. I guess you experienced something similar.

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I can't believe that I missed this thread last week! Very informative and enlightening. Thanks to all the contributors and especially Pan for being able to put it all into words.

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My orgasms often hit me when I am distracted... don't know why. I guess you experienced something similar.

Orgasms or ejaculation? My experience is when I'm distracted in traditional penile masturbation focusing more on the visual stimuli of the moment rather than on my breathing and what is happening down there, I will give it that one stroke too many and ejaculation is inevitable. Up until that last stroke however there usually have been several orgasms. The most profound phallic masturbation sessions seem to be when no outside stimulus (porn or erotic) is used. My cock just gets hard and is ready to go; can settle in for an hour or two and discover some new mystical territory. Aneros sessions are obviously a different kettle of fish.

Great thread btw! Very informative and interesting.

Since this topic has evolved into a discussion on fantasy and visualization... I have imagined/visualized/fantazed my wife's labia while edging during a series of penile orgasms. Unfortunately that's about as close as I get to her naughty bits these days (why oh why does estrogen replacement have all those health risks?) During aneros sessions, once the thing settles in and starts working on it's own, I just try to experience the sensations and the white light of pure bliss.

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Pan, thanks for the great input in your first point, Your first post was clear and to the point. It had no vague phrases such as "try to see what works" and "focus on the sensations". I have been on the forums and chat events for a while now and i didn't know it was gonna be that hard of a thing to do but you are the first person who has discussed a SPECIFIC, clear method/strategy. And let me tell you, it's REALLY helping me. YES, i've talked to all the experts(who have also provided highly valuable input and taught me a lot) and here comes Pan with exactly what i was looking for: SPECIFIC, not VAGUE instructions for me to try to see if it works for me and IT DID !!!!! Well i haven't had a Super-O but as pessimistic of a person i am, Pan's SPECIFIC input was so valuable that i feel more confident than ever.

I did exactly what he said. Relaxed(which i already knew the importance of) and focused on an ejaculatory orgasm. I kept visualizing a really hot girl riding me and taking me to the brink of orgasm. I focused all my attention on this. In a matter of seconds, my heart started to beat faster and i felt something building up in my whole body and the excitement grew and i had several P-waves !!!! I only had 1 precious P-wave in a whole year and with Pan's method, i had several P-waves in only 20 minutes It felt so good !!

I'm one step closer to the big prize now and for now, i've made progress.

I just have a couple questions though.

1. Even though its working for me, i recall many people saying that we shouldn't focus our attention on the penis because it redirects neural impulses away from the prostate. Is this true? I was visualizing having sex and my penis feeling really good.

2. I wanna make sure i'm doing this right. There are absolutely no contractions in Pan's method C right? I didn't attempt any contractions so i wanted to make sure that Pan's method C doesn't have any contractions.

3. I used ID Mellinnium , the silicone based lube for the first time. In about 20 minutes, the Aneros was dry! This is probably my biggest problem right now, as i've discussed with Arctic: the lube problem. I need to use a lube that wont dry out!! Any suggestions !! Please help.

Thanks all

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Hey Sky_Walker,
personally, I use option C:
1. Relax and do nothing (no contractions or strokes).
2. Lose myself in the most erotic sexual fantasy I can imagine.
3. Begin to focus that fantasy almost entirely on the sensations of continuous, intensely pleasurable ejaculatory orgasm(s).
4. Continue imagining that I am enjoying endless orgasmic ejaculatory contractions until my body automatically triggers a Super-O.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until satisfied.
Option C (what I like to call the "Fantasy Method") requires no physical effort and as long as you remain focused purely on enjoying your fantasy, conveniently bypasses any sense of "trying." Focusing exclusively on your fantasy rather than your body or the Aneros (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!) helps remove your conscious involvement from the process and allows your body to give you the Super-O. It's simply the fastest, easiest, and most direct way I know to achieve and enjoy Super-O's, especially for those who feel "stuck on the edge." It also happens to be a lot of fun.

When I use the fantasy method, he Aneros truly does take over, but I lose my concentration during the full body shaking and twitching that happens soon after fantasizing, how do I hold on? Any suggestions?

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I can attest to Pan's method "c" as well it works, but.......... it's hard to imagine something you never experienced.

I can imagine multiple orgasms with the Aneros just slightly because there have been rare cases where I have used the Aneros and ************** prostate massager to have multiples for up to two or three minutes. It's not much as far as other people’s Aneros experiences go when they have those feelings for hours, but It gave me the experience I need to know what to look out for.

Every normal man has experienced what an orgasm feels like, but in my opinion multiple orgasms with the Aneros feels quite different. Sharper, more intense, sweeter I guess. Of course those multiples have all been mini-o's, I think.

In saying that if I tried to experience what a traditional orgasm feels like over and over it would be difficult because it doesn’t register the same.

The overall pulsing sensations of any orgasm are quite similar though.

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Am I ever glad somebody reawakened this thread! Somehow I missed it when it was originally posted and I am sure happy I didn't miss it this time 😀

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Hi again Sky_Walker and Pan, matt and chris_SoCal!

Hey artform! I'm so glad you decided to join the discussion!

Thanks brother Pan. My delay in getting back and picking up this discussion with you is due to continued problems and rest in healing from another whiplash and concussion injury, this time pedestrian, rather than the two close vehicular ones of my late teens.

This is a key conversation, IMHO. And I believe it points to flexibility too in our full range of experience potentials.

I certainly agree. And I hope that by further discussing alternatives like the Fantasy Method, we can help to provide a greater sense of freedom and flexibility in how each of us may choose to enjoy our Aneros sessions.

I have found both the Fantasy method and what I have called the Muscle Memory method to be very useful additional arrows in the quiver. But Muscle Memory may be limited to those experienced with yoga or at least successful inner body visualization: being able to mentally connect with a specific body element, isolate and activate it in an unusual way. For example focusing on a wound, visible or internal and actually being able to accelerate its healing.

I used my MGX, when I had temporarily reached a plateau before any Aneros-induced Super-O, and practised having my prostate and its rectal muscle wall cover reach out to contact the tip of the MGX and have them caress it. I called it "polishing the knob". Mine does this hungrily for mrs. a's finger anytime! 😆

Perhaps that was the key, butt it worked with the Aneros and I could then replicate that sensation anytime at will without the Aneros and launch the energies, the Butt Buzz and P-waves, mini-Os and dry-Os and beyond... anytime. The muscles there actually flex gently when I "recall" that memory and the physical stimulus prostate fuse is ignited that easily. Perhaps it's just the trick of an adept with an unusual background. Or, this might be useful for others needing to "do something", just as the Fantasy Method has wide appeal and application.

Plan C is what works for me too.

Somehow that doesn't surprise me. 😉

Indeed! 😆

Thanks Pan for your particulars here and again for our previous discussions of our similar physical histories!

No need to thank me brother. I've always been grateful for our discussions regarding how these practices intersect with our physical challenges. It's heartening for me to know we are traveling on similar paths and still reaping similar rewards!

The biggest irony this time is that in healing this time I have been able to make improvements in my posture and found a clear energy path up the spine/neck without the constrictions that had been difficult to overcome in circulating the energies. It seems analogous to the idea of breaking a badly set broken arm to reset it properly. Though I had no intention of going through all this again, 🙁 , as the saying goes, anything that doesn't kill you, improves you (if you recognize how to leverage it!):roll:

On reflection, all the healing we each have had to do has had to have been a major influence on our body/mind response to this erotic and general neural rewiring. Since the individual journey that each and all of us take with the disciplines of male multiple dry orgasms, and the full life force and spiritual energies one can reach through this learning and these experiences are necessarily influenced to a greater or lesser degree by our earlier experiences in life, worst case would be a lonely highly individualized unique journey.

The great thing of course is that that extreme is not the way it works for most and it is great to see others adopting and progressing faster using your description of the Fantasy Method here! Mrs. a and I are so grateful for Aneros and KSMO and the huge leaps they have enabled for us. The sharing of stories is also a sharing of these energies and we are also so grateful to you and your wife for sharing yours here and on Jack's CD set.

It is fascinating that your imagery is so ejaculation focused when differentiating orgasmic response from ejaculation response is a crucial step in both Aneros and KSMO.

Indeed, I can see how it makes for a bit of a paradox! LOL.

I suppose a little more explanation is in order here. When describing the Fantasy Method, I recommend focusing on the sensations of ejaculatory orgasm for a couple reasons:

First - the process building up to and including ejaculation, involves all of the same nerves, muscles, etc associated with the Super-O, and most importantly the prostate. And since the body doesn't know the difference between an imagined ejaculation and a real one, vividly fantasizing about it, stimulates all of those areas automatically (often much more so than contractions alone). This stimulation leads to an increase in pleasurable awareness of the prostate. And since the Aneros is already gently massaging that area (even without any contractions), once a certain "critical mass" of sensation is achieved in that area, the body naturally responds to the presence of the Aneros with the same automatic, involuntary contractions associated with both ejaculation and the Super-O. This is the crossroads where these two, seemingly opposite physiological responses intersect. The spontaneous orgasmic contractions are essentially the same. However without physical penile stimulation and/or erection, the body simply defaults to the Super-O (and all of the wonderful pleasures that come with it!).

Second - I find that the Fantasy Method works best by drawing on and amplifying sense memories from one's previous orgasmic experiences. Since I've only discussed this method with new practitioners thus far, I try to keep the instructions within their current realm of orgasmic experience, which is most likely limited to ejaculation. It's a sensation that all men can associate with, so in my opinion, it's the best place to start.

Of course, as one's repertoire expands, so does one's options until they are only as limited as one's imagination.

Personally, I use the Fantasy Method as a powerful form of self-hypnosis to help enhance and expand everything from full-body orgasms and kundalini awakenings, to emotional and spiritual growth. But it all started as an experiment to see what would happen if I focused purely on the sensations of continual ejaculatory orgasm without actually doing anything physical. The result was my first fantasy-generated Super-O.

Agreed! And I too think that there is strong self-hypnosis here. At summer camp in my early teens I was found to be a good hypnosis/self-hypnosis participant, particularly in pain control. Soon after that I took up my early practice of yoga, again with pain control as part of the motivation and early successes.

So, once having accomplished the rewiring of the differentiation, as you have, using the imagery of ejaculation does not take you back into the ejaculation circuitry, I assume!?!

As a matter of fact, after a few years, it did eventually lead me to experience some involuntary ejaculations (and also what I call "streaming ejaculations," where the semen pours out slowly in one continuous stream), during my Aneros sessions. Eventually, I found myself so "in tune" with my ejaculatory process that I could in fact, ejaculate in as little as a couple minutes, even without the Aneros or any physical stimulation at all. And it's an ability that has stayed with me ever since.

For awhile, I was indeed slightly concerned that I might have taken the re-wiring process a little too far. But within a few months, I found myself settling into a very comfortable balance between wet and dry orgasms, where both seemed equally more accessible to me than before.

In terms of multiple, dry, KSMO-style orgasms and/or Super-O's, I can still enjoy them for hours during sex, masturbation, or Aneros sessions without feeling any urge to ejaculate, just like before. I still average about one voluntary ejaculation per week or less, and almost never ejaculate involuntarily, as has been the case for the past 7 years or so. If anything, I feel that through this process I have simply gained a whole new area to explore in terms of how I choose to ejaculate. And I must admit, as time goes by, I find ejaculating purely through fantasy far more pleasurable than any other method, except of course, while making love to my wife. 😀

Currently, on the days that I do choose to ejaculate, I am learning to hover at the Point of No Return for long periods of time, purely through fantasy, without the Aneros or any form of physical stimulation. It's basically a form of mental "edging," that oddly enough seems to be helping me expand my non-ejaculatory orgasmic capacity even more. I've never seen this particular practice discussed anywhere, so if anyone else is doing it, I'd love to compare notes!

Nor have I. In my youth I never had a "wet dream" or any "nocturnal emissions". Since taking up Aneros and KSMO however, I have had evidence in my briefs in the morning on several occasions that this can be a late onset phenomenon. So separating the orgasmic response from the ejaculatory response seems to have also freed up the ejaculatory one too!

Although I am sensitive to my dreams, I have had no memories associated with these events on waking. Just sitting here typing the body/mind is rummaging around down there to feel just what can be put together to make this work. My hunch is that I have been subconsciously playing in that direction somewhere below one of my favourite liminal perches, hypnagogia. As always you are an inspiration! Another Flow phenomenon on the sensory/sensual horizon...

Wait a minute! If I was tossing or moving significantly in my sleep, mrs. a would waken and... Perhaps my nocturnal emissions are flows... Who knows... yet 😉

Anybody else?

My imagery is different and secondary...

As well it should be! Like I said, as far as the Fantasy Method goes, the focus on ejaculation is just a launching point for those who have yet to experience multiple orgasms or the Super-O. Once that has been achieved, the possibilities are limitless. 😉

Yes, limitless. I understand the appeal and utility of focusing on the body/mind's established experience of orgasm while withholding any penile stimulus. It too is a form of muscle/nerve memory technique training in that sense. It is a wonderful alternate route to the bigger dry orgasmic responses! I have always had energetic responses to music, other arts and environment experiences. Those energies can be chi (life force) or shen (spiritual), butt they can also be jing (orgasmic) to use the Taoist naming tradition. esfenoides has a current thread Non-erotic orgasms, aneros can be non sexual where the spiritual orgasm thoughts come forward again. I again included your link to the Michael Winn article The Quest for Spiritual Orgasm.

As we all get to the full spectrum of energies through these practices our whole "being in the world" can be felt as an orgasmic adventure. Long before joining Jack's KSMO group, I loved resonance and feeling sound/music in specific parts of my body. The more pleasure-inducing parts quickly became a priority. I have had a prostate resonant tuning for singing for years. Up, up and away... In a recent KSMO Chat, I mentioned that I had tuned my Key Sound to resonate with my prostate. Jack LOLed. I think that is part of why KSMO worked so soon, so naturally and so powerfully for me.

I have grown up with a case of synaesthesia, of cross-over sensory inputs and imagery. Music can therefore be visual, tactile and kinaestheic, as well as auditory, all at once. All the senses can trigger and mix easily and fantastically, so I have a repertoire of professional and recreational memories and imaginings that contain energies that can and do concentrate as JING! and away we go!

We do Chi Walking and other specific Taoist techniques too to gather and concentrate chi and, as Jack says, "calmpost" that energy into the whole body/mind system to go spiritual voyaging and/or high energetic orgasmic adventures with mrs. a! 😀 😀 😀

Whoops! Got to go... will return and complete that thought later 🙄

all the best all


LOL! Well, as always I'm greatly anticipating your thoughts on this.

Until then!


Great to have this time warp chat Pan! 😀

Have you seen the recent KSMO Chat and Jack's suggested tour of the site search "microcosmic orbit"? Hope to chat live with you again soon!

all the best to you and your wife, and all who are experimenting with these imagery and muscle memory methods


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PS Pan!

After reflecting on your Sperm Flow Orgasms I had another possible connection cum to mind and a further question...

First the possible connection. Mrs. a has developed the ability for female ejaculatory orgasms, but she does not "squirt", that is project a fluid stream out and through the air. She flows from relatively rapidly (large volume over 30 seconds to a minute) to slower and sometimes periodic (3 to 10 minutes). Ergo my naming her phenomena the "flowing waters of the goddess".

So, I wonder if you, having several layers of rewiring and alternative circuits, are into a circuit that facilitates this kind of range in females as also being available for males?

The "further" question is simple. You have described this sperm flow as very pleasurable. Would you call it another form of orgasm, possibly a Sperm Flow Orgasm?

OK, one more question. Do you get, or can you open up, the same complete sensations and pleasure without the actual flow? The feeling of having gone beyond PONR without the flow actually happening?

your forensic friend 😆


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Thank you Pan for putting your technique in such a simple way. I will definitely try this the next time I have a session.



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I haven't had the body shaking Super-O yet, but am enjoying long periods of the calm seas orgasms (about 45 minutes without much letup this morning, the PONR feelings referred to here on this forum).

I happened onto something that has helped me to get to these feelings rather quickly and sustain them. One morning I put my cup of coffee into my lap. Specifically, slightly above the penis. The warmth probably increased the flow of blood to the area. I found that since doing this, I don't have to think about anything specifically, I just try to fully relax. Pretty soon the good feelings begin.

When the coffee gets too cool, I top it off. A word of caution though: If your coffee is very hot, you better have something between the cup and your little man when he salutes.

This also does create a dilemma of whether to drink the coffee or use it in the aforementioned fashion. 🙂 I find myself drinking a lot of tepid coffee these mornings.

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Hi again Sky_Walker and Pan, matt and chris_SoCal!

This is a key conversation, IMHO. And I believe it points to flexibility too in our full range of experience potentials.

Plan C is what works for me too. Thanks Pan for your particulars here and again for our previous discussions of our similar physical histories! It is fascinating that your imagery is so ejaculation focused when differentiating orgasmic response from ejaculation response is a crucial step in both Aneros and KSMO. So, once having accomplished the rewiring of the differentiation, as you have, using the imagery of ejaculation does not take you back into the ejaculation circuitry, I assume!?!

My imagery is different and secondary...

Whoops! Got to go... will return and complete that thought later 🙄

all the best all


I have a theory on why that might be so. I don't think it really matters what you visualize. Just what ever it is has to be very pleasurable for them. Ejaculation is about the most pleasurable thing most men experience so it makes sense.

One time after a session I was washing my hands, the feeling of warmth in the water was so insanely pleasurable that it triggered an orgasm. When I am really aroused if I deeply focus on great music I can create the same feelings.

I think some people when it comes to fantasy greatly limit themselves. They think they have to fantasize about something inherently sexual. Not at all, just gotta imagine anything that brings you pleasure.

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Hey Sky_Walker,

personally, I use option C:

1. Relax and do nothing (no contractions or strokes).
2. Lose myself in the most erotic sexual fantasy I can imagine.
3. Begin to focus that fantasy almost entirely on the sensations of continuous, intensely pleasurable ejaculatory orgasm(s).
4. Continue imagining that I am enjoying endless orgasmic ejaculatory contractions until my body automatically triggers a Super-O.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until satisfied.

Option C (what I like to call the "Fantasy Method") requires no physical effort and as long as you remain focused purely on enjoying your fantasy, conveniently bypasses any sense of "trying." Focusing exclusively on your fantasy rather than your body or the Aneros (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!) helps remove your conscious involvement from the process and allows your body to give you the Super-O. It's simply the fastest, easiest, and most direct way I know to achieve and enjoy Super-O's, especially for those who feel "stuck on the edge." It also happens to be a lot of fun.

Hope this helps.

Best of luck!


Pan, don't you have experience with actual sex and multiple orgasms? That's my ultimate goal. It seems like anything less than multiple orgasms during "conventional" thrusting sex is in a significant way less than ideal.

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